BrokenChild's Journal


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History as it lies...

03:54 Nov 13 2005
Times Read: 611

She sat on her bed with a picture of him in one hand and a half empty bottle of whiskey in the other. She took another sip from the bottle and stared at the picture of the brunet who had stolen her heart years ago. 'Why did you have to leave me? I needed you. Is that so much to ask for? Hmm? Can’t I have one little, tiny bit of happiness in this fucking life? Of course not! I mustn't be happy or else the world will explode!' She snorted drunkenly to herself. She was wallowing in her usual cloud of misery and self-pity, trying to drown her sorrows in the whiskey.

They had been so perfect for each other, though if you had asked her when they had first met, she would have had hurt you so bad you would have been stuck in the hospital for months. That had all changed when she found out that his mother was dead and his father was in prison. Justin had gone running to the authorities, begging them to help him. So they placed him with her at her cousin’s house. After all, they could keep her safe, he shouldn’t be a problem. So they had been placed under the same, relatively small roof with four others to stop their brawling. Many times, the rest of the 'family' had considered sending the two to the mental ward. However, it didn't turn out as bad as anyone thought it would. The two held out for about a fortnight, and then a fight broke out. It lasted for about two hours, the others too afraid of the two to try and break them up. In that case, the two were left to work out their differences, in a rather violent way. It turned out to be the best thing that could have happened. After that, the two were completely inseparable. They worked together, played together, and spent every waking moment together. And, as fate would have it, the last thing that anyone would have ever dreamed of happened: the two rivals fell in love.

There were skeptics, of course, but anyone who really knew them could see that they were made for each other. Soul mates, really: two halves of one whole. They had planned to get married and have some children as soon as they could get out from under the law. They decided to bond themselves together, body, mind and soul. This, of course, meant that they would stay together forever. It was exactly what she wanted. She would never forget that day, the day the most important person in her life disappeared forever.


She watched the last remaining document was signed by the judge. Then she turned around to face him and he pulled her into a heated kiss. They finally pulled apart and she looked into her lover's eyes.

"We're finally free."

He smiled at her. "Yes, we are, at last."

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her friends smiling and waving at her. She smiled and waved back. One of her friends came over and hugged her, picking her up and swinging her in a circle, congratulating her. She smiled, thanking him, saying, "I'm not going to lose him now, not after all we've been through."

She heard a choking sound behind her and turned around. Father stood behind his son, one hand clutching at his son's shoulder, the other behind his son’s back. She couldn't really see what he had done, but judging by the amount of blood seeping through his son’s clothes from his stomach, it wasn't good. Justin looked down at his stomach, where his hands were desperately clutching his blood soaked clothes, and then looked back up at her, a look of shock and terror etched into his face.

"I told you so Justin," his father murmured into his son's ear, though it was still loud enough so that she could hear. "I always knew you weren't going to survive this. You just had to go against the fates, didn't you?"

He then turned and fled. She caught Justin as he pitched forward, staring with burning eyes at the fleeing figure.

"You fucking bastard!" She pulled a knife from Justin’s boot, where she knew he hid it. She didn't really expect much to happen when she threw the knife; she never really had good aim. To her astonishment, the knife slammed into the elder man’s back, his body tensed up, then slipped to the ground. She didn't ponder this very long as there were other more pressing matters to attend, such as Justin's life fading in her arms. 'It'll be all right. I’ll get him to the hospital. It'll be fine.'

Justin looked into her eyes, as if he knew what she was thinking. "It's too l-late, love. Goodbye. I'll miss you," he said calmly.

"What do you mean?" she asked, verging on hysterics, "I'll help you. You'll be fine. You know I can get you to the hospital. No, I don’t have a license, but you taught me to drive, for God’s sake!" She frantically tried to get him to listen to her, but he refused.

"Love, the dagger p-pierced some vital organs. I’ve lost t-too much blood already. There’s n-nothing that you can do for me now, except s-stay by my side,” he smiled a tight, pain-filled smile at her.

"Please..." she whimpered, "I need you - please don't leave me - I can't - I..."

"Good-bye, darling. I love you." She sat on the floor of the courtroom for hours, clutching her lover's body, crying her eyes out.


She had never been the same again. She started drinking heavily, mostly whiskey. She never left her house, preferring to block out the world that had so cruelly ripped away the one that meant anything to her. Everyone tried to drag her out, make her start living again, but to no avail. They were disturbed to see that all the life and energy that had filled the glittering eyes was gone, leaving them dull and lifeless. They told her that she was shaming Justin's memory by sulking around like this, but they all felt that the girl hadn't heard a word they had said.


It was a year since the Justin’s death and Chris, one of her oldest friends, was once more to be found at her house, trying to convince her to move on.

"It's been a whole year; you have to let it go!"

She looked at her with a strange look in her eyes. "You're right. I'm going for a walk."


She did indeed go for a walk, to the nearest gun shop. She then returned home, a 40 caliber pistol in hand. They found her the next day, lying face down in her pillow, a picture of Justin in her hand. They buried her next to her love, under a weeping willow near the lake at the back of the house.

As the Chris stood over their graves, she shook her head. Why did she, at the age of 58, have to out-live these two young people, where the youngest had barely reached nineteen? She should have known that even one of her closest friends could not survive having her soul torn in two.



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