BodiesLeftBehind's Journal


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4 entries this month


18:21 Jan 25 2009
Times Read: 562

Nothin to say.

Bored oot ma nut.

The guys are at band practice, The boy called tho - he broke a string and his new pick-ups are shite - he's well pissed aff. Gonna have to spend more cash gettin his guitars fixed up again. Damit.

Been cleanin up - done a few dishes then sat on the couch, canny be arsed.

Watchen telly - but cann find anything i wanna actully watch.

Fed the cat - then she fell asleep.

So am bored!

Fuck all i wanna do.

Gonna git started on fixin out ma wee office/study room/ clothes makin room but i canny even be arsed doin that - was plannin on ficin it up and makin it nice to be in and put picture and bits of random material on the walls but at the moment its filled with more DVD's and CD's than i can deal with right now.

I'm a lazy bitch.

Went out for dinner with the guys last night, yum! was supose to go drinkin after we ate but ended up back at our place with a lot of beer.

Ste and Haze came to visit, we watched some funny stuff on the net and drank alot. Ended up watchen evil dead and fallin asleep on the flatmates bed. No bad. Comfy.

Not lookin forward to tomoz - gonna be a borin ass day, need to go buy food, book tickets to go to inverness and fix stuff wit the bank. Not interested in doin any of those things. Canny be arsed!!!!!! I tells ya!







02:02 Jan 24 2009
Times Read: 565

Today could never be decribed as a good day, the death of a loved one can never be over looked.

Today began at 12midnight and from then it never looked to be a day i'd enjoy. Psychology exam began at 10am, I had to get up at 7am to make it into town on time, would have been okay if I'd gotten to sleep before 5am which i never do when i have to be up the next day. Yossed and turned all night.

The exam went shite - everything I'd studyed for never came up - I think I failed but I supose if I did fail, I did it spectacularly!

Got home, went to bed. Woke up at 6pm - felt shite, had a questionable pizza for dinner.

The Boy got home from work - only to find out about twenty mintutes later that his grandfather had passed away at 5pm today.

Jock, as I'd come to know him - was a wonderful man - I loved visiting him and will miss him dearly, I just hope he wasnt alone when it happened - so suddenly. RIP Jock.

he lived in Inverness, about a three hour drive from where we live so we didt see him to often, last time we visited he had highland cows, was amazing, I love highland cow - yeah he was gonna sell em to slaughter but I try not to think of things like that. Whenever we visited he ade me feel so welcome and at home, he was like an old gentleman and even though we'd only met about a dozen times I will miss him and I know the Boy will to.

The Boy seems okay - been acting a little weird but taking it very well - I dont think its actully hit him yet, I love him so much and I just want to hug him and make everything better but we live in the real world. The funeral will be sometime next week so we shall be off to Inverness pretty soon.

I called my mother, let her know about the Boy's Grandfather only to find that my great-grandmother has been diagnoised with cancer, not sure whats happening there tho - I dont even know which kind of cancer it may be.

I've been with The Boy for four years, we're engaged, live togther and have a cat. We're both 21, young you think, right? Yeah but we love each other.

I wish he would be more open with his feelings tho - he wont take about this for atleast two days, he keeps things in for a while before he feels okay to get it out.

RIP - Jock






17:28 Jan 22 2009
Times Read: 571

I'm supose to study, my last exam is tomorrow - I'm soooooooo gonna fail!

Slept all day, the boy and the flatmate left for work at 12pm and I fell back asleep - woke up at 3.30pm, looked at the clock and pulled the cover over my head - then the phone rang! fucker! Twas ma mum - talked to her for like an hour and by then there was no point in sleeping! Ahhhh!

I feel crappy, suck ass! Canny be arsed doing studying even though I know I have to - Fail Fail Fail!

Arhhhhhh! I have no self control.

Am always gitting myself into some trouble or another and all because I have no self control - If I want something I get it but if I need to do something well fuck it! I canny be arsed!


Tis very much needed round these parts!





Whole new world...

03:38 Jan 22 2009
Times Read: 582

First entry, I like this place - awsome.

Wee bitty confusing but isnt everything the first time you use it.

I plan to use this journal alot - and I mean alot - I live a rather fucked up life and it seems only right to have somewhere to complain, moan and groan about it. Not that I'm always complaining - I'm a happy person - but only on certain days. Like everyone else in the world I have my sad days when just getting out of bed seems like the longest journey.

Journeys tho - I love. Love to travel, love being on planes and buses, shall be awsome once the boys band starts touring and I get to travel the world with him. Sometimes I actully take the hour and a half bus ride to Uni instead of the half hour train just to travel and see things I wouldnt normally pass by.

Fucked up but hey I'm sure its not a stange as how some people get there kicks. haha

Glad to be here

Whole new world of online journal infront of me.




05:23 Jan 22 2009

If I could offer the suggestion - if anything on VR seems confusing at all, there's always House Eternal's Adopt A Whelp program to help you navigate and get the most out of VR.

I'm sure someone there would be more than happy to help you.

Personally, I'm going to go hide and pretend I know nothing... good luck!

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