We have good ole 'Paypal' back again!!!
My daughter became a teenager yesterday and she was still concerned about me after the loss of her Poppy. See life moves on. I sometimes ‘stop time’ to think, when I say ‘stop time’, I mean I just take time out to think and I’m so in need of that right now but it’s just one thing after another.
Dominique is quite the young lady now and her concern for me and others is quite heart warming given that she has been excited about her day. Her birthday bash will be later on today with a just a few of her ‘besties’ as she calls them, I call them beasties. My ex-wife, cousin and myself are all on taxi duty as we will not be escorting them to the cinema or the meal afterwards. I will however be sitting outside said venues!! Then it’s back home for a sleepover, my poor ex.
You raised the kid well. :) Hope she had fun.
I hope she has a fantastic birthday!and if her fantastic Dad has anything to do with it, I am sure it will be just that! :)
Bet she has a great time!
That should have read 'had' a great time lol
02:17 May 10 2011
*throws confetti and toots horn* HOORAY!!
08:42 May 10 2011
I must admit I didn't like passing money through Google to get a prem!!
19:49 May 10 2011
You're so Old School on how you transfer funds digitally!
10:01 May 11 2011
No No No...that means I'll be spending some dosh now!
13:48 May 14 2011
I didn't do that.. I asked a friend to buy me a premmy instead, and paid her for it directly :) Hey... I loathe paypal!!