I am in a long distance relationship, and every moment I get to spend with my love and her son is very precious to me. Every time I have to leave them it gets harder and harder, and I am hoping to fix the situation, but anyway... she has a friend who she has been there for for a very long time, and who has been there for her fora long time. Due to his actions, he has pissed me off beyond words. But she still talked to him, and still did favors for him. So she tells me he is sad, and depressed. I am driving toward her, and we take the little guy out for pizza and some games. I asked her to invite this guy, thinking if we meet perhaps we share a lot of common experiences. We both care greatly for her son. Perhaps the joy of seeing the little guy happy would cheer him up. Who knows, perhaps we will get along and have a nice discussion. So I tell my girlfriend to invite him, and all I her is hysterical laughter from her. Here i am trying to be nice and she laughs at me as if I were crazy. So I insist, I only wanted to be nice. So she texts him. I am offering to pick him up, pay for everything, and drop him off. Not only does he decline, he insults me, and tells her she is no longer a friend don't talk to him. Why is it that no good deed goes unpunished?
I had the most amazing birthday of my life this past weekend. I was given 4 days and 4 nights with the most amazing woman I have ever met, and her son who is a budding genius. I simply don't know how to explain to her how much they both mean to me. Nothing in this world is perfect, but the love I have for her, and the way my eyes, ears, and skin perceive her is as close to perfect as I have ever been aware of. I find myself at a loss when simple redundant things like I love you, or I am in love with you fall so far short of the way I wish I could explain it. Then I am left to wonder, have I done everything I could each day to show her how deep my love is...How can something so intense and amazing continue to grow and consume me? I am so thankful for them both.
Rare and precious are the days in one's life where you feel that you lived richly and deeply. Sucking the marrow from the moment in which you are living and thereby creating a memory worth cherishing. Too often the setting of the sun is wasted, unnoticed, thrown away like rotting fish. For a few moments on this day I lived beyond expression. The sounds and squeals which caressed my ears, told me what I knew for longer than the span of my years. I have found that most rare and precious thing. She is my true love. No matter how the world may conspire against us, we will be able to overcome adversity. This life will be too short a time together, but the love we share will endure unto the next. She has given me the carrot on the stick. She has made me happy.
And you have reanimated me back to Life. In all my wretched years of existence, I've never felt what you make me feel.
You love me, you protect me... you respect me. I don't have to worry about a thing because I know that when the night goes dark you will be there.
Sweet Lover... If only half the souls here knew what Love truly is about like you and I do.
22:24 Jan 30 2017
sounds to me like it is a jealousy thing and he has feelings for your gf. I may be wrong, but I picture myself in his place if I liked a girl and her bf asked to get me and us all go out it would be a bit awkward..just my opinion