"Hey Maddie look it, look at my trick. I do cool tricks."
*jumps in the air*
Fucking cuuute kid :)
Beat down to nothing.
Where do I go from here?
Maybe one day, I'll find myself.
Until then, here I lay.
I've never felt this lost before.
This broken.
This scared.
I don't know what to do.
But honestly, I feel I only have one option.
I am so fucked.
I just hope they know that I'm telling the truth when I say: "I had nothing to do with this."
You are a fucking beast.
I hate you.
You don't treat a child like that, ever. I don't care if he is the most difficult child in the world. It isn't right for you to dislike a child and let that show. He knows it. All of the three-year olds know it. And that's sad. You let all of the kids treat him like crap because you don't like him. Someone hits him, and you get mad at him? He tries to make friends and you tell him he isn't allowed to play with them? He tries to help you, to clean up toys for you, and you don't even let him do that? All because you don't want to give him a piece of candy like you give the other kids? You make sure to be mean to him, to make him sad, to make him feel left out. That's wrong. I don't want to get you fired, but if it comes down to it, I will not tolerate you mistreating a child.
So, after reading this book for the third time, I still have no idea what to think about it. It's interesting, yes. But is it a true account or a fabricated work of fiction?
The end of times. The world coming to an end. It will be a very dark and scary place. But it doesn't have to be like that. We can change our ways, follow God, become good people. We may be able to save ourselves and our world.
So everyone rushes off to church.
You think that will save you?
If I were God, I would only be more furious that people were using me to save themselves and end the world right there.
Going to church won't save you.
You say we should go now? Let's get one thing straight:
I'd rather burn in Hell than to worship only to save myself from an early death. I will not worship a God I don't believe in for the wrong reasons; to save myself because I'm afraid of what will happen to me in the afterlife. I don't believe, and if I did, it wouldn't be because I wanted good things to happen to me. It would be because I truly know he lives.
I don't feel the world will end, and if it does, I am not worried at all. If God feels the need to send me to Hell simply for not believing in Him or knowing Him, fine. But it seems a little much to ask mere mortals to believe in something completely based purely on faith.
You book has many contradictions, just like most religions. If it's real, it is a very beautiful thing. But there is just too much that doesn't add up. I don't know what really happened to you, and I could never say what happened, but I do know one thing. Faith is a beautiful thing.
Fuuuuck. Just got destroyed in my pokemon battle. Who talked me into joining this tournament? -_-
Jazz and Celtics game?
Fun. Probably the most fun I've had in awhile.
And the Jazz only lost by five :p
Paul Pierceeee :)
It's sad that drugs are all you have going for you in life right now. If the only way you can have fun is to get fucked up, you must live a pretty pathetic life. If you think that it impresses me that you have no clue what happened to you for the past couple of days, think again. Yes, I've done it before, but honestly, I'm very against drugs and alcohol. I'll be the first to admit that I am an idiot when I'm like that, and I make decisions I would never consider otherwise. It turns you into something you really aren't, and I don't like that.
Stay the fuck away from me.