Butterflygirl's Journal

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Can we all say....WHAT THE FUCK????

04:38 Jan 19 2007
Times Read: 545

I couldnt believe what I was reading here.

When I read this all I could do was roll my eyes...

SO now Goths/Vamps are killers and rapists now


Definition of victim: a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency.)



"The greatest threat to today's society is the rise of the gothic subculture. Goth is a sinister and violent subculture obsessed with Satanism, Wicca, Vampirism, BDSM, rape, child abuse, Hitler, bondage, sick sexual perversions, serial killers, death, drugs, self mutilation and other sick practices to vile to mention. Goth's are the Devil's Children. In my opinion, Goths are more dangerous to children than paedophiles" - Rev. R.G. Green


In 1996 the highly acclaimed 'New Scientist' published a survey carried out on 1,258 young people, aged 11, 13, 15 and 19. The results were shocking. It showed that a massive 53% of goths had self harmed or self mutilated, and even more disturbing, a terrifying 47% of goths had attempted suicide. Not just thought about it, not just contemplated it, actually ATTEMPTED IT.


Are those statistics you feel comfortable with? If your child is mixing with goths, then can you really gamble with your child's life when almost half of goths have tried to kill themselves? And if you think like 1,000s of parents probably do, that 'oh it wont happen to me' and 'this is just a phase they are going through'. Think again, because your child is probably in very real danger here. 47%. Almost half of goths have attempted to take their own lives. If you were a gambling man then i really don't rate your odds. Is it really worth risking your child's life? You think it won't happen to you, and so did probably 1,000s of other parents whos children have just become statistics to the suicide obsessed society that is goth.

So let's get one thing straight. Goth is dangerous. Very dangerous. If your child is mixing in Gothic circles, you need to put a stop to it. And fast. It is sad to see younger and younger children being sucked into its world of sin, paranoia and pain. Self-harm is usually the first sign you should be worried about. Goth is a culture that makes suicide cool and cutting yourself the 'in' thing. So many gothic children attempting suicide, slitting their wrists because their friends encourage it and their gothic idols make suicide a viable and attractive option. Goths use extreme peer pressure to push children into self harming, and many begin cutting themselves just to be accepted with the friends. And so it begins, the slippery slope to suicide. Just like their heros like Cobain, Curtis, and the very nature of their lives, surrounding themselves with evil images, horror movies, dressing in black like they are attending a funeral. If you live your life like every day is your funeral how could you not come to an irrational conclusion ? By the very nature of the Gothic subculture is what causes children to harm themselves. It is disgusting.

Your child may well start showing signs of a violent nature, and this may lead to long-term mental problems if it are not caught soon enough. You need to help your child to realise that anti-social behaviour is not normal, and she should embrace life with both hands, at that age she could be a cheer-leader or dress in bright happy colors and attract the right kind of friends. The kind of friends who would not abuse her, brainwash her into being a mindless goth sheep who hates the world. If she opened her eyes she would see God has given us a wonderful world and she could be so much more.

The best advice i can give you is to be vigilant. Talk to your child. Read her the Bible. Take her to church. Tell your children every day how much you love them. Be their friend. Let them know you are there for them. It really sickens me what these Gothic predators and sick Gothic peer groups do to innocent children.

But suicide is just one alternative, you also have it's ugly alter ego. For one cannot exist without the other. I speak of homicide.

Sigmund Frued, the acclaimed psychologist, stated that 'suicide is the mirror of homicide', that one could not exist without the other, that they were two parts of the same beast intimately connected. That for every child with suicidal thoughts, these could turn into homicidal thoughts in a blink of an eye. Meaning that all suicidal teens have homicidal tendencies. Then we have a society like goth where almost half have attempted suicide. It's not hard to see where the danger lies.


Let's get one thing clear from the beginning, Goth is NOT just the music. Most Goths do not listen to Goth music from our studies. Therefore, by the term "Goth" we refer to all categories of gothics, from black metal 'goths' to vampyre 'goths, from thrasher 'goths' to punk 'goths'. Goth is just a word the media uses to group a certain type of people together, as do we. We cannot have an organization called 'Parents Against Goths/Punks/wiccans/self harmers/thrashers/grungers/heavy metallers', because this would be ridiculous.

So we are 'Parents Against Goth' because Goth is an easy term to categorise the whorish dressing deviants that poison our world, the depressed kids who cut themselves and think its right, the abusive skaters, the long haired satanists, wiccan devil worshippers, the nazi kids who shoot their classmates for amuzment. All obsessed with death and the darker side of life and listen to similar musics. They are all goths.

There is a theme running through all these groups and a common fashion and dress that all tribes of Goth wear. Sometimes called the 'gothic uniform'. These gothic groups overlap and interconnect. Goths are all obsessed with death and dispair, with terror and violence, most goths use drugs as a form of everyday life. They abuse their children and many drink human blood.

What is worrying is that gothics dont even realise the danger they are getting into until it is too late. Its a slippery slope that takes you down, and down fast. It leads to a life of sin and crime and illegal drugs and illicit acts. Goths are the Devil's Children, they are a greater threat to today's society than all the Muslim extremists, paedophiles and suicide bombers in the World put together. Our aim is to educate Parents and Children to the sickness that is Goth before it is too late.

There are 5 different types or tribes of Goth, according to our research. I know Goths don't like getting categorized as they foolishly believe they are all individuals, but they all fit into at least one of the groups, if not several.


On September the 11th 2001 Osama Bin Laden gave Dylan Klebold the best birthday present he could ever had wished for. For had Klebold been alive to witness the utter devastation at the World Trade Centre on what would have been his 20th birthday, he would have been witness to the rebirth of his plans to strike a blow for Goths everywhere. Though had he been alive I’m sure we’d have seen the Twin Towers fall a good two years earlier. Not by the hands of Muslim extremists, but by the hands of two disturbed American teenagers. Goth terrorists who’s ultimate ambition was to cause worldwide devastation.

For it was April 20th, 1999, on the anniversary of Hitler’s birthday, that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, two members of the Trenchcoat Mafia, had planned to carry out these attacks themselves. They posted these plans on the internet, on web pages and in .. journals, in the hope that many other Goths would inspired by it. Their dream was to kill at least 500 of their classmates with two 20-pound propane bombs and their artillery of guns, before going on a bloody and murderous rampage attacking neighbouring homes, climaxing in hijacking a 747 full of passengers and crashing it into the World Trade Centre. Their goal was to achieve a body count in the thousands. Their agenda was to create global chaos and genocide, as they hoped many Goths would look at their websites and see their disturbing ‘call to arms’, read their message of hate for mankind, and act. Join what they called their ‘revolution’, launching similar attacks on schools all round the World.

At about 11:10 AM on that fateful day Harris and Klebold arrived at Columbine High School. Their every move was meticulous planned, calculated and executed, yet on that tragic day in Columbine High School it seemed as though other forces were working against them. For less than 10 minutes into their plot their scheme began to unravel. The two 20-pound propane bombs they had planted in the cafeteria had been timed to go off at 11:17 AM during ‘A’ Lunch period. According to Harris’s notes this is when the lunch room would be most crowded. There were roughly 488 people inside the cafeteria at the time the propane bombs were set to detonate. They would have all been killed if the bombs had gone off as planned, and the library would have collapsed down onto the lunchroom due to the structural damage. Based on information in Klebold and Harris' home videos and writings it appears that they had intended to blow the school up, and then gun down any survivors who were able to escape after the bombs went off. But for some unknown reason the bombs failed to go off. After months of planning every detail, months of manufacturing and testing out bombs and explosive devices, practicing loading, shooting and handling weapons, on their final day all their evil work was about to come apart at the seams.

Tired of waiting, and knowing something was wrong as the bombs should have reduced the cafeteria to rubble by then, Harris and Klebold re-entered Columbine High School. Armed with two sawed-off shotguns, a duffel bag full of homemade grenades, Molotov cocktails and various explosive devices, a 9mm semi-automatic carbine rifle and a 9mm Tec-DC9 semi-automatic pistol, they opened fire. But their luck had run out, their guns jammed repeatedly, they tried and failed to detonate the two propane bombs, and the explosion they had set to go off in a field at the other side of town did not cause the distraction they had hoped, their dream was to come to an abrupt end. For within ten minutes the High School would be surrounded with armed Police Officers. Within twenty minutes SWAT would be in position. Around half an hour after entering the building both shooters would be dead, along with 15 of their victims. But it could have been a lot worse.

Their plans were crushed at the first hurdle as the Sheriff’s Department were well organised and fast to act. And this was just the beginning. Within 24 hours their websites calling for more violence were quickly shut down, their .. journals removed, their message silenced swiftly, every trace of their .. writings wiped out of existence. They failed not through lack of intent, but through lack of resources.

See, the thing that people seem to forget about the Columbine Massacre is that this wasn’t just another random High School shooting. This was a cold blooded and calculated act of terrorism. A declaration of war by Goths against normal decent society. If their plans had been carried out to their full and lethal extent we would have seen a strike against this great nation on par with 9 / 11, if not beyond it. For remember their original plan was not just to blow up their school and pick off the survivors. It was to also go on a shooting spree across neighboring homes and climax in hijacking a 747 and crashing it into the World Trade Centre. Imagine if on 9 / 11, as well as having having a planes strike the Twin Towers reducing the New York skyline to a deadly cloud of poisonous asbestos dust, that leading up to that catastrophe we also had Muslim extremists blowing up High Schools, rampaging across neighborhoods and gunning down innocent Americans. Because that’s the severity of the bloody revolution that Harris and Klebold planned for that day.

And if it had happened the way Harris and Klebold had calculated then it wouldn’t be Muslims that we fear, it wouldn’t be Muslims that are public enemy number one, it wouldn’t be Muslims that send a shiver of terror down our Nation’s spine. It would be Goths. And because it didn’t happen, doesn’t mean that Goths are any less of a threat than the men who did carry out 9 / 11. If anything I’d say they were more of a threat since they were the ones who thought up these attacks in the first place. And if they could dream up something as supremely evil as 9 / 11 what else are they capable of?

Was it on purpose then that Bin Laden chose Dylan's birthday as the date to carry out these attacks, as a mark of respect and admiration for the boy who gave him the ideas and inspiration in the first place? I have no doubt


Type 1 - Vampire Goths

The vast majority of Goths are obsessed with vampires and dress like vampires in clubs and in the street. This leads to becoming more and more brainwashed and leads to cutting themselves and blood letting. These Goths are notoriously dangerous, as many of them believe they really are real vampires and commit murder for their addiction.

Type 2 - Satanist Goths

Goths obsessed with the devil and black magic and wicca. This is the second largest tribe of Goth (after Vampires). They surround themselves with symbols of the devil and get so brainwashed into believing what they are doing is acceptable, and they can soon get trapped in this dark and dangerous world that can only lead to hell. They are very dangerous as their misplaced faith in the darkness often leads to murder also, or human sacrifice.

Type 3 - Gothic Criminals

Youve seen them hanging around the mall in gangs, causing fights, they are Gothic criminal culture. In todays society there are a growing number of these street gangs who are influenced by violence of video games and movies, who are obsessed with dark magics and drugs and knifes. Sometimes called 'mansonites', drugs and violence are rife in this culture, and it is usually found in the young Gothics, many punk goths, as a rite of passage.

Type 4 - Nazi Goths.

Nazi Goths is another worrying tribe and make up about 9% and growing of the Gothic Culture. Goths obsessed with Hitler and the Third Reich. These are mainly found in the Black metal goth scene. Then you have the Columbine Killers, Goths obsessed with hitler and guns. They shouted 'seig heil' and made Nazi salutes as they shot the black kids first. There are a great number of Goths in Germany, the country with the largest amount of Gothic tribes, who are obsessed with their Nazi heritage. Listening to Nazi music like Black Metal and Neo-folk, and dressing in Nazi uniforms. Even early Goth bands werent entirely free from flirtations with Nazism. Ian Curtis,the singer of Joy Division, one of goth's founding groups, was obsessed with Nazi uniforms and his lyrics often reflect his Nietzschean leanings. The band's name was taken from a Nazi term for female prisoners forced to prostitute themselves to German soldiers. It doesn't help that after Curtis' death, the band renamed itself New Order. Christian Death's 1989 album, All The Hate, features a swastika and sound clips of Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan.

Type 5 - Gothic victims

This category refers to people who get into goth thinking it's cool, recruited by gothic predators, and end up committing suicide because of gothic peer pressure, or who worship Kurt Cobain and want to be just like him, are left mentally scarred as we believe all children of gothic couples will be, and who end up loured into vampire dens and used as human blood banks. Make no mistake, there are many victims. Many lucky to be left alive in states of depression and mentally scarred, unable to live normal lives because of the abuse they suffered.


Goths would have us believe that this was just an isolated incident. That Columbine was just a one-off. We know better...

Out of just a few of the cases we have researched, we can create an alarming series of statistics. Remember we have hundreds more. When you put just a few together it looks very distrubing. This is why we fight. We will expose these filthy goths for what they are. Very dangerous indeed.


NORWAY - Vocalist of Mayhem commits suicide. The guitarist Euronymous, upon finding him, takes pictures of his bloody corpse for their album cover, and collects pieceies of his skull to make necklaces out of.


NORWAY - Church burnings and murders by nazi goths in Norway following Euronymous, lead guitarist of gothic black metal band Mayhem calling on fans to be terrorists for their anti-christian cause.

NORWAY - Bart faust, basist of goth band Emperor, murders a homosexual.


USA - satanic murders of three innocent little children by goth monster Damian Echols in West Memphis, Arkansas.

NORWAY - Euronymous murdered by goth 'friend' Varg Vikernes, guitarist of goth band Emperor.


SWEDEN - Jon Nodtveidt, singer of goth black metal band Dissection murders man.


USA - Murder of 15 year old Elyse Pahler by satanist goth teens Royce Casey, Joseph Fiorella, and Jacob Delashmutt who idolized metal band Slayer and had conspired to kill a virgin girl as a sacrifice to Satan.

Goth Brian Bassett shoots and kills his parents before drowning his 5 year old brother, then proceeds to kick their corpses to the music of silverchair.


USA - The infamous Vampire Clan Murders.


Goth satanist Luke Woodham brutally beats and stabs mother to death before going into school and killing 2 and injuring 7.

Kimberly Wilson, age 20, her 17-year-old sister, Julia, and their parents, William and Rose Wilson brutally murdered by sick Goths Alex Baranyi and his best friend, David Anderson, both 17.


ITALY - Beasts of Satan cult, goths into heavy metal, murder 2 teenagers.


USA - 15 dead in the Columbine Highschool massacre, carried out on the anniversary of Hilter's birthday by two Nazi obsessed goths.


USA - World Trade Centre destroyed by plans drawn up 2 year previously by Dylan Klebold, one of the terrorists from Columbine.


GERMANY - Three goth teenagers ages 14, 17 and 18 committed suicide after forming an .. satanic death sect in an internet chat room.



GERMANY - Bride of Satan satanic murder case.


UK - Vampire teenager slaughters frail old woman and drinks her blood.

UK - Alan Menzies also murders man after becoming obsessed with sickening Vampire film 'queen of the damned', He claims the queen of the damned ordered him to do it


UK - Goth Jodi Jones aged 14 brutally murdered by her evil Marlyn manson obsessed Gothic boyfriend.

Two self-styled vampires jailed for conducting a campaign of religious harassment against a vicar and his family. Scott Bower and Benjamin Lewis were found guilty of waging the three-month campaign against the Reverend Christopher Rowberry, his wife Karen and children Hannah, 15, and Simon, 17


USA - Lely highschool students caught planning copycat Columbine.

Teen Rachelle Waterman from Craig, Alaska masterminds murder of her own mother. She roped two former boyfriends into doing the deed. Her mother Lori ended up bludgeoned to death and her body burned out in the Alaskan wilderness.


Beasts of satan cult finally stand trial for their evil crimes.

USA - Orlando, Florida, a goth Christopher Dunsmoor killed his fiancee, Fawn Trivette.Dunsmoor nearly beheaded Fawn, using a samurai sword.

USA - 105 Year old Minnesoda United Church burned to the ground in a hate crime against Christianity by three sick goth teens on the birthday of Varg Vikernes, a black metal musician now serving time in prison in Norway for murdering a bandmate and burning several churches. Vikernes has inspired dozens of copycat church burnings around the world.


USA - Goth Ben W. Fawley, age 38, told Richmond, Virginia police that he killed Virginia Commonwealth University freshman, Taylor Behl, age 17 while having "rough sex." Though 38, Fawley looked 17 and made it a point to dress like a 17 or 18-year-old goth kid.

USA - Ten killed in Red Lake High School massacre by goth nazi Jeffrey Weise.

Goth David Rodriguez, 18, and a companion abducts 2 children in order to perform satanic ritual, allegedly to get his girlfriend back. Erika Castillo, 6, and her older brother, Oscar, were snatched outside a Little Village library on Friday. Rodriguez planned to carve a pentagram in the girl's chest.

USA - California, goth Scott Dyleski, age 16, arrested for the brutal bludgeoning murder of Pamela Vitale, age 52. Vitale was the wife of well-known defense attorney and legal analyst for various cable news outlets, Daniel Horowitz.

USA - Two goth teens hang themselves in planned ritual suicide pact.



14 year old Goth boy tries to murder entire family.


Twisted teenage vampiress attacked three girls who attend her Queens high school - savagely sinking her teeth into their necks in a series of bizarre bloodlettings.

To say that Goths aren't dangerous is to be very ignorant indeed.















All profits from shirt sales will go into our Church funds to raise awareness for the perversion that is goth. A percentage of this will also be given to various charities set up to help victims of goth abuse, such as 'The Columbine Charity Foundation' and 'The Elyse Marie Pahler Foundation'.









Stairway to Hell by Rick Jones


How to be a successful Teenager by Rick Jones


Devil's Disciples: The Truth About Rock by Jeff Godwin


Dancing With Demons: The Music's Real Master


Lucifer Dethroned by William and Sharon Schnoebelen


Wicca by William Schnoebelen



The Elyse Marie Pahler Foundation








For more information on how you can help fight the gothic sickness please email 'Parents Against Goth' directly at revrggreen@godhatesgoths.com




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