Breathe's Journal

Breathe's Journal


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7 entries this month

Three theories of life developement

17:06 Apr 11 2010
Times Read: 648

Yes this is a boring subject, so I decided to write on it for psy class. I hope I graduate just begging a bit! Just here looking around and taking a break for a bit before I have to start writing again! Just wish the hell I could get this done in one sitting instead of 20!!!! Anyway I am off to bite some people and write more on Erikson's theories!




Really to just say F- it -ALL!

23:31 Apr 08 2010
Times Read: 651

Been a horrible week and tired of the BS of life, I will be better once I get home, BUT PLEASE END THIS CHAOS!!!! I am just crabby, moody, hateful! Oh, well life goes on and hopefully I will too! Ok enough whiny crap! Hope all have a great night!




This is crazy

23:02 Apr 01 2010
Times Read: 665

He, the man in my dreams is sitting very close to me in my new class..............what are the fricking odds? My dream man next to be in the "real world"? Hope all works out like my dreams!




Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards

20:20 Apr 01 2010
Times Read: 668

Up in the morning and out to school

Mother says there be no work next year

Qualifications once the Golden Rule are now just pieces of paper

Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy.

Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards.

Well if you look the part well then you'll get the job

in last year's trousers and your oldschool shoes

The truth is son it's a buyer's market they can afford to pick and choose

Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy

Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a Communist.

Well the factory's are closing and the army's full

I don't know what I'm going to do

But I've come to see in the land of the free

There's only room for a chosen few

Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy

Just because you're going forwards doesn't mean I'm going backwards

Well at 21 you're atop of the scrap heap

At 16 you were top of your class

Well I dropped outta high school in Campbell, CA

Got a guitar and I never looked back

Just because you're better than me doesn't mean I'm lazy

Just because I dress like this doesn't mean I'm a Communist.




More fave song lyrics...........

20:19 Apr 01 2010
Times Read: 669

Hit and run by love

But broken less than I ask for

Just another crease, yeah

Another bump to pass by,

a bruise to heal

I've gotten the

"wouldn't you rather be friends?"

I guess that could make sense

If we hadn't kissed, yeah

If you hadn't made me feel like

I could never be missed

Let on by love and crushed by lust

Well, it's nothing to cry for, no

I'm not the first to be lied to

A tainted heart, rancid lust

but never felt I was sorry.

Everlasting love

Turned out to be nothing

Ha! It's rather bleak, yeah

But i've been sucker punched

one hell of a lot.

Let on by love and crushed by lust

Well, it's nothing to cry for, no

I'm not the first to be lied to

A tainted heart, rancid lust...

Let on by love and crushed by lust

Well, it's nothing to cry for, no

I'm not the first to be lied to

A tainted heart, rancid lust

but never felt I was sorry.

Let on by love and crushed by lust

Well, it's nothing to cry for, no

I'm not the first to be lied to

A tainted heart, rancid lust

but I never felt sorry for falling in love, yeah

A one night off and I wanted more

But I never said, never felt,

never said I was sorry.

Yes you could say I am a bit bitter............but it is a process for me.......loud punk rock drowns all pain and suffering!!




Fav song..........dedicated to the bastard!

20:12 Apr 01 2010
Times Read: 670

I wanna do wrong

I want you gone

my eyes are burning red from all the tears that I have cried

now I'm watching you with her

and hatred does occur

mean, mean man

selfish son of a bitch

I hope I don't miss

I'm watching you with her

but I'm watching you burn

Eye for an eye

you sealed my heart with a kiss

now I'm taking with it needs

lie upon lie

nothing left but your cries

I'm taking back what is mine...

Smiles across my face

I'm standing over you and I laugh

straight in your face

I'm taking you home

the girl has found her stone

Cold, cold man

selfish son of a bitch

I'm glad I didn't miss

I'm taking you home

now we are all alone

Eye for an eye

you sealed my heart with a kiss

now I'm taking with it needs

lie upon lie

nothing left but your cries

I'm taking back what is mine...

You came to my home with so many needs

you craved all I had and I gave in to your every little desire

you slept in my arms

and you sucked from lips

and when everything was taken....

I never cared for guns

but that night I opened the bar keeper's box

and I shot you both down

a bloody mess of fire

Was all my heart desired

Eye for an eye

You sucked my heart dry

Now I'm taking what is mine

Lie upon lie

No more hurting crimes

What's left is for you to cry,

oh cry

You sealed my heart with a kiss

Now I'm taking what it needs

Eye for an eye

No longer will I cry

I'm taking back what is mine.





Too sunny today

00:42 Apr 01 2010
Times Read: 648

Man, the sun wore me out today, and I wasn't outside for very long. My little monster loves to go outside and play. If this were a different time I would have let him go alone. Not so much anymore! The sun hasn't been here in what seems like years! After all the rain and snow I was glad to get out of this house, now not so much! I really forgot how much energy it took out of me..........................so soon off to bed, and hope to sleep tonight! And maybe even dream of my vampire!



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