Cadrewolf2's Journal

Cadrewolf2's Journal


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3 entries this month


00:49 Oct 08 2024
Times Read: 12

The moon so quiet,
The howl in the night
Wolfs are playing
Cuz the moods so right.

The crickets are singing,
Under the dry leaves
Music is there;
No instruments are seen.

The air so cool,
Like your breath on my skin
Soft fingers that caress,
Tis almost a sin.

The lonely nights,
Get tougher each day
When the one I love
Is so far away.

Where is my love,
Who’s arms are you in
I send you my love;
On the wind it swims.

Do you hear it,
Or do you care;
For the love I give
And willing to share.

Do you listen to the night,
Creatures that sing
The voices cry out,
Hoping a love it brings.

Your fragrance is...
Everywhere around,
Fills my nose
My emotions are bound.

Are you thinking of me;
Do I come in your dreams
Love and caress your beauty,
Foolish it might seem.

To hold you once more,
This day or the next;
The love is holding you
And not just the sex.

Do I please you,
Whenever we touch,
Is your heart a glow,
Why do I care so much.

If I gave you my heart,
To you on a string;
To wear around your neck
And feel the love it brings

To taste your nectar,
Like a bee to a flower
Let it cover my body;
Like a warm summer shower.

Are you my soul mate;
Or my destiny to be
For the love I want
I can only dream.

To share our hearts,
Thru thick and thin
Just like my ring
Does not end or begin.

Just like a dream
Those special chances;
To touch and hold
Those playful glances.

I feel so hurt,
For I know what I want,
Seeing your face;
My dreams it does taunt.

I wish I knew the answers
To the puzzles of life,
Cuz someday; Just someday
I want you as my wife.

Are you an angel,
That has come into my life
Showing me a new way;
That love can be so right.

Another life,
Or some other time
Two lost souls,
Hoping to find.

Someone special,
Or a person who cares,
Someone to hold
An answered prayer.

I never thought,
Life could be sweet;
Until you arrived
Swept me off my feet.

A love I never knew,
So loving and pure;
What is it about you
What is your lure.

Your gentle warm touch,
The encouragement you give
Sweetness of your soul,
For freedom you live.

You always there,
Both day and night
Whether awake or sleep;
Your my guiding light.

I love you sweet, Roo,
With body or soul
Waiting for the next time
We can love and hold.

Each other through...
Those lonely nights,
To show our undying love;
Until morning light.





00:38 Oct 04 2024
Times Read: 32

Can you really hear,
The pounding of my heart
Feelings for you
Where do I start.

Your gentle touch,
The softness I admire;
Your look, your smile
Can I control such a desire.

Fragrance of your body
What can I say
I miss it more
With each passing day.

Your so strong,
At work, and at home;
Leaving a mark
On who ever you know.

Your flowing hair,
Sets me on fire
The love I have,
Could it get any higher.

We laugh and joke,
Friends having fun
The dance we shared,
That’s how it begun.

Feelings I hide
No one can know,
Would they understand
If they could be told.

Gentleness and compassion,
Are your biggest traits;
No one can ever
Argue or debate.

To many things,
Your qualities are true;
When your not around,
Oh, how I miss you.

Those special words,
I want to hear;
But you hold back,
What do you fear,

Oh, how I want
To show me you care,
For when were together
The passion we share.

Longing for the days,
That we are one
My feelings are true
When it’s all said and done.





00:38 Oct 02 2024
Times Read: 52

Erone’ sat and pondered,
His mind gave chase;
Visions in his head,
Of that special place.

Where he and Tess,
Laughed and did play;
For the love they had,
Wasn’t supposed to be that way.

Erone’ and Tess’ hearts,
Did belong to each other;
Although their bodies,
Did belong to another.

They had a special love,
Not everybody shares;
The looks and talks
The feelings of care

Can simple words,
Describe the beauty Tess holds;
If there is such a thing,
Erone’ doesn’t know.

The way Tess
Caresses his face;
Bringing his love,
To another place

No other woman has brought,
Erone’ so much pleasure;
The moments he spends with Tess,
Erone will always treasure.

A special meeting,
To brighten Erones day;
The way Tess looks at,
Him a certain way.

A night of passion,
Filled with delight;
The way Tess touches,
It feels so right.

Bodies entangled,
With sounds of romance;
Fulfilling their fantasy,
At every chance

The smell of her body,
Fills Erone’s sense;
Never stop loving Tess,
Tell they are both spent.

They lie there,
Cuddling in content;
Is it time to go?
Hopefully not yet

They laugh and play,
The rest of the night;
And talk of the future,
Come what might

Then all at once,
Their night must end;
And return to the life,
From once it began.

Times are too short,
When they are one;
Feelings of loss,
When all is done.

Just for awhile,
Never forever;
One day soon,
Erone’ and Tess will be together

Does Tess know how?
To do what she feels;
Yes, only then,
Will her love be revealed?

Make two hearts as one,
With love so much;
Expressing their feelings,
With words and touch.

Then Erone’ and Tess,
Will always be;
Together forever,
Now and for eternity.



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