BodiesLeftBehind's Journal


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7 entries this month


02:35 Mar 28 2009
Times Read: 567

Your all total fuckin arseholes! Whats the fucking point in having friends - when one becomes an arsehole they all become arseholes and you end up losin what you've had and enjoyed for many years of your life!

Turns out they only want to be with you when theres something in it for them!

I cant believe this shite - fuckin everythings ruined now - gone - am no takin this shite - your supose to be mates - how could you say things like that then expect its all to just be better again! How could say that you know your better than me and have no respect for me - how can you claim that to be common knowledge?

Your supose to be my friend - and you decide to say that shite - decide to split up my fiances band and fuck up my whole livin situation then two days later just text like nothin happened!

Well not this fuckin time you fucking wank! its finished - ave had enough - you come near my house am kickin you out - your nothin to me - i've been nice all this time but you dont know just how bad i can be - this shite aint over - your not gettin off the hook.

You cant say things on msn and over fucking text messages then honestly think everything will be fine when you see me - you should know from experience that i take no shit, i've got a take no prisoners understanding of life and you've crossed a fuckin line!

My flat mate has decleard himself homeless because of you - he fucked off three days ago and has been living on his mothers sofa because of you! I'm down on rent money becasue of you, i'm stuck now - how the fuck will i find that money! I dont nothin wrong but i ger acused of raping my flatmates wallet and taken every penny he gets for rent and food just because you dont understand the cost of living!

Everyone who has there own place will tell ye - being a student, on a student income, with loans and grants holding ye up it aint easy but you expect me to able to live on buttons - buy 7pence noodles and live off them you say! what fuckin protiens and neutriants are in fucking 7pence noodles! how could i live every fuckin day eating noodles, noodles and more noodles! just coz you love yer fuckin noodles dont mean everyone else has to!

You fucked me over and all because yer fuckin drummer in yer band lost his wallet - all the guy did was ask ye for a loan of some cash til he gets a new bank card in and because me and my fiance said sorry we're totally skint and you ended up with what a £3.50 bill on yer hands i get dogs abuse about my whole life!

My lifestyle aint up to your standards! You say your better than me! worth fucking more!

Let me ask you - whos the fucker living with his parents? who lost the flat they had? who is in a part-time, 6hour a week job? whos car blow up because he didnt fill the water thingy? eh? YOU!!!! YOU!!! YOU FUCKIN PRICK!

Now why dont i ask - whos studying towards a degree in psychology? who got skipped forward a year in univercity? who has their own house? who looks after that house? feeds the cat? does the dishes? does the laundry? make the dinners? cleans out the god dam fucking toilet? makes the beds? washes the windows? buys the food? buys the electric to light up the house? I DO! I FUCKIN DO!

Everything was fine until you poked yer nose in! ma fuckin flat mate didnt do a fuckin thing - i looked after the house, made him and my fiance dinners, i did all the cleaning and every other fucking thing - he never helped out and did i fuckin complain! naw!

Fuck you all - fuck you and yer stupid we girlfriend that always says stuff on msn then denys it to ma face, fuck the fuckin flat mate! he aint coming back noo! he still fuckin owes me last months rent and thanks to you i'll never see that agiain!

Fuck this shite! am sick of being the voice or reason - i dont want you anywhere near me!

stay out of my life

I dont need you anymore





04:00 Mar 21 2009
Times Read: 583

God people fuckin piss me right aff sometimes - why should i not be allowed to raise my voice! In my own fuckin house! If am angry then your gonna fuckin have to deal wae it coz chances are if a shoutin at you its fuckin because of you so dont fuckin tell me not to raise my fuckin voice!

Total arseholes I fuckin tells ye - If I canny raise ma voice in ma own fuckin house where can I? Eh?

You'd hink since its ma hoose an your eatin all ma food, runnin up ma electric wit yer fuckin computer on 24/7 and lockin ma cat in the fuckin kitchen because ooh she pissed ye aff - she's a fuckin cat thats what they do for fuck sake - you have no right to lock her away, lockin her up without her food or litter tray then later when ye find that she's shit in the kitchen you say I need to look after her better! DICK! If ye didnt lock her up she wouldnt have fuckin done it!

I let you live here, me and ma fiance gave you a chance, gave you a shot to live here with us and you treat ma hoose this way! I went away for the weekend to go to a fucking funeral and come back to find a fuckin phone bill coz you called mobiles fae the house fone that I pay for! Arsehole!

This aint your hoose - this is mines - you pay me rent to live with me, and btw it aint enough rent - you really hink what you give me covers all the shite you do!

You eat fucking everything - I have never in my life seen my fridge or cupboards so fuckin emtpy - food and electric are my main priorities in this hoose and you hink you can run a muck!

Using my internet, watchen ma fuckin telly, using ma electric, ma phone! You never even lock the door when you go oot - why the fuck did i have keys cut for you if yer gonna leave ma door open - fuckin cunts could just walk into ma hoose and take wit they like!

Now you've fucked off for the weekend - gone to hang with yer fuckin arsehole of a mate that tells ye that am to fuckin hard on ye - hahahaha - if only yer wee mate knew wit it was like to run a fuckin hoose - its no a bed of roses ye know - the rent dont pay itself and the food dont magically appear!

Am sick of people that live wae there parents dont have a fuckin need in the world, have everything paid for them tellin me how to run ma hoose!

Aye so wit you've got a fuckin job and go to uni but so do i - difference is i have a hoose to look after aswell - I have priorities if i fuck up with money i canny just run to ma parents to dig me oot the hole - i canny just borrow money and git wit i want but your tellin me that I spend to much money on food, I should be living off noodles and gittin rid of ma cat coz she's to expensive!

Heartless prick!

You've never had to fend for yerself - so wit you lived in fuckin student housing for a few months - wit happened there then? You lost yer fuckin student hoose didnt you - moved back in with mommy and daddy!

Living with four other students aint havin yer own house - theres a big fuckin difference from what you had to hwat I've got - I dont share my rent, my food, my electric with four other people, I'm living on student money and my fiances money I dont have the luxuary of depending on others to help when i run outta cash!

Stupid fuckin cunts!

Dont fucking tell me how to deal with my life when you dont even know how to run yer fuckin own!

Call yerself friends - If friends like you's are all I have then to fuck with friends - I dont want ye's!

Go fuck yerself!




Just fuck off...

23:13 Mar 15 2009
Times Read: 586

Sometimes it seems that your mates aint actully you mats - its like there just there to piss you aff!

Was sittin here, havin a nice nice with the boy - we made dinner together, we had desert and we sat down all cuddled up to watch a film togez then that was all ruined - our mates just turned up - and thats not the worst of it - there pissed at us for not being able to make to there party last night so the conversation between us all is filled with sarcastic remarks and bitchy untertones! Fucking arseholes sometimes - just becasue they didnt get there own fuckin way! aerseholes i tells ya!

Now as the boy is workin at 8am he is havin to go to bed and so the film we were watchen has to wait for another time all coz these arseholes turn up whenever they feel fit!

Its nice to have mates that just turn up on a friday or saturday night and yal have a laugh together but mayes but show up at 10.30 on a sunday night and ruin your romantic evening are right wankers!






02:05 Mar 09 2009
Times Read: 591

Fuck the government!

Thank fuck for freedom of speech!

Fuck you! freedom of speech is the only good thing you fucking gave us!

So....spent all today watchen the Sopranos with the boy and the flatmate - was awsome - until now - they have now gone to bed for work in the morning but naw not me - I'm sitting up watchen shite on the TV - stuff that ave already seen a hunner times before!

I need a job - like real bad - I finish up uni for summer in less than three months and I cant find a job anywhere - I need to get one - i need cash to pay rent and buy food and shite - I cant just not get one - last summer i look and looked and looked and looked some more for a job but naw i couldnt get one and i couldnt sign on the job centre coz I've been a student for so long so i was totally fucked - we missed like two months rent and had to borrow money to - the boys wage just dont cover everything i have to make some cash to!

I hate this shite - I dont see why that just becasue i'm a student that shall be returning to education after the summer i dont get any money fae the government - what do they expect me to live in shoe box until uni goes back? arseholes! It makes no sense - i try to find a job and i cant - i've tried everything i can, used the internet, phoned places, handed in my CV to like every place i can possibly think of - do ya know that some place actully turn down CV's! they were just all like, naw we aint taken any! wit the fuck is that all about! fuck sake!

I'm gettin hefty pised aff with this shite - they have all these fucking junkies and jakies signing on the job centre every fuckin week - these people are actully getting paid to drink and do drugs but someone like me who is tryin to further my education and work towards my forture is just cast to the side!

The government has to get there fucking priorities sorted out - they are ruining peoples lives every fucking day - i mean can you fucking beleive it that alcaholics get extra cash to spend on drink? wft! so wit if its a fucking disease they are the stupid cunts that got themselves in that situation in the first place - send them to fucking AA dont give them an allowance to spend on drink!

The world is goin to shit of crap like this - every cunt is suffering coz of all this credit crunch/ resesion pish but hey lets give the fucking herion addicts money to keep them going!

Makes me so fucking argry - out government does and knows nothing and every fucking day they get us into more and more trouble - wits all this shit about the tax payers money buying out the royal bank of scotland - well i pay tax so technically now i own part of this bank right, even if they just did it behind ma back, didnt ask my opinion not even a fucking vote on it - so now a bank that I'm paying for through taxes is taken me to court for money they say i owe on a bank account that i actully closed down when i was 17!!!! Five fucking years ago! And now am paying for the fucking bank!

Makes yer blood run cold - everything is fucked - we're all fucked and now they think printing more money will help us - dont they know our countrys history - sont they know that the whole contry ended up completely fucked the last time they did that!


They dont listen, they dont care about yer votes - if i go vote it wont make a difference coz they never do the things they say they will anyway - they just fuck us over and sit quite comfortably in there lovely big houses with their huge pay salerys - wit the fuck do they need with a huge salery anyway? most of these cunts with huge salerys get stuff given to them for free anyway! with there company cars - free goodie bags and company credit cards that they use to buy their wives pretty things and go out for fancy arse dinners!

I hate this shit and am sure lots of people have the same opinions - something has to be done for the fucking people!






03:04 Mar 08 2009
Times Read: 593

Aye so am jst sittin aboot - few people over, watchen UFC - load of bullshit if ya ask me but fuck it the boys like it so i supose we just have to put up - every second saturday its on, and its no even like its on at a reasonable hours! Fucking 2am til 6am - sometime even later than that!

I mean i like stayin up late and drinkin as much as the next person but sittin up til 6am to watch some shit about greasy guys fightin each other is just beyond a joke!

Its no even really fightin either - ave seen better fights in the lane roon the corner fae ma hoose than ave seen on this shite! They just rub up against each other and fall over and shite! Load of absolute bollocks!

So...been sittin aboot as i already says - got a new corset in the day, came fae hongkong an only took seven days! nae bad at all - i expected to waiting three weeks on it too! Well chuffed boot it tho - its well nice - perfect fit and gorgeous! woot woot i tells ya

So been reading a few wee magazines when ave been gitting the train hame fae uni and am ragin a many a thing ave read in them fuckers! I hate all this fuckin DIET DIET DIET shit!

FUCK GOIN ON A DIET! be healthy people! be happy people! I hate these people that are constantly on diets and always complaining bout it - for fuck sake why dont ya consentrate on loving yourself and making yerself a happy person with what you have!

It aint that great being skinny ya know - I physically cant put on weight - i wont go into the reasons but i cant - i've been like 7stone for the past two years and i hate it -

clothes dont fit, i can never find my size,

i'm aways ill - i swear colds are out to get me!

I'm constantly cold, always sittin beside a heater on under a cover - every time i go out ave got ma scarf and a big jumper on -

ma face breaks out in spots for no reason whats so fucking ever - it jst decides to,

i have fainting spells and have to take loads of pills!

I'd love to be a UK size 10 like i was before but naw am fucking stuck here being a stupid size six and the fucking most places only stock as small as a size eight! fuckers! We dont have to be stick figures! be real women in the real world - love curves!

So stop with the diets people - stop being taken in by societys representation of how they believe you should look - dont try to look like the people you see in magazines, they fuckers are all airbrushed ya know! and am no talking jst a little bitty airbrushed they airbrush these fuckers to fuck! Dont let it ruin you - dont listen to the shit they tell you - stop before you hurt yourself!






01:36 Mar 02 2009
Times Read: 595

Started playi some stupid game on myspace - one of those application thingys - now i'm glued to it - dont wanna go to bed - lmao!

How sad did i just get hahaha!

Aye so - got the doctors tomoz so should go to bed but am just soooooooooo no tired so fuck it!

Going into town tomoz after the doctors - get the boy strings and pics - think i'll pic up a lil suhin suhin for maself lol

Need to pay credit card tomoz also! God damit! I have paying that thing! Ohhh why ohh why did i even bother to get it - it just steals my pennies! Arhhhhh!






20:32 Mar 01 2009
Times Read: 596






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