Left work early for preparation for bad weather coming. matt and I shopped for all of us. Picked up food for Dave, Ro and pets. Not sure if I am staying to wait out storm. Picked up more stuff today. Food for babies too. Matt corked the apartment windows in Jersey. Don't really want to leave the place for fear of flooding. Rather be with family than by myself. Tough choice!
Had to come in to see Amber tonight. She had her surgery. She got fixed but also had what looked like a tumor on her nipple. She may be Ro's baby but I saw her being born during the Star Wars game. My puppy too. She's family and I've been worried about her. She has had a rough few months. In a few weeks, she has to get the other knee done too.
Don't really mind the trip back and forth while staying in NY. Better than breathing dust after demolition. The boss was sweet and is letting me leave early to beat the traffic. Then i get to hang with family. Tonight I'm am going to try game after it was down for 2 weeks.
Took the day off so Woody and me could come up to Matt's. They are wrecking the building next door. No way am I staying there with the noise, mess and not to mention anything can happen. I remember when they tore down grandma's house. The wrecking ball went into the neighbor's house.. I'll just go back and forth from here for work till they are done.