The story begins and ends some years back as my brother tells it... he was racing his motercycle down the highway, trying to get home to enjoy the greener things in life. When out of the bushes apears an adorable little squirl. This is a ways ahead so, my bro has time to see the cute fuzzy tail twich before it halls ass out into the road. Now, we all know, if it comes between us and the squirl it'll be us right?... admit it, you'd hit that thing and smile while the little head when POP!! Well trying to spair the poor critters life he shifts to the right and this squirl Bairly escapes with its tail. But, as he is stairing, astonished, at the squirls wonderous fortune, it spins around and darts back under the second tire resulting in... you guessed it LUNCH!!! Fresh and Twitching