Writing a new story. Trying to be more descriptive this time so I don't sound like a two year old. Does the name Lillia sound weird?....I like it. So anyway this one is about demons. I sense a theme with my stories.... hmmm.... maybe I should add sum vampires in there.... that might be interesting.... ideas, ideas...
What is with everyone dissapearing these last couple days? Where is everyone going?! This is fucking annoying! Everyone I want to talk to isn't here it seems.... >.< Are you avoiding me?!...
So had a totally epic weekend couldn't get on the computer yesterday tho... my room is so damn clean its unnatural! My friends are soo weird....
Invited people over. :) super happy. This is going to be epic. Party! ugh i so need to paint my walls. white makes my head hurt... i also need new furniture (stupid asshole) The only good thing out of this is that hes gone. I never want to c his f'in face again....Wheres a good assassin whem i need one?!
So the a-hole finally moved out and he took one of my f'in dressers. wtf! i am deffinetly inviting a bunch of friends over....
My a-hole stepfather is finally moving out. so Yay! ugh if i could hurt him that basturd he wouldn't know wut hit him. I hate him so much. He doesn't deserve my mom. He deserves to go to hell. Fu Asswipe! go die in a fuckin hole where u belong!