Love a strange yet powerful tool that we use to entice the opposite sex for passion, companionship, or what they may offer us. For if love is strong between two very like souls, they will eventually grow together in the direction that they both enjoy together. This to my knowledge is what love can be eventually determined as love.
Two forces that co exist on the other for the future is yet not established and is a journey to the unknown. But yet they strive to please the other no matter the task that lays before them or what it might involve. For they need not like it or don’t understand the concept, but the love for the other will be done without any reasoning or pondering to stray them away from the other. Most dissolved marriages or relationships have come to be for they lose the interesting things in life that what was once new to their existence. The relationship comes boring in its own certain way, for they know what to expect in every day life. There’s no uncertainty that might happen, for they go to work, come home and sleep.
Even the sex that they share with each other becomes a everyday chore. There are no surprises or special fantasies that are played out. For if we make everyday new or exciting to the other the need for downfall will never come to be. So make romance, make passionate love; even if you may not like a certain style or thing, and work for that unknown future together.
Yet in life the word of love is more complicate than that of any other emotion that us humans may experience in our lives. For no one really can interpret the meaning of love or the value we put upon these people that we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Many studies have been observed to try and reason the many characteristics with love, yet to this day no one can determine what causes love or the feelings in which it generates.
The mystery of love has been interpreted in many of the centuries that have past. What do you consider love? For every persons meaning of love can not be the same as someone else’s. The love for a dear one that shares your existence, the love for security as for money or material belongings. Yet the power of love in today’s society is used to bluntly. For the meaning of love is no more meaningful than the word of hate. For humans have mistook the feelings that they share for another even if it’s not love
Is a woman’s lure so powerful that she can radiate with so much beauty and elegance, that in fact the words she utters through her soft lips are those of lies and mistrust. For in this world we are condemned to believe what is said to us by the ones we love and trust. Yet I have come to believe that these words not spoken are yet more hurtful than the words which we are told. Yet the mortal body gives us other signs of what has happened in every day life and that in death, when in fact words are not given to the cause. For instance a person, who receives a head trauma in an accident and is clinically dead, cannot tell us of his own timely demise, yet we investigate and find out what injuries they have sustained and come to our own logical reasoning of their death.
For death is a mystery that most cannot imagine. for the blackness for eternity with no realism of the living. For we fear it, love it and mourn it, yet to grasp what's on the other side is a new adventure in humans mind. for what if the ideas of myth and lore is that we once again are born or is it a dimension that our soul remains trapped in the routine life we once had.
Is a woman’s lure so powerful that she can radiate with so much beauty and elegance, that in fact the words she utters through her soft lips are those of lies and mistrust. For in this world we are condemned to believe what is said to us by the ones we love and trust. Yet I have come to believe that these words not spoken are yet more hurtful than the words which we are told. Yet the mortal body gives us other signs of what has happened in every day life and that in death, when in fact words are not given to the cause. For instance a person, who receives a head trauma in an accident and is clinically dead, cannot tell us of his own timely demise, yet we investigate and find out what injuries they have sustained and come to our own logical reasoning of their death.
For death is a mystery that most cannot imagine. for the blackness for eternity with no realism of the living. For we fear it, love it and mourn it, yet to grasp what's on the other side is a new adventure in humans mind.
The day yet still seems to linger, Mother Nature has started her cool down period to prepare for the upcoming weather. Clouds seem to play peek a- boo with the sun tormenting it, teasing it not to shine today. The gentle breeze seems to cover my body with tingles as to play with my emotional state; the mist in the air feels as if a million tears are giving this town a break from the sweltering heat we have. A joyful day, yet a little relaxed, for life as we know changes so much, the clock of time seem to gain yet more speed. And this ever changing world seems to be headed for a point unknown. For if glimpse into the eyes of the mortals here there is frustration of life that has taken its toll and the ageless souls of our being. It is this life that depression has set into motion in the darkest reaches of our mind, to hamper, to close, to fail the thoughtful space and dreams we have, to reach forward and protect and give comfortable life to those we love and care for. The cities seem to explode outward to the far reaches of the boundaries of land to kill and hide the glorious countryside we once loved.
Love it seems is a force which all do seek in their life, yet it sometimes spoils like milk in time. Yet we should not give up for love can move a mountain and rationalize what we in fact need to keep our soul whole. Love has changed many on the outlooks of life and has said to change the appearance of humans. Is this the direction the world needs to calm the approaching cataclysm that the world does face?
For if humanity does not put the reins on this wild stead it will go wild and never be captured. Love is not the hot passion of sex; the sweet taste of salt on the body of our lover, the gentle warmth of our partners touch, or the sweet taste of their nectar that fills us with emotion of wanting more, the excitement as the fluids combine in a natural ecstasy of the night. But, the love of endurance of time and the emotional grasp of things going hand and hand tell the end. The partnership of love that will hold out the flaws of society and strive in the balance of fantasy and realism. For fantasy and dreams is in fact a rationalization of the minds subconscious.
For the fantasy which we hold every night, is our own escape of the pressures of everyday life. For if it is a dream of romance or adventure our mind looks for the escape of the mundane routines of life we all hold. We must break free from this culture and the society flaws of discrimination and hate in order to have a world our kids will enjoy and love; without the meaningless day to day routine we have gotten placed in. For do not get me wrong, I have loved a lot in my life yet the wonder of true love has always escaped me. A fantasy which we all seek and yet may never obtain.
The web of life is fragile under the emotional state of what it clings. For lies, deception will tatter the frays that bind it to the walls of the columns of life. For the blackened heart of life creates cracks in the fine silken threads we call home. Those who think they know the inner workings of me are not even given a glimpse into the blackened vault that is hid from society and friends. An evil so vile that if released would shatter the mirror of society and its paths that I have traveled.
The ghosts of the past imprisoned for they have once drained this soul almost to death. Locked up and hid and shunned to let not in my place of solitude. I am me; I can be nothing less or more, friendship that is given is given to protect and entice the will to write and dream and create. I value those who I call friends, yet blackened paths that miss guide this soul will be turned away from and not travel again. A vow I take to myself to veer from the path that harms and devours my essence.
Death calls too many times for me to worry about the dramas of others. I am me; I am or cannot be anything else, a friend, and a helper to create the passions hid in your soul.
I shall come back and view these thoughts and try to put some reasoning on this twisted soul, yet tiredness from the week as drain what life I have today. I think I shall rest today and try to find joy tomorrow whether in thoughts of things that had been pictures still fading in my mind. Or maybe I shall drive tell I see the sunset where ever it may be.
Today has been filled with sadness for it was my moms birthday. A year has passed since she joined the angels. I wanted to call her yet my mind snapped to the realism I cannot. A feeling of sorrow soon filled my heart. Thanks to friends for trying to perk me up. Yet the lonely work hours my mind fly’s back to my parents who are no longer here. Guilt of leaving when young to avoid the drinking and troubles. Yet deprived of the life that might have been. I do miss you both and cherish the time we did have. Rest and know I send my love to you both.