Caligo's Journal

Caligo's Journal


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6 entries this month

What Makes Life Worth Living?

18:06 Oct 08 2009
Times Read: 540

What makes life worth living?

Is it the way a lover's dazzling eyes stare into yours

And make you feel so wanted?

Is it how they encircle you when you cry

because you got pricked by a thorn?

Life is worth living when he protects her from all harm.

When he is sprawled out on the couch and asks her to come over

Because she is the most precious thing to him

And he has a splendid time every time he sees and spends time with her.

He says that one day her and him

Will live in the mountains where the weather is not arid

And they can look at the beauty of the view

He exalts every time she laughs because

He hates seeing her ardent

And when she is, his heart is enflamed

This is what makes life worth living.




Another Day

18:02 Oct 08 2009
Times Read: 541

Sometimes I don't think I'll last another day,

but you sit and tell me, "It's okay."

Honestly babe, without you in my life,

it would be completely filled with strife.

That day when you finally found me,

Through my eyes I couldn't see.

You opened them up and let me know,

How much you truely love me so.

Days go by that I'm without you

then I remember that you need me too.

One day when I'm laying in bed,

You'll be beside me while resting my head.




Diabetic Round-About

18:01 Oct 08 2009
Times Read: 542

Diabetes isn't the end of the world,

though I think it is.

Diabetes is just eight finger sticks a day.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

Diabetes is like having a fresh start,

or so the doctors said.

Forget about the all-you-can-eat

forget about the "bad" sugars.

Your energy drinks, candy bars, cakes need to go.

You'll soon cut the pounds fast,

you just wait and see.

Insulin is your best buddy.

You'll love nothing more.

Though I kind of hate it,

but I'd die without it.

It can be a vicious little thing

and make you low,

because more than enough is no good.

If you're irresponsible,

you'll face the consequences.

Damage yourself badly.

Blood sugars roll up higher and higher.

Thirst becomes unbearable.

Electrolyte imbalances and leg cramping,

a trip to the hospital because of this is no fun.

Take care of your Diabetes

the best you can,

before it takes care of you!




Absolute Mayhem

18:00 Oct 08 2009
Times Read: 543

I am on my way to a restaurant

When all of a sudden I get this sick feeling

Because right there across the street in front of me

Are Pro-life protesters

You know, the ones with the gigantic signs of unborn dead babies

I feel as if my stomach is tossing and turning

I just lost my appetite

They sound as if they are chainsaws ripping through trees

As they scream "baby killer" at pregnant women

Entering a clinic for an abortion

They are like a herd of buffalo,

They don't stop, once started

It enrages me

Makes me feel as if I have one thousand cuts on my body

When they say that we are murderers if we want an abortion

When really that thing inside of us isn't even living

Until after three months

But I guess their ranting is better then those signs

The signs make me sick, not change my view

What ever happened to women's rights?

Can't we do what we want with our bodies?

This is enough

I can't take it anymore

Abortion is nobody's choice

But the woman's

Nobody else's!





23:09 Oct 06 2009
Times Read: 557

My dear Ray,

How I’ve missed you so.

I am constantly thinking of you.

Can’t get you out of my head,

but I don’t want to stop.

I just lay in my bed,

picturing you beside me.

I dream of what it’d be like to

feel your touch, your kiss, your warm embrace.

Experience every single desire we have for

each other.

Feels like torture sitting here waiting for

the next time I get to talk to you.

But it’s all worth it in the end,

because the thing that makes my day

and makes me completely happy,

is you.

I love your eyes, your smile,

your voice with that sexy deepness..

But the most important message

of it all is simply this:

I love you.



05:50 Oct 07 2009

being in love is a wonderful feeling i know it well


Reoccurring Thoughts

23:06 Oct 06 2009
Times Read: 558

I smiled today and I bet you’re wondering why.

Well I was thinking about you all day again.

I don’t think there is a day where you

haven’t crossed my mind.

I begin each day thinking about you,

wondering how you are,

wondering what you’re doing,

if you’re thinking about me

dreaming about me, and

if you love me as much as I do you.

I end my day by dreaming about you.

There is nothing like the thought of

what it’d be like to be albe to spend the day with you.

Being able to just sit face to face and actually talk.

Not instant message.


I want to experience being able

to give you an nice big hug.

and a passionate yet kinky kiss.

I want to be able to actually

show you some love for real.

Instead of showing it via tags and comments.

No matter how hot or sweet they are,

I bet in real life it’d be

out of this world.



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