I know I haven't written in my journal in a few days, sorry. I've had my hands full chasing my 9 month old daughter around my apartment. She especailly thinks it's funny when she crawls under the bed and laughs at me when I crawl after her. She drives me crazy but I love her to death and wouldn't give her up for the entire universe. She can almost stand up on her own. It so cute to watch her stand then fall on her butt because she gets this "I meant to do that" look and starts laughing. She has her two bottom front teeth. She refuses to use the teething toys I got her and prefers to chew on my knuckles. I know she doesn't mean to but those little razor blades she calls teeth hurt, especially when she grinds them against the side of my knuckles. Though she thinks that just the funniest thing in the world. She can say ma-ma and da-da, dad and daddy but, most of the time, she just screaches in my ear. I've gotten more than one headache that way but she just gives me her "you know you love me" look.
Well, this is my veiw on Clinton and Obama. I don't really like either of them but I don't hate them either. There's only one problem that I can see. If you vote for Clinton, people could and would call you racist. If you vote for Obama, people could and would call you sexist. You should be able to vote the way you want without having to deal with the shallow and simple minded idiots of the world because you didn't vote their way.
My veiw on the war is very simple. We need to stop playing it their way, pull our troops out and bomb Iraq. We've lost way to many of our troops to roadside bombs and suicide bombers because they're not brave enough to face us head on. Had the president taken care of the problem when it first occured, it wouldn't still exist today.
I feel the way you are on this vote in the best lairs and cheaters to run this country deep into the ground. On the war ordeal I feel like that is what they should have done in the first place. bomb the bloody hell and clean up what was left of them. Your views are alot like many in a way of speaking.
I'm not used to keeping a journal. I had one long ago but haven't kept one since. This could be interesting. Some of my thoughts are pretty morbid and others run along the lines of not giving a damn what people think. They are my thoughts and feelings. I'm not asking you to agree or disagree with them. I'm also not asking or telling you that you have to share my opinion, that would just be way beyond idiotic. I just ask that, if you read this, not to judge me for what I think or try to tell me I'm wrong for thinking a certain way. Everyone has a different opinion and I would like you to respect mine. Thnx!
05:52 Feb 27 2008
she sounds very cute
17:08 Mar 21 2008
she is sooooo cute I love talking to her on the phone :)