refers to the mortal world outside the gates of the Sangui-
narium and the Strigoi Vii Mysteries. This is the “normal” world whose
inhabitants are not aware of who and what We are, or of the metaphysical
realities to which We are Awakened. Other Awakened tribes, such as vari-
ous vampire/Vampyre Legacies and Initiates of other esoteric systems, are
not counted within the mundane. They are simply “Others,” and may be
seen as spiritual cousins of the Strigoi Vii. Terms such as “Dane,” “mortal
minded,” or “hyle” (the Gnostic term for an unawakened individual) are
used to refer to members of the mundane world.
The Dayside aspect of the Strigoi Vii Mysteries is the main tool We
use to master Our Corporeal Self and achieve a strong interaction with the
mundane world. We employ Dayside philosophies in Our everyday mun-
dane lives in order to improve and further develop Our Self. This
grounding in the Dayside is known as the Dayside Pillar, and is studied in
the Jahira Mystery.
Strigoi Vii refer to Their “mundane” or “mortal” families as Their
birth family. Most Strigoi Vii’s birth families cannot understand or accept
Their nature, so the Strigoi Vii can only interact with Their birth family on a
strictly Dayside level. However, some fortunate Strigoi Vii have understand-
ing birth families who accord Them the luxury of openly expressing Their
nature. The process of disclosing one’s Strigoi Vii nature to birth family or
friends is sometimes rather humorously called “Coming Out of the Coffin.”
In order to evolve in Zhep’r, the Strigoi Vii must learn to accept and balance
Their Dayside birth families as well as Their Strigoi Vii Family.
See worlds on worlds compose one universe,
Observe how system into system runs,
What other planets circle other suns,
What varied beings people every star…
From An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope
TWILIGHT is the contrasting balance between the Dayside and Nightside,
allowing the Strigoi Vii who become adept in Twilight to fully enjoy the
pleasures and benefits of both. With such mastery one can rise to full em-
brace the experiences of the Astral, dreamwalking and higher planes of