Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.
Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.
The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.
What Tarot Card are You? - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures - Evil, Vampire, and Horror pictures
and put things in here because i am getting tird of all the pictures on my profile so i may put things in here
My Answers to Survey
i have to think everyone of you for the warm welcome i recived when i first came to this site some of you i have befriended other just took the time to stop by and welcome me thru comment nevertheless thank you all i have found my home and another special thank you goes to cancer the man that seen fit to make this site and everyone that works their ass off to make this site stay together
i really love my coven and the people in it the all are real sweethearts i have to give a special thank you to my good friend and fallow coven member countessofshadows she is a very kind lady and if not for her i would still be looking for a coven and i also have to think all of the other members of my coven for giving me such a warm welcome
~~love you all~~
you are the best
i am so damn pissed its along story so if you read this please don't ask me not that you would care anyway but just incase you decide to be damn nosey i am really angery right now and i do not wish to dicuss this at the plrasent moment
p.s leave me the fuck alone i am in a very bad mood and wish to be alone however if you insist on talking i will be nice to you as long as you aren't one of the people i am upset with but it would be best if you just leave me be til i get in a better mood and i will my mood changes alot
i can't belive people are stupid enought to think that i am going to just run away from my home and marry their stupid ass pisses me the fuck off i am not here for that i like to talk to people that have brains not silly things such as that
You are totally obsessed by the supernatural You are totally obsessed by the supernatural. You can choose what you want to be after your glorious death. The life after death awaits you with open arms. Are you obsessed by the supernatural? created by Myspace Quizzes & Surveys - Quizzes, Surveys, Tests, Trivias |
My Answers to Survey
if i forget to add something that i may think someone may need to know then i will wright it in here instead of going back and redoing my profile however i will probly change my profile alot if i get bored with it so if you see my profile once it may or may not be different the next time you stop by