2 entries this month
A really bad day
23:51 May 28 2006
Times Read: 732
A friend of a differant flavor23:13 May 25 2006
Times Read: 768
As the many days of my death, because years, I had turned many a human into our kind. One such was a woman named Lolita. I will not tell her story as it is not mine to tell but you will see that she is here as well and quite capable of speaking for herself. She has a son, Malcomb. For my part I will not speak much of him as he is her childer.
But I am getting ahead of myself here. As luck would have it, I met Malcomb first. i was a nurse in the aid of the army during the Civil War. I had made it a habit to go thru the injured and when I found a soldier that I thought would be a addition to my little band of warriors I would embrace him. I didn't have the occasion to embrace Malcomb as he was already one if us. I did however become intrigued by him. He seemed rahter intelligient but for some reason he had no respect for the hunting grounds. He would feed willy nilly and that is a scary thing when you are in the middle of a bunch of frightened men with guns. I tried to get him to understand that he couldn't continue on that way but he didn't listen well. That is until he nearly got us both killed when a sargent caught him feeding. He hadn't gotten very much at the time and pulled off convincing the man that his victom had been snake bitten and he was sucking out the vinem. Afterwards he was at least a little bit more careful.
Lolita Marie was in the battle herself but we never had more than a passing meeting and that was because I was a nurse and she was training under a friend of mine. We didn't officially meet for almost another 100 years. During the Civil War, I was constantly amazed by the facination that Malcomb had for General Lee, they were close friends and at one point, I had to warn him not to feed on anything around Lee for fear that the closeness to such a public man might reveal us as well. He asked me how i picked the men I embraced and I told him that when I touched them, I could see parts of their lives and that told me if they were right for us or not. He said he could too but he couldn't control it, to which I advised it would come in time.
There was another vamp amoung us but I hesitate to mention her as she was what I concidered a bad egg. On more than one occasion, she had drug Malcomb into a mess and I had to pull him back out. She hung with a group of radicle vamps that believed we needed to surface and just eat everyone. How silly is that? She had said of me on many occasions that I must have a "Messiah complex" seeings as how I never ate more than i needed and never killed anyone doing it.. unless they were going to die anyways and there was no stopping it. The only exception to that was when I came across someone truly evil, child molestors, rapist and that kind of thing.
After that war was over, I didn't really run into him much until May 31, 1960, in Viet Nam. I forget the exact place but he was there with some buddies that had gotten hit and I was again a nurse, this time with a M.A.S.H. unit. I bandaged his friends up as best I could and went about my business when I realize who he was. Then I began actively watching after him. I didn't want the reality vampires being outed in this God forsaken place. It didn't take long for me to figure out his role in all of this was as a counter intelligient officer. I followed discreatly as he went behind enemy lines again and again.
August 10, 1963; what had in my life been my birthday, I was keeping an eye on Malcomb when I was attacked by a raving lunatic. She told me that if I entended to live I better get away from her son or she was going to serve me my heart. To which I began rolling on the floor laughing till my sides hurt. She was needless to say stunned. As she had her hand on my throat at the beginning of the attack, I had seen her embrace so I knew she was a vamp too. It just seemed way too funny that she had no idea I was one and the notion of her feeding me a heart that no longer beat and served no purpose but to keep my chest full made me roar with laughter. After about an hour of talking she realized we were on the same side and we have been fast friends ever since.
On January 26, 1966, we decided to form an underground of vamps and the likes called the United Bretheren of the Blood. We dedicated ourelves to saving humanity from itself and only feed on the truly nasty unless it is an embrace and then only the deserving or the needy.
In later years we would spend a great deal of time together in Louisiana and in the Dallas area. Our time was consumed in pretty much seeking out those who abuse and malest the weak and helpless. As at one time we were both. I suppose I turned her because she has much the same attitude as my own, only louder about it. I do so love a smart ass.
She, came to me one night a long time ago, shortly after her embrace, and asked me the nature of who we are. I found myself speachless. But when I regained controll of my self, I realized what I had never the power to verbalize before.
"We are not that differant now than we were as humans. Good and bad, lovely and ugly. We are the best and worst, litterally of what can be. The confusion is that our powers are inherantly evil. That is true, but does this make us evil? I think not. I was turned by a prince, I lovely vampire who was born to the life. He found me worthy to be his wife and I, you my friend. Does this help you?"
"So you are saying we can be evil but we don't have to be?"
"Yes that is what I am saying. I know it is not a complete answer but what in life, or in this case death, is?"
"Oh yeah, go be all logical on me now, you twitt you!!!"
"Only you would call me that, but only you would survive such an insult so it works."
We laughed and walked into the night together to go feed on the evil that torments the innocent.
lolitamarie's Story
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I do, yes!TPBM is very sleepy today. |
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Great Sire (119)
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