knife slice
knife cut
death to you all
you fucking sluts.
murder and madness
you drive me insane,
your voices your aroma
like garbage truck day.
------------------------------not finished ----------
to be finished soon
quick dash to the window.
3 story fall.
time to end it all
im shacking like a
leaf on the crisp
morning air. it
brusher pass my face
like the kiss of lost
soles making my body
light and my brain throb.
why couldnt i fill this
way a few seconds
ago? so free. a bird
above the trees.
the ground rushing
up at me. THUD.
A dalling scream
in the destance.
so peacefull. almost
no sound. im laying in
a pudle. broken all around.
now that i am here
i know i ment
to fall. the
wormist pull
of scilence i hope
that this is all.
wrote 10-21-08