Here's a word about a Muse,
she broke her heart and went off her food.
Now that really was scary,
she was a sucker for all things dairy.
It was just as well she saw his lies,
as now she wears a better size.
A morale tale is this Muse,
that sometimes in life we can't always choose.
It should have been you,
But it was with another she
Sunrise, sunsets, kissing in the rain.
It should have been you,
Squeezing my bum, giggling together
Warm smiles, picking me up.
It should have been you,
Petted, held, adored
Being watched while you slept.
It should have been you,
Saving my life, loving me forever.
10:29 Apr 19 2008
Omg....I will live forever
10:42 Apr 19 2008
As I keep getting reminded, ""be careful what you wish for......'' LOL