Feeling so alone
So empty and hallow
Feeling time go slow
The farther I get from home
No faces I know
Always so alone
Scared and shaking
Feeling as if I'm breaking
Needing a fermilier face
But none leaving a trace
Needing a hand to hold
Fully knowing I'm alone
I'm frightened
I'm lost in a world I do not know
Seeing as I'm so far away from my home
Going to a land unknown
That only the gods may know what lays beyond
From bright cold skies
To a scary, dark, and starless night
Surrounded by the unknown
I really have no place to call my own
Scared to speak
My outcome seems so bleak
I am weak
Moving at a pace I do not known
It feels like and eternity since I've been home
Adventuring on my own
Do I really think that i am grown?
Am I dumb or am i brave
So I go alone into the unknown
Not knowing what lays a head of me
I still move forward
No matter the pace
I will reach that place
Knowing someone out there needs me
Moves me forward
Keeps me running
Makes me strong when I feel weak
Terrified, I need a friend
Anyone to call my own
For I am far from home on my own
Am I dumb or am i brave?
Am I sure this is the right choice?
But I can rejoice
For at some time I will reach this unknown land
Where I no longer will feel bad
For being who I am
The hunger sets in
The tiredness takes hold
But I do not stop
For I have no choice...
I am on a journey far far from home