Cadmium's Journal

Cadmium's Journal


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14 entries this month


Surface again in light

19:29 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 494

the epiphanies of my failures

and the reaper of reputations

strip me to the bone

strip me to the bone, spit me bare to dry

licked repeatedly by the incinerating

UV rays of humanity.

care not for me.

care not.

hold me never.

laugh, laugh and walk away.

left to my own, my ingenuity.

i build myself, i create myself.

i unbrainwash myself!

years of reconstruction.

i succeed to emerge a greatness

an inner entity of amazement.

no one understands.

failure? i wonder

pain always lingering in the depths.

inadequacies, bullshit.

i push past, deal with, battle face to face

to leave dismembered on the floor.

step on it, stomp it deep.

plunge it down, to surface again in light


hold me, love me if your able.

never take for granted.

my soul, not of this life,

this place, these people, this society.

i am light.

capable of so many inconceivable things.

i am light

i need only when i let myself need.

i need you, only if to see me.

the true me, the me no one can possibly see

i cry, i love, i feel, i am awakened!






19:27 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 495

step on me, go ahead.

don't see my blood? truth be told it is red.

don't hesitate. I've been lying here for effervescent scores of time,

drifting in and out of knowing.

my heart sewn by the threads of chance.

so scared of pain and the hurts I've lived.

reluctantly the love i give,

is taken greedily, and selfish truths come into light.

cry i have like never before, my mistake to open the door.

lessons learned i did not heed

now i lay here on the floor to suffer my fate and bleed

darkness enveloping hope, jumping through hoops

with a noose around my throat.

praying each leap lands me on my pedestal,

without a false step.

the fatal end i know, waits for the careless step i take.

you the thief who stole the whole of me, all of me.

made me go where i swore i would not.

made me live my dreams.

made me step out into fantasy,

my reality,

came true to me,


i so foolishly.

no one will ever catch me. my heart will never be,

never see a safe horizon.

never be surrounded in true and trusting arms of strength.

i can not save you, i can not save anyone, for i need saving myself.

can you save me? will you try?

will you support my misguided step, before the noose pulls tight?

i am bleeding on the floor and running out of strength.

will you stop my blood from running, or will you merely drink??????




Beautiful Night

19:25 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 496

darkness seen in brilliant beauty

magnificence in the night of the soul

that wanders in search of truth

i wander in the seeking too.

through black gardens of violet ivy

boasting its plethora of blood red orchids.

gargoyles perched upon high posts protect me

from all the superficial lurking souls

this black night casts its beautiful light

and i wander in magic repose.

moonlight to kiss my fair skin, and gently caress my lips.

i take rest by a great willow languishing alone

i feel the energies gathering in strength

someone is coming for me, someone seeking me.

i am intrigued, i am afraid but will not flee.

i thrive within this beautiful nightmare

unseen charms entrance my vision

circling me around gloomy paths seen by glimpses of sun

breaking through the cimmerian darkness

a dark love comes, stronger than the light.

as beautiful and true as the dark of night

this unseen garden in the muck

along side its indigo rose, i walk alone.

untill i am found





19:23 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 497

watching them

they watching me

all of us in our own reverie.

them watching them,

watching you watching me.

all alone i seek.

falling from grace in a no mans land.

through empty space like desert sand

millions of moments pass by me unnoticed

eye through my looking glass,

sees through your eyes.

love me forever and tell me no lies.

tell me no lies my only, my lover.

for deceptions cause interceptions

in two hearts beating as one.

no lies and no falisies,

no deceptions between you and me.

entwining souls of a different time

they come haunting the present

from times long ago.

coming together with ones they already know

already held, already loved, already died for,

already before.





Find me True

19:22 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 498

cry the masks

of emotions shed

cast off the muse

cast off the dread

wims of deepest

dimensions advise

are you lost

within my eyes?

catapulting fantasies

drifting endless realities

i thrive within

the whole of you.

your magic draws me in

deeper than i know

are you feeling celestial

entwined within my skin?

let it linger if it may

and in its core we'll remain

and lovingly dissolve

another day.

the strings of hope

carry the music true

they bid you to me

there is naut but life

and mine is yours

cast us apart on different shores

you sail once again

this black ocean whole

and find me true,





Sleep writing

19:20 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 499

Lingering in your embrace

hold me tight and keep me safe

never let my fading dreams die

never allow desolation to fly

within the depths of a chaotic core

lock them away to haunt me no more

lingering in your embrace

the whole of me entirely

i am not displaced

hold me close and you protect

i walk the path of thieves

that blatantly neglect

lingering in your embrace

across porcelain skin

your fingers trace

a sigh so heavy as if to drug me

back to tranquil utopia

lingering in your embrace

i gently feel your breath

paint worlds across my neck

warm and dreamily, floating freely

drawn on high energy

engulfed and care free

i choose not to wake

lingering in your embrace





19:13 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 500

share with me my pain, my pity

share with me my loss, my loss

don't pretend, don't play games

i can see what you hold in.

i say nothing to this knowledge.

that you hide on the outside.

i know what you really think.

the secrets you won't share

on the exterior you're mask you wear.

i will keep your secrets safe

never let you know, i know.

I'll never let you feel ashamed

thinking what I'll think of you.

i will share your pain, your pity.

i do feel your loss, your loss

i pretend i can not see within you.

i let you wear your mask.

i love you either way!




Minutes trial

19:12 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 501

treasures lost our souls left to cry

golden tears fall down the sigh

the feelings sway with the wind

blown away to return not again

the fluttering lashes of my eye

turn from the emerald ashes that fly

born up to the clouds of yesterdays dreams

the trampled petals that have withered and died

harmony fades as my shallow breath slows

in the end, no one knows.




Solitudnal Wims

19:12 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 502

amongst the multitude of solitudnal whims

i carry within

down to you, forgotten.

a youth thats fighting

refusing to succumb to the delicacies of

an aging core

the dream of love renewed

the ambiance of it

the life of a thousand nights of falling star

wishes and programned dreams.

a chance within our grasps


desolately has my soul resided in this

phantasmal reality of dull referendum


neglected, rejected, tortured, hurt

and broken.

i remain hidden.

a cool calm collected exterior.

the world sees me,

or so it thinks.

hilarious hideousness.

my deceptions so simple.

smoke and mirrors, magician i am.

humor the powerful blinding agent of stares,

opinions, gossip.

i laugh internally as the world judges me.

forms its superficial, egotistical repressed

opinions of me.

do you, see me true?

can you? will you ever choose to?

demonic presence ever near, trying to rape me.

have i fear?

no i have no fear!





19:11 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 503

stormy skies

those who try

they will die

freedom is false

freedom is illusion

freedom is blasphemy

the cause of our confusion

there is no freedom


the keepers of hell

they're the ones who tell

tell us the free

where to live

where to work

how to act

how to serve

how to obey

obey their rules

their ideas

of righteousness




Riddling answers

19:05 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 504

dred the dispare

of those not there

they've turned the key

to enter reality

born into known chance

riding the waves of disablement

spinning round and round my mind

my shadow answering the rhyme

in riddles that forever bind

the knowledge to the knower

can you see within the truth?

can you see between the lines?

i see backwards to look forwards

and in so doing do find

the key to all is relevant

if the knowledge

can be grasped by the mind!





19:03 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 505

gifted are the dead

we shot them in the head

we ran them down insane

they cried out in pain

guilt we mustnt feel

for life is so unreal

and broken hearts don't heal

i know how they feel

does it matter, do we care

does it help if they're not there

endless visions, endless thoughts

night and day don't get caught

you will be shunned, you will be blamed

if you break the heart that you've now tamed

what is real, what is right

who you sleep with every night

or the one you dream of, is it fair

to love the one who can't be their,

questions always on the mind

which way to go, which choice, which time

never ending how you go

for the other path you'll never know





The instant gravity of the void

19:02 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 506

The wolves did not just stalk quietly through cadmium woods. Their teeth grew madder and rose from each others throats. the tigers did not just sleep on mossy slopes, they colored the afternoon fuchsia and indigo from celadon heights, and the dragon with it's terrible emerald tail and ruby glare did not merely threaten, it incinerated everything around it. Spiders prepare a grave. This thing in a blinding tomb. A multitude of flames, a million orange and blue tears cremating the past. A burning snow falling everywhere. When the darkest angel of all sits at last upon my chest permanently enfolding me in its iridescent wings, I lose hope. A creature with out a voice, a voice without a name, as immortal as my life, come here at long last to summon the wind.





Within a Breath

06:52 Jul 02 2010
Times Read: 515

Everything changes within a breath,

We breath life's force in and exhale it's poison.

Thirty some years spent in sweet slumber,

The numb relief to the painful awakening.

What the hell am i here for,

If not for some purpose.

I breath his life in and exhale his pain.

And true to this action i know it is killing me.

Everything changes in one breathing moment

The death that is longed for,

The hunger, the need,

Is simply released from the breath that we breathe

I'm beeing slain honest and cold.

Defenses are crumbled as fast as their thrown.

Walls that get scaled as fast as their built.

Is this what is needed, the lessons of soul?

To slumber no longer and face loves true toll.

Selfishness battles selflessness,

And the wager is all.

Using and neglecting life sucked out, we fall.

There is no grand ending, no marbled halls.

Where is he hiding in this masquerade ball?

written 1-19-08



14:04 Jul 02 2010

It flows well and holds your attention, i liked it

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