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Noctem Aeternus Strigoi Vii

23:12 Nov 16 2008
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Noctem Aeternus


LIBER Noctem Aeternus

The Noctem Aeternus Prospectus, 2008 Edition

by Lord Ryu Noctem Aeternus


BY Lord Ryu Noctem Aeternus

The vampyric life is not an easy life, in fact it is a hard and lonely life.

No matter how hard you try, you will always walk it alone.

This is because no one will ever understand or try to understand who or what we are.

Even other Vampyres can never understand what you personally are going through.

The mundane will pass their judgment on you or what they think you are, making their minds up because they don’t understand us or what we are and because of what Hollywood and the few nut jobs out there have done.

They think that we are all evil and out to hurt people.

Never looking on our inside seeing what is in our hearts, they will push us away put us down, and try to hurt us any way they can.

In my life I have been spat on, hit with rocks and jumped.

I have lost jobs due to people telling my employer that I worship Satan even though I don’t.

Funny thing is, I am a Christian and yes I am a Vampyre.

I have lost one of my sons in a court battle for custody because I am Vampyric.

The Judge said I can’t in good conscience allow a child to be raised in a Vampyric home.

Even if you walk with other Vampyres you still walk alone.

No one but you will feel and go through what you do.

The mundane think that being Vampyric is a choice for all of us, for some yes it is.

As for me this is who and what I am.

Many times I tried to walk away, but I find I am what I am no matter what my faith may be.

I even started to hate what I am and hate my self, because of how others made me feel about what I am.

Telling me that what I am is evil. I know in my heart that I am not. Shit I teach Ninjutsu to the kids where I live for free. I talk to them about gang life and try to get them to quit the gangs. I am told by family members I have a good heart but what I am is evil, odd huh?

What is a real life H.L.V (Human Living Vampyre)?

We don’t live forever but we do come back in the next life knowing who and what we are.

We don’t turn into bats or mist, holy water or crosses don’t harm us, we don’t sleep in coffins ok well some of us do but that is a matter of choice, sunlight does hurt some of us but it also causes harm to the mundane if exposed to it for too long.

For some of us, light is harmful to our eyes.

Yes we feed.

We feed from blood, psy energy (Prana), Sexual energy or emotional energy.

There are some of us that say they don’t feed from blood but all in all most of us do.

Blood is one of the purest form of energy. Is it not said the Blood is the Life!

We have laws and codes of conduct that we live by.

Those that brake the laws are shunned by the community.

But because of what books and Hollywood makes us out to be we are evil in the eyes of the mundane.

If people took the time to understand who and what we are, maybe there would be less hate but wishing for that is like fighting for peace.

For those of you who are thinking that this is what is best for you or think that is it cool to be a Vampyre because of what you think a Vampyre is.

I would say read, study and learn to pull the fact out of the bullshit Hollywood and books have made us out to be.

Seek and yee shall find!

This life is not a life for all and should be looked into really long and hard.

Some of us can choose but there are those of us that had no choice in being Vampyric.

It is a hard lonely life!

Yours in Blood and shadow.

The Vampyre Lord Ryu Noctem Aeternus of the House of Noctem Aeternus

And Keeper of the Veil of The Order of The Vampire .

May Mother Night keep you safe in her Loving embrace through the dark days of your life.



THE CREED Of Noctem Aeternus

I am Strigoi Vii of Noctem Aeternus So We begin!

Truth is within my nightside, all I must do is listen to

myself for I am my own temple.

I lead, explore, learn, inspire, feed, create, love,

provide, dance, honor, & pleasure.

I acknowledge my dayside is the sensory illusion

known as the Maiiah.

I acknowledge by nightside as my natural, primal, and

magickal subconscious.

I uphold and respect the Black Veil & the Noctem aeternus

Covenant, the foundation of ethics of our Family.

I acknowledge that I am at the top of the food chain,

however, respect the chain I am on.

I worship those who give me their most precious gift.

Noctem Aeternus is my chosen Family, I honor our path and traditions.

Therefore, I will experience most in life here and now.

For I am Strigoi Vii of Noctem Aeternus So We Begin!




House Of Noctem Aeternus (H.O.N.A) is an international organization, which is part magickal order, part vampyric family, and a fraternal order who is based on the teachings, traditions, and philosophies of Strigoi Vii (living vampyrism).

The purpose of this book, “Liber Noctem Aetenus,” is for those seeking affiliation into the Family, those seeking an example structure for their own household, and for existing members to remain updated on our organization, traditions, and rituals.

Noctem Aeternus membership only is for the serious individual, open by invite and sponsorship only. We hold the identities of our Family members in the strictest of confidence; only members may announce their own affiliation, at their discretion.

Translated from ancient Romanian ‘Strigoi Vii’ means “living vampyre,” this term describes the collective philosophies, traditions, and teachings we focus upon. Strigoi Vii explores a specific approach of these teachings around the vampyric condition by creative and effective use of the aesthetics, art, energy work, magick, ritual, theatre, spiritual exploration, and by setting high standards of character. Noctem Aeternus is just one collective among many who are members of the vampyre subculture which we call the Sanguinarium (‘blood guild’). We are set forth to test, perfect, and verify these teachings, as well as to bring people of empowered minds together to become a forum of information exchange and mutual feedback.

Noctem aeternus is inclusive, yet exclusive, as we feel there is a very specific frequency of individual who is Family and we draw our strength upon many individuals from many different backgrounds. Our membership is diverse boasting many individuals from unique backgrounds including pagans, vampyres, hermetic magickians, santeros, kabbalists, Gnostic Christians, and chaos magickians, to name a few. Our attraction to this particular expression of how we approach and explore the vampyric nature is the one thing we have in common.

The members of our Family are dynamic result seekers; we practice what we preach, enabling Strigoi Vii teachings to take an active role in our lives. Our system of initiation is developed to encourage application of our teachings, our need to satisfy a spiritual hunger and guide us through our Xeper (which is a translation of an ancient Egyptian world which means to “become”), over just claiming to be vampyre and sitting on the computer all day or just dressing up and wearing fangs and capes.

Our members are engaged in life, have impressive master of their daysides, including professional artists & musicians, performers, poets, college professors, and computer programmers to name a few. Compared to their daysides, members are expected to have equally as developed nightsides. They have equal mastery of their primal natures and magickal endeavors by blending Strigoi Vii in a sincere focus on personal ascension in whatever paradigm they choose to embrace and benefit themselves as individuals and Family.

The Pillars Of Noctem Aeternus

our laws and codes of conduct

Noctem Aeternus is an international organization,

which is part magickal order, part vampyric family and a fraternal order,

that is based on teaching and learning more on who and what we are.

We are not RPGer's.

But true life vampyres/vampires

coming together with like minded people

for a better understanding of whom and what we are.

Noctem Aeternus membership is only for the serious seeker.

Open by invite and sponsorship only.

No one under the age of 18 will be allowed.

We of Noctem Aeternus

hold the Black Veil and the Pillars of our house

in the strictest of respect.

We suggest you read the Black Veil,

and agree to live by it for yourself before

coming to us.

Our way of life is not for all!

These are the traditions and codes of ethics

for the house of Noctem Aeternus.

Anyone Who Fails To Uphold Them Will Be


The Pillars are here for our safety.

The outside world (human or day side)

does not understand who and what we are.

Therefore, for your safety and the safety of the family

we must hold our traditions, codes and ethics with the highest regards.

The Covenant

1. Secrets

Secrets not only protect us from those that would cause us harm,

but they also bind us

and give us a common ground.

The inner teachings should not be shared with any who are not part of the house,

or ready.

Community secrets are our unity.

The outer teachings are a tool for screening others into the family

and bring us together.

Share your nature only with those who have the wisdom to,

Understand and accept it.

Learn to recognize these individuals.

(Our secrets are our safety and unity)

2. Responsibility

We of Noctem Aeternus embrace the concept of,

respecting the Human and Day side worlds laws.

Though we are an international subculture with our own codes of conduct,

we still live in their world.

NO member of the family should ever commit

ANY illegal act which will bring shame, unwanted and unhealthy,

attention to yourself, the house or the nation.

3. Minors

Some of us feel that the first signs of Awakening start at an early age.

Yes, in some of us this is true,

but the risk is to great for a misunderstanding.

Under no circumstances allow anyone under 18

to be initiated into a house of any kind, attend Quabals, undertake ordeals

or gain access to any outer or inner teachings.

4. Our Mission

All of our kind are of the same great spiritual family.

We are all parts of the spiritual organism that is Elorath.

It is our job to our brethren to see past our differences

and pull together and try and make something of ourselves.

In doing so, we create jobs for those in our nation

and set an example for the next generation.

Never force our way or will on another,

Doing so will weaken they're love for the nation,

thus making it and us weaker.

Let them come to us.

If they feel the calling they will come.

Understand we come from all walks of life and faiths.

Teach what you know and learn from them.

No one has all the answers to who and what we are.

We learn a little from each other and grow.

Our diversity is our strength.

Am I my brother’s keeper?

Yes, I am!

5. Recognition

Respect! And recognize all! Vampyre,

Dark & Esoteric Organizations and Groups.

Our community is far too small to have conflict keep us apart.

6. Creation

Support and host Quabals,

open havens, start a business, encourage and support artist,

Dance, Performances, Rituals and all

forms of creative expression which will help keep the dark flame burning.

We are here to create a culture in which we can all

support each other and thrive at the fullest of our potentials.

7. The Pact

Honor, Chivalry and Loyalty

are benchmarks of Strigoi Vii.

We seek to resurrect and express the empowering traditions

of long lost eras,

while consistently updating them for modern times.

We are all adults and should strive for a higher moral standard.

8. Respect

Always act civil even to your deepest enemy.

Resolve conflicts in private.

Confront those who have offended you

directly and respectfully.

Know that you have the right to protect your Honor, self, Family and home

but do it with respect.

When in another's land know the laws and respect them.

9. Swans

We are to have two Swans and a mate,

but this is your choice and not the choice of your mate.

You can not hide this from your mate.

No one may interfere with the relations between swan and Vampyre.

Screen your Swans.

Let them understand they have to be clean.

Because it is not merely their health at risk,

but the health of the rest of the house as well.

When feeding sexually use protection.

Know that feeding is not only sexual!

When feeding from Blood makes sure the donor is clean.

Never feed from the ill, elderly or young.

Never feed from some one else's swan without their permission.

10. Problems

Noctem Aeternus is not a role playing organization,

or society of fang wearing teenagers trying to be something they

are not.

We are a secret society in that we maintain absolute,

confidentiality of our membership.

Noctem Aeternus is a neutral family within the

Sanguinarium and Vampyre community.

We as a family do not get involved in the politics of other,

organizations or games of individuals.

If it has nothing to do with the house,

let it stay where it is.

11. Progress

All members of Noctem Aeternus are encouraged to contribute,

to the family and Vampyre community with the fullest use of their

talents and skills.

There is no shame in running businesses for the benefit of the household.

Monetary stability provides power to achieve goals of the household.

We know you must start somewhere.

No matter what the job is, a job is a job.

But we of Noctem Aeternus strive to better ourselves.

Never settle for less then you are worth.

12. Family

We of Noctem Aeternus are a family

and understand that family may not always see eye to eye.

Fights happen in families, words are said and deeds are done.

What makes a family, is how we get past the hurtful things and deeds that were done,

that is what unites us.

Try to see thing through their eyes, and understand

why and what they are saying.

So you can better understand were they are coming from.

It is this diversity and open-mindedness that empowers us.

It is that view of the bigger picture that lets us see the cycles and,

commonalities of all in the house and nation.

To become blind to one of them would be to lose a piece of the puzzle.

We are of the same mind and blood, let no one come between us!

We are family!

13. Haven

Open your doors to our kin.

Know that doing so will open the hearts of others

and bring unity. Let our kin know that they have a safe place to rest

when in our land.

If we can not trust our own kind,

then who can we trust.

14. Your Word

Your word is your bond.

We of Noctem Aeternus put our Honor first.

If you say something; mean it.

A man/woman has nothing if he/she has not their word.

So, when you say you will do something; it will be done.

15. Knowledge

Noctem Aeternus is here to teach and learn.

We seek to better understand ourselves through

researching who and what we are.

One cannot learn if ones' mind is not open.

Seek out to better your self in life.

Progress is what we seek. How can

we teach if we are not willing to learn?

16. Be Aware of Moral Traditions and Laws and Codes of Conduct

All House members should know by heart the Laws of the House.They should also strive to learn any other sets of moral rules/codes of conduct they encounter to avoid offending members of other Houses and Orders. The Black Veil is an example of a set of moral laws/code of conduct, and should be studied as such.

17. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

Doing so may cause misunderstanding.

18. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

If they tell you they don't wish to to be with you like that, have Respect and understanding.

19. Do not take that which does not belong to you.

If you can not get it the right way it is not meant for you!

20. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have used it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

21. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

22. Do not harm little children.

23. Do not kill humans or animals unless attacked or for your food.

With humans if you are left with no other way and your life is on the line, only then may you protect your self and take a life!

24. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

Remember Anyone Who Fails To Uphold Them Will Be


Noctem Aeternus MEMBERSHIP

Members of the House Of Noctem Aeternus seek a higher expression of philosophy, spirituality, and teaching over drama, politics, titles, and the mediocrity prevalent of the vampyre/vampire subculture. We love performance, aesthetics, chivalry, honor, loyalty, dedication, art, dance, literature, fetish/bdsm, ritual, the occult, and many underground, expressive, and creative interests. We see vampyrism as a real and existing spiritual hunger and phenomena in which is best celebrated through creative endeavors and magick.

The requirement to join Noctem Aeternus is to practice our teachings, to be a vampyre or Strigoi Vii, or to be involved in the Sanguinarium or vampyre/vampire communities. Being a member of the Noctem Aeternus is strictly by invite only, and is for those who we feel compatible and wish to explore our traditions, and learn from those dedicated to the core teachings, as well as from a collective group of like-minded individuals. We also wish to support other friendly and deserving independent temples, guilds, orders, courts, and households who desire our teachings, wholly, or in part.

Since Noctem Aeternus is about the individual; and most of our policies and levels of initiation/ascension may be reminiscent of a fraternal brotherhood and scholastic university, this is because we feel very strongly about structured guided development as a tool of communication. Even though we have various branches and chapters of the family which are tied directly into our family; our goal is to create and provide focused and structured variety, as well as options for those interested in specific focus on certain aspects of our teachings.

Members of Noctem Aeternus are free to join any other vampyric or esoteric organizations, societies, and others as they wish. However, it must be noted that if an individual chooses to become a fully recognized member of the Family, when ascending to 3.4° Calmae Choir, they must swear an Oath of Fealty to put the Noctem Aeternus Family before all other organizations of similar nature. If the individual or the Council discovers their loyalty is shifting towards another family, as it may become a conflict of interests, they are expected to resign their membership (the teachings and tests are still recognized) and move to the privileges of the highest ranking Outer choir of Bellah or take up the position of an Abbon. In this rare occasion, the individual is honored for their honesty and will be often awarded the title of abbon (honorary member of the Family). If the individual is found to be dishonest, choosing to lie about their loyalty to another family that proves to be a conflict of interests, they will be brought to Tribunal before the Council and may face disciplinary action, which may result in formal excommunication from the Family as well as other things decided by the Lord of the House.

What qualities of what makes up a Noctem Aeternus member:

Every seeker is a unique experience and there are certain qualities which distinguish a Noctem Aeternus seeker from other Sanguinarium or vampyre families.

• Realists in that vampyrism is more than just a fashion statement. We physically do not turn into bats or mist, our bodies do not last forever, , and are human beings who have been modified on an astral level.

• Ambition and realizing the world is not an easy place and willing to challenge things in your life. You must realize that you are your own being and if you want to get things done in this world, you have to do many of them yourself.

• Individual, you are not a follower, sheep, or seeking membership to a vampyre fan club for gratification, or just looking for something to belong to. You are seeking affiliation with the Sahjaza for self growth and to achieve the Xeper individually and as a collective.

• Acknowledge your talents and skill in both the dayside and nightside.

• A sense of wonder and that there is more for you in this world.

• Magickal ability, no fear of the occult and a skill at ritual and energy work. Many members of Noctem Aeternus are encouraged to be powerful and skilled magicians, members of various left hand paths, and organizations (Santeria, Buddhism, Gnostic Christianity, Paganism, Setian, Tantric workings, etc.).

• Support of the Family. We want people who are dedicated and loyal to the Family. Who want to see the success of the household and put it first amongst all other vampyric or occult organizations.

• Humbleness & Patience. You have to understand and be willing to make the investment in the family as we are making in you. It will take time before you formally get initiated, and if it does not work out, there is a reason. Even if you are an “elder” in another family, we respect those willing to take the necessary steps to, like everyone else, join the family. Time tells all and we respect ambition to get involved, but there is more than knowledge and ambition to becoming a member of Noctem Aeternus.

• Seeking one’s Dragon Within (their higher self, archangel, goddess within, etc.). Giving a vision of what one’s ultimate state of existence is and realizing that pursuit of this state is never completed and the journey is the experience. Basically, striving for perfection.

• Willingness to learn and educate oneself and contribute to the household with your knowledge base at all levels of affiliation.

• Business sensibility. Understand we all have to eat and pay our dayside bills. Noctem Aeternus is not a place for freeloaders or people who sap others.

• Love of aesthetics. Within ritual, or going out, all Noctem Aeternus should be well presented and dressed. Also aesthetics are a powerful tool of communication and atmosphere in the scene and ritual. No one likes a poorly dressed vampyre. We are a decedent and fabulous group as well as serious about what and who we are.

• Serious. We are looking for people who take vampyrism serious and are not interested in seeking life as a role-playing game. Noctem Aeternus are students of the world and wish to explore every aspect of this gift and opportunity we call life.

• A healthy ego. We do not want people who are egomaniacs, but have a healthy ego or realize they have a big one and are willing to work on it.

• A good sense of humor. The ability to laugh at things.

• The ability to face and acknowledge your fears, problems, prejudices, and forgive honest mistakes. We do not want guilt-ridden people who hold on to things and cannot move on.

• A willingness to share with others what you have found, in the right place and time - and to be silent when it is not the right place and time.


House Hold Structure


Lord / Lady.

Lord / Ladies Mate.

Keeper of the Veil.


Priest Ramkht.



House members and Swans

Golden Circle Swans

The Founder of the house Lord or Lady depending on if it is a male or female.

The Lord Of the house is the law None may challanage his or her word.

They are the head of the body that is the house, they make the laws enforce the laws .

get things moving for the house and community. They reach out to others to make the community stronger,

they are the ones who take on the responsibility of all in the house and making sure the laws of the house and community are upheld.

Any mis-deeds fall apon the head of the household.

Some Lords are warlike and some are diplomatic.

Think of it as the old ways the king of a land and his rule.

The mate of the head of house is either the Lady or Lord.

Their place is to be the balance of the head as the neck of the head is to the body.

they are the support where one is weak the other is strong.

If the head Lord or Lady is not there it falls on them to see that things are done right.

The laws are obeyed.

Keeper of the Veil is the one who is enforces the laws of the house and community.

he or she is the will of the head of house.

the peace keeper.

The Council they are there to guid the head of household in matters of the house and community.

They are the Elders in the house, the teacher and older members

Priest are the ones who do the the rites and teach our ways.

Mradu are the protectors of the house they work for the keeper of the Veil.

they are the police of the house.

The Kitra Companions, Counselors and Concubines are the gentlest and often the most understanding.

As a rule, they are devoted to the welfare of others.

They are a lover who understands your needs, a friend who does not mind you crying on their shoulder and someone you can rant to when you are fed up with life. Counselors are sacred and cherished and very lucky is anyone who has one for a coven member or friend.

Members are those who joined the house to be with like minded people and are known as the students.

Swans those who feed the Vampyres in the house or any Vampyre.

Those who take care of their Vampyre Happy Raven?

Golden Circle Swans have no one set Vampyre, they feed any member of the house, when they have no swan.

They are the slaves of the house.

Our ordeals are set up to be a regimented system of learning, mutual evaluation, and a screening tool which are intended to serve as a system for identifying incarnating members of our Family. Ordeals are designed for recognizing responsibility and allows a step by step involvement based on the individual’s growth and choice.

Not all, of the Noctem Aeternus specific tradition and philosophy is inspired in the age-old left-hand-path initiatory systems employed by organizations such as many pagan covens, ToS (Temple of Set), Freemasons, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. There are rites of passage for entry into our degree system known as the “choirs,” which has a defined syllabus of required reading, exercises, tests, requirements, classes, duties, responsibilities, oaths, and rituals, which must be met before ascension.

The only physical requirement for membership to the House of Noctem Aeternus is that one must be at least the age of majority in their native country.

House of Noctem Aeternus maintains an outer circle known as “Ordo Noctem Aeternus Ventius” (O.N.A.V), which covers the outer teachings of Strigoi Vii as defined in the Vampyre Series of books. The ONAV functions on several levels, including a correspondence program for those seeking formal training in Strigoi Vii, a time of mutual evaluation between the household and the pledge and a screening system for full membership into Noctem Aeternus.

Within the ONAV there are three rights of passage known as “ordeals” which include the Rite of Initiation (Jahira), the Rite of Dedication (Bellah), and the Rite of Adeptus (Calmae). Upon completion of the final Calmae ordeal and appropriate initiation, the individual may be considered a frater or soror of Noctem Aeternus and bear the Noctem Aeternus ankh.

This program is a journey of self-initiation, as the initiate must go through these ordeals through their own personal efforts. Please view these ordeals as a part of personal transformation and learning, and not a means to enter Noctem Aeternus, as we have our own standards beyond these mentioned ordeals, which the council looks for in an initiate. An adra (mentor) or a guide will stand to review the seeker’s Grimoire, advise, and report back to the Lord of Noctem Aeternus and the Council. Until the formal ascension as Calmae, all pledges are considered as sponsored members and may not bear the Noctem Aeternus Ankh, sigil, or claim membership or affiliation to the Family. Pledges may use the titles Jahira & Bellah of Strigoi Vii, but may not misrepresent themselves as Noctem Aeternus.


Ordo Noctem Aeternus Ventius (O.N.A.V.)

Preliminary Phase: Seekers (Prospectii)

When someone comes to House of Noctem Aeternus seeking involvement, they are first expected to obtain a copy of Liber Noctem Aeternus & the Vampyre Book Series, read through and study them. At the point they have studied these books, they are considered a formal Prospectii (seeker) as they have made a vested interest in exploring our teachings and family. Since we are focused on individual application, each individual should make this effort themselves, unaided or uninfluenced by others. They may, of course, ask questions and test out the teaching offered.

Phase I: The Rite of Initiation (Jahira 1.6°)

Once these tools are in hand and if they wish to move beyond the point of a solitary (ronin), they may seek to complete the Rite of Initiation and submit the formal application found in Liber Noctem Aeternus. This interview is both a ritual and journal explaining the individual’s past experiences, outlook intentions, views, etc. It includes the signed Oath of Initiation of the Jahira. This interview is a mutual evaluation between the seeker and the Family. If approved by the Council of The House of Noctem Aeternus, they will be considered to have completed the first ordeal of Noctem Aeternus initiation and entered into the Jahira Choir.

Phase II: The Rite of Dedication (Bellah 2.5°)

Those in the Jahira choir have one year and a day to complete the next phase of Noctem Aeternus initiation, which is the Second Ordeal, the Rite of Dedication to the Bellah Choir. This ordeal includes a time of study in which the initiate goes through a 3-5 month course, including specific regiment meditations, tests, and exercises. All lessons should be reported to their mentor (adra) in the form of a journal known as a Grimoire. Once this course has been completed, the initiate then sends in the Bellah Evaluation to the Council, which requires endorsement of the adra. If approved the initiate may be invited to make the Bellah Ascension.

The ascension to Bellah is a simple rite in which the individual recites an Oath of Dedication and presents the tools of the Bellah (a Strigoi Vii ankh, grimoire, mask, and robe) before Magisters of the Family during one of the six Strigoi Vii festivals. If the individual is geographically challenged or for some reason not able to perform the ritual before the Magisters of the Family, other arrangements sometimes may be made.

Collectively all members who are in the Jahira and Bellah choirs are considered “Pledges.”

Phase III: The Rite of Adeptus (Calmae 3.4°)

Bellah have the option of formal initiation into the Family through the completion of the Third and final outer ordeal, Rite of Adeptus to the Calmae Choir.

Unlike the previous ascension the Calmae Ascension Ritual must be in person and done upon one of the Strigoi Vii festivals before at least three Magisters of the Family. Completing the rite of Adeptus is similar to an engagement to the Family (while magisters are married for life). The dedicant must recite the Oath of Fealty and if accepted are awarded the right to buy a Noctem Aeternus Ankh pendant. The rite of Adeptus/Calmae ordeal requires a series of more advanced study, tests, and exercises which must be completed and like the Bellah Ascension submitted with an evaluation endorsed by an adra.

Beyond Calmae & the Inner Circle

Once an individual is considered a Calmae, they are a full brother or sister of The House of Noctem Aeternus and an adeptus of Strigoi Vii. They may use the house name, wear the Ankh with a red stone, and may be invited to initiate into the Inner Circle of Ordo Noctem Aeternus Magistratis (ONAM). Inner Circle rites include the Rite of Ordination, specializing on one of the three castes (Kharrus) to one of the three castes, the Rite of Magistratis (MorRoii), the Rite of the Magus (Nomaj), and the Rite of the Grande Magister (Dominus). Unlike the Outer Ordeals, these are not required unless the individual wishes to use them within their own Zhep’r and are by invite only.


Ordo Noctem Aeternus Magistratis (O.N.A.M.)

4.3° - Magister (MorRoii Choir) have proven a mastery of Strigoi Vii, have a stable Twilight, and fully acknowledged their Dragon Within through the teachings of Liber MorRoii. MorRoii may bear a purple stone in their sigil, and traditionally are addressed as “Lord” or “Lady.” Those who ascend to the MorRoii Choir are the equivalent of being married to the Family.

5.2° - Magus (Nomaj Choir) have moved into an exceptional grasp of Strigoi Vii teachings through the Nine Keys of Maiiah as defined in Liber Nomaj, thus becoming a Strigoi Vii Magus. Nomaj are to be formally addressed as “Magus” or “Maga” and bear an emerald stone in their Legacy Ankh.

6.1° - Grande Magister (Dominus Choir) is the highest grade of recognition within the Family beyond titles. Dominus have completed the teachings of Liber Dominus and thus achieved full awakening of the Dragon Within and a mastery of the Twilight Condition. Grande Magisters bear a black stone in their sigil and are addressed as “Grande Magister” or “Grande Magistra” in formal affairs. Dominus are committed to the Family beyond death.

The Ordained (Kharrus) are those who have formally mastered and committed to one specific or the three Strigoi Vii roads. These require their own specific rites of passage and to become Kharrus, one must be initiated to at least the 3.4° Calmae Choir. Kharrus may add M° for Warrior (Mradu), K° for Councilors (Kitra), and R° for Priests (Ramkht).


Titles are not levels of spiritual ascension, they are positions of duty within the Family and require the completion of specific rites of passage and initiation into specific choirs.

Allies (Abbon) is a special honor bestowed upon those who are not initiated as members of the Family. They have been formally recognized by the Council as honorary members of the Family. They may attend and participate in ONAV quabals, rituals, and may join the Family through the Bellah Ordeal if they like. However, they may not take or use any titles or be initiated to the O.N.A.M.

Magister/Magistra Templi are those who have been appointed by the Council and granted a charter to officially form their own Chapter. This choir is only available to members of the O.N.A.M.

Acolytes are individuals charged by the council with an administrative task in service of the Family, which can range from administering meetings

Agents are personally charged by the lord to look watch the greater community for threats or possible complications or threats to the Family. They have their identities remain completely secret form the rest of the Family. Only the Lord will know of who they are, and this is only available to members of the ONAM choirs.

The Council the administrative and governing body of the Family. There are traditionally five seats appointed from the O.N.A.M. by the Ipissimus. Those who sit on the council are known as Azra, or “Grande Magister Templi.”

Ipissimus are those individuals who are emeritus to the council and now serve as advisors to the Family. They are rarely directly involved in Family affairs, however, they have two functions which include annually appointing the Council, and second, may veto any decisions of the Council they disagree with.


Noctem Aeternus Chapters are geographically based groups of family which focus on specific paradigms, teachings, the pursuit of special interests, initiation, training, pooling resources, socialization, and ritualization. Not all members of Noctem Aeternus are in Chapters and membership to a Chapter must be determined by the Magister Templi (the individual charged with the charter for the Chapter). In order to form a Noctem Aeternus Chapter one must begin with a prospective group, host quabals, and report the results back to the Lord of the House.

After a year and a day, the Chapter may propose to the Council for a formal charter from the leader (who must be at least in the Calmae Choir) and earn the title of Magister Templi. They can then formally consecrate their Chapter and name it. Lodges may not be formally named until they are given formal charter from the the Lord after their prospective year and a day.

Chapters can be all Kalistree, all Mithu or a crossover depending on the intentions behind it. It is up to the Magister Templi what the membership requirements and expectations of each Chapters are. They must also determine projects, goals, and specific traditions within the Chapter they are leading. In addition, the Magister Templi must renew their charter annually and provide bimonthly reports to the Council. Many lodges often maintain a physical temple, which is a permanent sacred space for the Family.


Within Noctem Aeternus we have a system of discipline, known as a Tribunal.

This is for those who violate our laws,

and must succumb to various forms of discipline for violating our laws.

Tribunals are rare, but sometimes it becomes a rare necessity, and is the only option.

All tribunal decisions are made by the Council, but can be overturned by the Lord of the house. (This is even rarer)

Forms of Tribunal:

Demotion: (Vass Ravhattan):

If an individual violates the Covenant of Noctem Aeternus, they can actually lose recantation of completed Ordeals, or their place within a specific choir.

Banishment: (Morvass Ravhattan):

The individual is given a period of time where their active membership is suspended and they cannot attend any Quabals of the house or have access to the inner Sanctums.

We cannot remove what they are, yet they are essentially “Invisible” for the time set forth by the Council.

Excommunication: (Ravhass Bavhattan):

Excommunication is the harshest of all punishments.

This is irrevocable and permanent.

It is required that a member of the Mradu Choir carry out Ravhass Bavhattan.

Ritual of Ravhass Bavhattan

The violator is sat before the house and all files, Sigils, Grimoires, ECT. Are stripped away as well as,

Any and all titles and they are formally excommunicated from the house.

They are now declared Sin Nomine.

The following are possible and reasonable causes for a Tribunal.

1. If a member blatantly breaks the fundamental tenets of the Black Veil or the Covenant of Noctem Aeternus or any other house.

2. If a member lies directly to a member of the family.

3. If a member carries on hidden activities which he or she knows to be incompatible with the tenets of the house, Vampyric nation or the trust in which the house has placed in him or her.

4. If a member blatantly brakes a fundamental law of Strigoi Vii ethics.

5. If a member speaks ill publicly about the family, its’ elders, senior members or other members without resolving it as a civil adult.

6. If a member represents the family publicly to the media or the public without permission from the Council.

7. If a member provides senior choir information to a member of a junior choir without permission from the Council.

8. If a member harms another member of Noctem Aeternus or in the vampyric community.

9. If a member does drugs.

10. If a member steals.

11. If a member feeds from another members’ Swan.

12. If a member knowingly trys to jump his or her level without putting forth the proper study and seeking the permission of the council.

If the Elders of the house merely disagree with a member, it is not enough reason to banish said member.

Opinions honestly held by a member, and expressed, must be heard out.

The family and the Elders may even learn from them, or the member may be persuaded to see the error.

In order to preserve the peace within the house and community

Until the issues are resolved, the Council will take Any and All actions they deem appropriate to minimize any perceived or imminent damages to the house or the community caused by the member/members.

Ryu Noctem Aeternus 2007


The “Quest” refers to the collective agenda of the Family and is the unifying force and set of goals which is the duty of all members to work towards.

1) Seek out our Lost Family: the fundamental goal of our quest is to find, bring together and identify our currently incarnated lost fraters and sorors from Sep Tepy. As well as provide opportunities for their incarnation into the Maiiah in human form.

2) Exploration Quest: The Second part of the Quest is to challenge, test, and explore all of our teachings; without this we cannot be perfected and evolve with the times. This does not mean to directly or publicly challenge the elders or Magisters and should involve constructive feedback on a formal, one on one and civil manner.

3) The Sanctum of Noctem Aeternus Quest: The final part of the Quest is to establish a grande temple in which we can have a library, retreat, central offices and community center.



The Rite of Initiation, Jahira


Willing to TEST and EXPLORE Strigoi Vii teachings as a personal path towards Zhep’r.

Pledging to explore formal membership to House Sahjaza.

Being a rational skeptic and asking questions and willing to initiate the Awakening

of the Dragon Within, as well as striving for Twilight.


The Scroll of Elorath, Liber Noctem Aeternus & the first book of the Sanguinomicon, Liber Jahira.


Strigoi Vii Ankh pendant & a Grimoire (journal & study guide).



01:46 Nov 17 2008

Ahh but maybe some DO understand where your coming from and what its like..only they have found a way to make it work for them and have come to grips.Cant go blaming everything on others,simply because they do nt happen to agree with your idea of it.:)

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