reading the constant posts on Vaccinating vs Non Vaccinating has made me think along with the constant stories of big pharma and their billion dollar industry in the US...
We are constantly told we need vacs, the amount of things and vacs have went up even since I was a kid. Also in the US many rates of disease and illness has went up instead of down. ingredients in vacs have come to be linked to cancers and alzheimer's and other things. (dont eat tuna with aluminum in it, but its alright in a vac directly injected smh)
Anyway my thought is there are many poor 3rd world countries where millions of people never get vacs or proper medical care and yet vacs are credited with eradicating disease? house come these threats are not running rampant in them countries and still spreading?
just a thought Im not pro vac or against it..Im just against government lies for the sake of corporations to make millions.
I find it strange that some people seem to have no morals or sense of right and wrong. That some people will choose to make up elaborate stories, and make promises with no intention of actually going through with them if they even really could in the first place. Why? What is the point? If someone claims to be your friend why would they coax you into letting them help you, then keep dragging out the lie for months when they never planned on doing it in the first place? I find it really shitty to mess with a so called friends emotions by giving them a sense of false hope and to drag it out by making excuses until they are finally confronted. Then after you ask months later they just stop talking to you.
It makes it really hard to trust people at all when even supposed friends act this way.
I finally get to see my little princess has been a long ,hard, emotional wait for the last 2 months.
She is trully a beautiful princess!!
Many hugs and kisses to the most amazing little bat!!
thanks she is my princess and I cant wait to see her in a couple hours..I miss her so much and I dont smile for pics usually but I do with her.
Aw! I'm totally glad you finally got that visit you've been waiting for.
not yet, coming to get me today around 1pm Im guessing
Oh dang, I misread your entry.
its ok she just called a bit ago and is over half way here so soon :)
Wow, she so has your eyes... she is beautiful. I am so happy for you brother that the day is finally here... Enjoy!
in a couplle hours its officially Easter and the first major holiday I will miss with my daughter, and it is very heart breaking to be a daddy and not be able to be with your little girl especially now since she is old enough to be excited for candy and such.
Life is sometimes very cruel, and its hard to stay positive when nothing seems to go right.
anyway I hope my friends here have a happy holiday and cherish the time with your family because you never know, in one moment things can change forever.
new single from Wednesday 13s upcoming CD
Those With Borderline Personality Disorder Aren’t Just Being Emotional
There are many challenges associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD), but perhaps the hardest to accommodate is the sufferer’s emotional sensitivity. A person with BPD is emotionally vulnerable in a way that makes them unpredictable. Their feelings burst forth with incredible force and ferocity, triggered by what seems like a whisper.
Studies have shown that from infancy different personalities react differently to emotional stimuli. But the person with BPD doesn’t know how to regulate their intense emotions. This can make everyone around them tense and exhausted. So understanding a bit of what is going on inside the person with this condition may help to lessen some of the strain.
The person with BPD often demonstrates extreme emotional responses that seem to have no basis. Their reactions seem to erupt for no apparent reason. This is just as confusing for the person with BPD as it is for others around them.
Even when there has been some emotional trigger, the person may not be able to identify just what it was. This person’s emotions are so exposed and raw that the slightest touch can set off an intense response. Even when the trigger is recognized, the reaction is disproportionate to the situation. What might make the average person feel mildly disappointed sinks this person into a pit of despondency.
It has been long suggested that people with BPD act and react extremely in order to control others or their circumstances. Things like yelling and screaming in public or intentional self-harm are not really manipulations as much as they are escalations.
The individual with BPD reacts at a higher decibel right from the get-go because their emotional baseline is set higher compared to other people’s. What would trigger a flicker of anger from most people ignites a bonfire of rage in the BPD-affected person.
And as soon as they start to react they know that they are over-the-top. But this just heaps shame on top of the bonfire of emotions, like throwing gasoline on the flames. The feeling of being out-of-control is scary to them. But rather than say they are scared, they may express that fear as anger directed toward others.
Once the person explodes, they have a hard time regaining equilibrium. This is not merely anecdotal since research suggests that while a healthy brain manifests emotion for approximately 12 seconds, emotional activity in the BPD brain exceeds that by 20 percent. This means that it will take them longer to cool down and recover from their emotional response.
People with BPD can learn to regulate their emotions, but it’s hard work. A skilled counselor can provide needed tools to help the person gain control over how responses are expressed.
Could It Be Borderline Personality Disorder?
When someone has anxiety, depression, or another form of mental health condition, symptoms are usually present day in and day out for weeks, months, or years.
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD), however, may have strong emotional episodes that last only hours at a time, flaring up time and again. And this serious psychiatric disorder is one that requires serious treatment. Why? It can destroy relationships, careers, and even someone’s life if it's not identified and brought under control.
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?
Unstable Relationships
One of the major symptoms of borderline personality disorder is having volatile and unstable relationships, even with close family and friends. People with borderline personality disorder can quickly swing from having intense respect and love for someone to suddenly becoming very angry and hating that loved one. Any separation or change in an expected schedule can trigger an extreme reaction and feelings of rejection in someone with borderline personality.
Unwarranted Anger
Situations that are obviously out of another person's control or are truly insignificant can inflame the temper of a person with borderline personality disorder. One of the common borderline personality disorder symptoms is intense anger that is out of proportion to the given situation — for instance, if a parent or significant other has a work commitment that takes him away for a short time, someone with BPD may blow up in anger and hostility out of a sense of rejection and isolation.
Impulsive Spending and Other Risky Behaviors
Spending money carelessly and in excessive amounts is a risky and impulsive behavior that is characteristic of someone having an episode of borderline personality, but that’s not the only way people with BPD act out. Other destructive patterns seen with borderline personality disorder are unsafe sex, eating binges, gambling sprees, or risky driving. These are thought to be related to a poor self-image of the person with BPD.
Abusing Drugs or Alcohol
Substance abuse problems and alcohol dependency are other destructive behaviors often seen in people with borderline personality disorder. It's common for those with borderline personality to turn to illicit drugs or to abusing alcohol during episodes of borderline personality to attempt to find escape or relief. All these issues must be treated in order to help better control borderline personality disorder symptoms.
Hurting Oneself
Borderline personality disorder symptoms can be extremely intense, and people with BPD often have issues with body image and self-esteem. It's not uncommon for people with BPD to try to hurt themselves in some way. Destructive behaviors could include causing physical harm, such as cutting themselves. They may have suicidal thoughts or actions; these require immediate medical attention.
Feeling Empty Inside
When someone he loves is physically gone — even just for a day or only a few hours — the sense of isolation felt by the person with borderline personality disorder often leads to an intense feeling of emptiness and the inability to cope with the absence. Borderline personality disorder symptoms may include a loss of self-worth, and a loved one’s being away — no matter how innocent the reason for it — can trigger feelings of being abandoned and emptiness.
Being Afraid of Being Alone
Lashing out in anger, a hallmark of BPD, often stems from one basic yet intense and overriding fear — the fear of being alone. People with borderline personality disorder often go into a panic or rage when they feel that they are being abandoned or are left alone, whether that abandonment is real or imagined. Being so afraid of being alone can cause serious problems in relationships.
How to Find Help for BPD Symptoms
Borderline personality disorder symptoms must be treated, and there are effective treatment options available. Medications, including mood-stabilizing drugs, anti-psychotics and antidepressants, can help manage symptoms. Different types of counseling and therapy, including psychotherapy and a new approach called dialectical behavior therapy, can be very useful in helping people with BPD control their illness. Therapy in a group setting can also encourage people to alter their behaviors by learning from peers struggling with the same problems.
This sounds like me exactly yet my doctors have me down as bipolar manic depressed
My diagnosis was Axis 1 borderline personality disorder, Axis 2 Manic Depression.
so sunday I came across a post on facebook for a free puppet give away..They posted a template and asked people to design a puppet from it by midnight sunday. I have a few puppets and hurried up and saved the pic, I dont have a printer so I edited it in a photo editor program into a vampire pirate puppet, and they contacted me yesterday that I won. Everything else seems to be going to crap in my life but a 10 minute edit won me a free puppet...its not much but its nice to have something little go right.
Congratulatons on the winning Batty!! You always were and are so skillfull on designing!! As for the second part please I know its hard but think positive. You arent alone. You have your friends that we will always be next to you. Dakotah and I. I always pray for the best for you and the baby batty. You are always in mines and Dakotah thoughts.
thank you. I know but its hard, this is the longest I have went without seeing her. Its hard to handle at times.
life is hard and many times it doesn't seem worth it. family issues,health issues , financial issues, it is a struggle to think positive when everything in your life seems so negative. I cant sleep well anymore, insomnia seems to get worse the worse I feel, along with health issues that keep me from sleeping well. itd be nice to get even 4 hours of sleep without waking up.
when days of grief drastically outweigh days of joy, when do you finally give up on life and realize you have lost?...
sitting here again it 820am I havent slept all night excited I was suppose to see my daughter today. But as seems to be happening a lpt lately in my life things fell through. My daughters mom just texted that she got sick and wont be making the the wait to see my baby girl goes on 42 days since I last seen her, nearly 2 months now since Ive been able to have a conversation with my grandma who was calling to check on me almost everyday for 4 months until she had a stroke which screwed up her ability to talk. I have many bad thoughts and my depression has been getting to me lately. AAnd I know many of you here dont care and think its just a post whining. It is what I have to try to get things out. I dont go anywhere, I dont hang out with anybody. This is just my way to vent as bills have been overwhelming and things in my life just seem to not be working out the last few months.
if yu read this sorry for wasting your time, i dont really expect people to really read any of my stuff its just for me.
I cannot imagine what you are going through or when what you are feeling, but I hope that things start to look up for you... I don't believe that you are just "whinging", I think you are venting in the most constructive way-getting it out in black and white for others to offer a thought, well wish or even an opinion (however negative or misplaced it seems) rather than destructively by punching someone or something (it never solves anything anyway...)
I hope that you are able to see you daughter soon and again, u hope that things start to look better for you soon, please don't lose hope.
thanks..i know being destructive hitting something or someone isnt destructive behavior in my past has always been aimed more at myself and Im trying hard not to slip back to those old ways.
09:49 Apr 28 2017
Bats, you can look this up too and see what I say is 100% truth. Back before whites came all Nations did not have any illness. Our kids were not vaccinated simply because none of those diseases where around. We lived off the land and knew what plants to eat Mother Earth gave us to stay healthy. Legend is how Natives learned what plants to stay healthy is we follow animals and like a deer have upset stomach we see what plant they would eat to get better. Point is all Nations, from Cherokee to Cree had NO illness till white man came. Then they spread there disease and germs to the Natives....So yeah... a lot of what you say now is true about drug companies. And the illness are here now so, we have to vaccinate but its scary because you hear so much controversy. I always think they could cure a lot of disease but drugs companies are Billions of Dollars a year so if disease were cured... well, we would not need them. This world is in a very sad state my friend.
18:02 Apr 28 2017
That is my point..The Big Pharma corps make billions upon billions of dollars a year NOT to cure, but to treat illness. It is big business and a large part of the US GDP to have americans sick and keep selling drugs. Then selling more drugs to treat the side effects of the original drug.
In these third world countries where people do not get proper treatment these diseases should be spreading more and more and then in modern times with travel by many means plane, boat, trains, animal migration, and such these diseases would be spreading and being transported to other areas.
I dont know if being white or Native, or Black has anything to do with it beyond the fact the white started migrating to other countries, and continents bringing with them things that may not be naturally occurring to the new areas. For example the Plague being spread by ships that brought rats from one area to another thus spreading the disease to a wider area faster.
I think personally people build up immunities naturally I as a kid did not get all the things kids are getting now and I hardly ever got sick except for colds, or a one day flu. My baby now even with al these multiple vacs has had some sort of flu or sickness that had her puking for 4-5 days..In reality we do NOT know what is in a vac, we take a Drs word for it who is also getting kickbacks from the same big pharma corps. Meds are pushed by Drs based on who is giving them bigger incentives. Pharma corps are doubling prices overnight on drugs that many are on for life threatening illness. Aluminum is known to cause problems from cancer to neurological problems, there was big issues I think back in the late 80s not to use aluminum products especially anti perspirants for it causing cancer, I've seen articles that show people with Alzheimer disease having higher traces of aluminum in their brains...yet its used in vacs for the purpose of causing a reaction.
We are being shown daily how much our government is lying, how the money of the rich, and corporations influence the laws that benefit them and not the people. How can we really trust what we are being told is the truth?