Young soul, full of joy.
Curious eyes, sweet boy.
Thirst for life,
stay away from the knife.
Sensitive heart, without anger,
yet to know about danger.
Making your first steps,
not knowing the truth in the depths.
Deep in my heart, a wish,
not to let you miss,
the truth behind the world.
But your heart, oh! so full of love.
Deep in my soul, a desire.
So strong, I think I'm on fire.
Bright eyes, shining heart.
It makes sence..
You are safe inside your innosence..
A life so empty, without meaning.
Walking without knowing my destination.
A life in darkness.
My eyes closed shut.
I didn't want to see,
what was right in front of me.
But there you are.
Now I have the stars as my guide.
Your two beautiful eyes.
Now I have the sun as my guide.
Your bright smile..
Heaven as my destination.
Your warm embrace.
To find my missing piece as my goal.
You my love.
A life so magical, full with hapiness.
Dancing, longing to be with you.
A life in light.
My eyes wide open.
I can't stop looking at you.
Standing there, in front of me.
I love you..
Waking up in a room
Darkness, seems like a doom.
I'm trying to find a way out
I can't, I scream out loud.
Who brought me here?
I feel a presence near.
Just right behind me,
as I turn, his eyes on me.
Eyes so dark, I lose myself.
A smile on his lips, but doesn't help.
In my mouth, not a single word,
he's so powerful, a lord..
He takes my hand, he pulls me near.
He takes me to his arms, a feeling
I can't seem to recognize, love mixed with fear.
The darkness starts fading.
Touching his skin seems so unreal.
Feeling his lips.. Is this real?
Holding me tight, he takes me to another room.
The portraits on the wall.. No..
He leans in and whispers..
"Forever my love"
Sitting on a dark corner of my room.
I'm listening to our song, crying silently.
I bring memories in my mind.
I scream your name and I fall to my knees.
I'm watching the tears dropping on the cold floor.
And with them, I feel my heart breaking to a million pieces.
I'm trying to stand up, but my strength left me.
I fall down as I see my tears turning to blood.
As I feel my heart beating slowly.
I lay there, awaiting for the last strike.
Wishing for all these to end soon.
I feel my body heavy and while sending a wish up to the stars,
I close my eyes.
And with my last breath, I whisper..
I love you.
And here you are..
Smiling, like I remember you.
Giving a hand out for me, we are walking together..
Side by side..
To freedom.. To eternity..