My tears spill for you
They wash away every bad thing
That has happened to me
You may watch them run
So slowly down my face
Drip by drip
Drop by Drop
Hear them hit the floor
As they fall from my face
My tears spill for you
If olny you knew
Copyright ©2005 Liza Ann Luppino
You never see me cry
You never see me mad
You olny see what you want
You think i'm perfect
But i know i'm not
You have to stop
And see the real me
Not the imange of want you want to be
I know i'm not perfect
And never will be
I'm not the happy lil girl you once new
My whole world has changed
And not in a good way
Why can't you just stop pretending
And open your eyes
And see the real me
Not the imange
Of what you want me to be
Copyright ©2005 Liza Ann Luppino