Lets state some facts here, since you know me?
That's right I allowed you in my life for over a decade. I gave you family, strength, and respect. You knew me yes.
You knew the person that loved, cared, and respected you. That person trusted you.
Let's see when your lies were catching up with you, and you chose to tuck tail and run, remember that person that shown you mercy? That felt sorry for you? Well with your actions you killed all those emotions, and I am seeing , instead od feeling sorry for your weakness, i could have and should have stomped a damn hole thru you.
Since you know me oh so well, What happens when someone abuses my trust and feelings? When they can't seem to stop poking at me? You should count your blessings to have gotten away with your shitty behavior up till this point.
There is no statues on disrespect. If you know me, know everything that I do, I have reasons to do so.. You should remember something you took from me.. If I truly saw that your behavior should need checked, well there is no where or no one that can help you hide from me.
See im dealing with things that need my attention more, than some attention seeking drama whore.
In the sake of old times, as you put it.. take that gift, and sit down, and shut the fuck up..
Less I turn my gaze to you.
If you indeed know me oh so well.
Know I once loved you, I no longer give a fuck if you take another breath.
I felt sorry for you because your weak and beneath me..
I no longer give a fuck!!! You should know what that means.. Count your blessings, and move on.
Really? Don't flatter yourself. I have been updating profiles, rating and posting etc.. When every once in awhile I see something that needs removed off my friend's list. I have wasted enough time on you already, So when you see me in your last 10. It's simply to remove you from my friend's and journal list.. Bam 2 seconds your gone POOF lol
Life has been so much better since the toxic trash took itself out.. "smiles"
I could care less.. "Miss YOu"? lol nah bitch keep right on being filled with your envious hate.