Off to see my babe very soon ... I just drew the curtains back and it looks like we had about an inch or so of snow during the night and it's fallen on just my car ... damn it!! I can see it now, .....
"dad can we build a snowman."
"No hun, I have a better idea .. lets errrrrrr, ummmm .. "
It was sleeting last night when I got home, I knew it would snow but was to lazy to run in and bring out the wind-screen protector .. well it was after midnight!
Oh well ... see ya laters ...
Just as I was going to give up on looking for another flat 'BAM' one comes along ... just need to dot the i's and I could be in by the end of the month ....
it's true when they say 'good luck is often with the man who doesn't include it in his plans'.
*Fingers crossed*
Best wishes! :0)
Best wishes! :0)
good luck with the move babe :)
I seem to have the ability to switch off and stay guarded at a moment’s notice, I guess we all have that ability but I seem to have perfected it.
I think if it wasn’t for my daughter I would have locked myself away from the world at large long before now. She has really brought the best in me out.
Right now something is nagging at me and I can’t put my finger on it. I have become restless again and my guard is up.
Some things in life we just can’t prepare for but even if we did prepare ourselves and no matter how well the preparation seems, the devastation can still be the same. The best we can do is to pick ourselves up and move forward.
If everything truly does happen for a reason, just once, I wish the reason was made clearer.
I wish I can give the answers, but can only speak from my experience. I truly trust my "gut" feelings when things are feeling not quite right. When things are going well, I'm generally happy both inside and out and it shows. People notice and tell me as much.
My heart seems to be open to risk and to love once again. I wish you the same blessing. xoxoxo
You made me think of Silas Marner.
If such things did not provoke thought and comtemplation, maybe we would stagnate. I sometimes think you should be locked up...but never locked away....your far too valuable for that.
Things may happen as a matter of choice or interaction within physical laws, but if they all happened for some ethereal reason, then reason is what we would find behind all occurrences. That's not what we find.
It hurts when you can't be there for the ones you love, just being at the end of a line, be it a phone, internet or even lifeline doesn't really do it.
You would be surprised how much it means to know that someone is on the line or internet when you need them most.
Yes, it would be better if they could hold you or wipe the tears away, but just hearing a voice and or seeing a smile does oh so much.
There is nothing that beat a hug at a time in crisis from those you love, but those that love you will feel all your love in your words also :)
It hurts more when you want to be there and they don't want you.
10:38 Nov 23 2008
lol...go on, you know you want to really.
15:08 Nov 23 2008
Post a picture of that snowman :-P
13:10 Nov 24 2008
Play in the snow for this Arizona desert rat...please????? LOL :0P
17:58 Nov 26 2008
Chuckles.. snow, whats that? heh