i was very happy... i went food shopping with $13 and i got a 1lb Onion, 2 Polska Kielbasa, 1lb of Hamburger, 8oz of Cheddar Cheeze, 8oz of Pre-shredded taco cheeze, 1 packet of taco Mix, and 10 Large Flower Tortillas... that's a really good price for Stop'n'Shop.
so, it looks like i am having tacos for Din-din... yay!
i am having one of those nights where everything is ebbing away... i suppose it is malapropos to reflect in such away, but alas, it is how i feel tonight.
so, as always i side step my thoughts, my feelings, and i approach the coming declination as i do all things, tumbling head first and hitting every bump on the way down,
the way down.