Bel12702's Journal


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8 entries this month


Weeps those in need

18:41 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 565

Dear God weeps a little child please explain their parents death, Someone tell her why her baby breaths its last dying breath.

A fathers only son walks the streets a homeless man, A mothers only daughter washes up face down in the sand.

Theese things happen to us all each brings it's own pain, Like a farmer in a drought asks why cant it just rain.

But if he didn't need it or lived upon a boat, His water would be abundant on his wishes he would float.

But since he wishes dearly and life depends on it, He'll dry up wishing fot it but not reciving shit.




Minutes turn to hours

18:27 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 567

Minutes turn to hours and hours turn to days, Time become illushions getting lost in lifes black maze.

Friends become the hated an loved ones turn to foes, No use in caring deeply they know where this path goes.

When they hit the bottom and look up to see you there, They probably need a dollar with all their pockets bare.

Be coutious to be quick and reach out a helping hand, To turn a burn out good is finding dimonds in the sand.

But every once in a million some one will come through, And they owe their life to a friend they call you.




If you had three wishes?

18:19 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 568

If you had three wishes what would they be, Would you give just one of those whises to me.

Close your eyes and reach out your hand to rub the lamp, Make your first wish as the genie apears it feels dark cold and damp.




Love consumes to much compashion

18:14 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 569

I remember the day you told me you were leaveing as we said our final good byes, You set and listend dearly to what i had to say as you whyped the tears from my eyes.

You told me that you still loved me but in a way differant than befor, Than you left me not knowing what lyed a head for you once more.

I had spent many of sleepless an lonely nights, Just thinking of you and what it would of been like without all the fights.

An my heart is breaking just for you, deep down with in your self you know that yours is too.

Love is wild an pashionet until it consumes each other to much, Tell me just how much you felt it and how much you miss my soft sweet touch.

It isn't suposed to end this way, I shouldn't be able to feel the things i do when you still come around me i want you to stay.




No-Ones Falt But Mine

17:48 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 571

My head is spining all around, It's to late to worry even when your down. My heart is torne into pieces burning up in flames, I set alone in my room crying in shame.

I have done somethings in my past that are really bad, An I certinely runined all the chances i once have had. No-One in this world really seems to cair, an there is just to much in it for me to bair.

I'm leaving this world an everything in it behind, But i want everyone to keep one special memory of me with in their minds. It's now to late to turn away from all of this, An all the things bad about me god allready knows i'v done he is makeing a list.

Please oh lord i'm down on my kneese praying for your forgiveness, Now lets get down to some dirty business. It's time i lay everything on the line, an state whats whos falt and mine.

I know lord that it seems like the same old dance an song, But i blame myself for everything i'v done in my past thats verry wrong.




L ove Lost

17:46 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 572

A Poem written for: George Eaten Ethington 1975-1990

My dear friend that i lost to an vehical accident.

Shattered dreams of you and i, I set an listen to our song as i begain to cry.

I know that i gave you a promis that i wouldnt shead a tear, But my promise to you was broken to my worst fear.

Our love an pashion that we once have shared, Looseing you was all my heart baired. Our love was pashionet an our love was free, love was what come between you and me.

Precious memories is all i have of you to hold, an I'll keep those memorys with me always tell i'm old. As i look out my bedroom window at the snow on the ground, More snow falling leaving no trace of whare to be found.

what was done no-one could ever fogive, what we would of done to see you walk away an live. the pain an sarrow i felt for you then will never end, I wanted to say good-bye to you at your funelial but i was to emotional to attend.

So i gave to you a few moments of my heart felt silenc as i said a few simple words of heart ach an tears, As i promised i'llalways remember our conversations to one another threw out the years. I'll never forget the special times we'v spent together holding eachother tight, As we kept eachother safe and warm threw out the long cold winters night.

I never wanted to live my life alone without you by my sideBut i make this promise to you now that you'll always have a special place in my heart, I can't beleave our relationships over befor it could even start.




A Special Friend

17:45 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 573

Everyone needs a little appreciation an a little applause every now and then, Leaping forward for love but only ending up with a special friend. When relationships start to really turn bad, you find your self thinking of the things you both could of had.

I'v been enduring in a drought of suport for a while, going threw a phase of hideing hurt feelings in a state of denial. trying to heal each hurt with only a band aid, looking towards a bright future not being a fraid.

giveing you love in a pashionet nature only you can adore, Brings us back to a couple engaged in an endless tug of war. holidays,Celerbrations, and Birthdays are a time for laughter, Happyness, kindness, and love shareing things with others an god above.

Tears of sorrow, grief, and pain on those days i will no longerabtaine.




A Dreamers Prayer

17:44 Oct 16 2005
Times Read: 574

A dreamers world crushed by a mistake, A little girl with an infant babe at stake. A little girl all shaken an scared, Alittle girl with her heart broken an teared.

A little girl what will she do, With her little problem that will tear her in two. A little girl to scared to let her feelings show, A little girl who dosent want a solitary soul to know.

A little girl waiting for her wishes to come true, A little girl with something tiny precious an new. I want to keep my baby i don't want to let go, My own flesh an blood a babe with a glow.

Now hush little girl now don't you cry, We are about to take care of your problem just you an i. A little girl with no place to live, a little girl with no love to give.

A little girl with no money, A little girl with no honey. A little girl without a job, this little girl begain to sob.

I just don't know what to do with all of this, Just give my babe up with one finel kiss. she droped to her kneese an she clutched her fists starting to pray, Hopeing an sobbing that her baby will return to her again someday.



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