well i found my new home.... and i have a few friends in there from Bohemia..*waves* hey girls :).....i have been in this coven for a whole day now and so far i really like it.... the people have been nice and they have some stuff threads..... Thanks to CherryBloosm and Rogue for the warm welcomes ya'll are great people ... *hugs*
I knew you would like it there :-)
miss you CCG.
yeah but i still miss you guys :( *kicks Craig*lol
I will soon be joining mooncall ketu lol, I can't wait.
YAY!!!!!! woohoooo
I'm glad were still together though hun.
Indeed I'm begining to like it as well. Very cool people.
OMG well it has happened.... our Coven is going...going.... almost gone *cries* i guess i'll have to find a new home.... i'm going to miss camping out with you guys....and our nights at the club... but all good things must come to an end i guess. Good Bye Cruel World *waves*...LOL ( talk about a drama queen )... but i will miss Bohemia and all who have passed through and the special people who i have made very close friendship's with.... i love you all *hugs*
WTF is happening here?
okay...HI...i am BACK....and SHOCKED.
: O