Auden's Journal

Auden's Journal


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13 entries this month

04:59 Sep 29 2018
Times Read: 314

In response to your kismet: pics or it didn't happen.




05:19 Sep 28 2018
Times Read: 343

All of these members are publicly proclaiming that a single, other, user is "in love" with them. My question is, what has this other user proclaimed publicly? If anything....




05:07 Sep 28 2018
Times Read: 347

Just a moment ago, I was worrying, intensely, about something. Now...now I can't remember what that something was, and now I'm worrying about the fact that I've forgotten what I was worrying about. This is really worrying me.




14:53 Sep 24 2018
Times Read: 356

I have an idea for a coven, it is overly simplistic...the name is not complicated, or flowery, it's simple...but I do believe my idea for this particular coven is effective and would lead to an active society. I just need help with the crest/graphics. It sucks not having photoshop, not that I was ever any good, but I could make something decent enough to slide by...supernatural comes on in seven minutes...yay.




09:07 Sep 24 2018
Times Read: 374

There is something really wrong with you. I wish you would just stop.




20:44 Sep 23 2018
Times Read: 392

Just a random thought...I want to create new content for all of my profiles, as all of them are obsolete, and were never quite done to my liking in the first place. They were all done simply, and quickly, just to have some content up there, you know? I could put more effort into coding, and have often considered it because that's an aspect of the site that I used to really love/enjoy, being able to alter the appearance of your profile content through html and css coding. It's just that, every time I go to work on one of them, I stop...and I just don't, because it feels pointless, but most things feel that way these days, and I find myself not doing much of anything.
I have a headache.




05:42 Sep 22 2018
Times Read: 398

I got in from work not too long ago, and there was a package waiting for me. It's a book called, 'the Secret Teachings of all Ages' by Manly P. Hall. It's definitely going to be a very interesting read, if I could only force myself to pick up a book, start it, and successfully complete it in a timely manner. Lately, for the past several months actually, I've been able to start plenty of books...it's just the pesky matter of finishing them that eludes me haha.




04:53 Sep 22 2018
Times Read: 407

There's a lot of stuff going on here that I feel the need to write a very lengthy journal entry about, but that wouldn't accomplish anything. You know how people are quick to say, "Well, if it's not your cup of tea, then don't look/read/watch it." It's not that easy when the crap is every where. I think I'll stick to pointing it out and laughing about it with friends.




20:22 Sep 19 2018
Times Read: 444

Plot twist: All of these profiles are owned by the same person, and his/her multiple personalities are constantly arguing with each other through journal entries. Think about it, they all write/type the same.



20:34 Sep 19 2018

Which profiles?

02:12 Sep 20 2018

If you're thinking who I think you're thinking, I said almost the same thing to someone else I know. Not the multiple personality part, but the being the same person part.


21:53 Sep 15 2018
Times Read: 455

(Right now) My favorite television show is, Supernatural. Every day that I get home from work, no matter what time that may be, I watch reruns of the show. I just love it, I find that it often inspires me to draw, to read, or even to write something...I don't always do those things, but the feeling of inspiration is there.



22:01 Sep 15 2018

How splendid! I do the same when I watch Supernatural. I actually started to learn beading because of Meg Masters and angel grace.


00:58 Sep 15 2018
Times Read: 465

I really should try to make some friends here. I also feel the need to write new content for my page, considering what's there is from two years ago when I first decided to make a new account. I might just do that.
Both of those things, I mean.




05:08 Sep 14 2018
Times Read: 489

Thinking about Covens, and I'd really like to be snagged by a society that has thought provoking, original content, none of that sand box nonsense. In the far distant past, I was a coven hopper...I've been in a ton of covens, solely because I was unable to find a place that suited me or my interests, so I've just kept on searching. I've often found that the vast majority of societies, while brimming with potential, all contain the exact same threads...the exact freaking same. Always filled with a-z threads, or "game threads" of that nature. I suppose these easy threads exist to encourage members to take the few minutes it takes to rack up a few posts, in order to make it appear as if the coven is super active. I just don't think those types of threads have a place in a coven forum. I think that threads that require an open ended response of a few sentences or more are the best types of threads for a coven forum, they tend to lead to more conversation amongst the members and makes for a tighter knit family feel.




10:29 Sep 13 2018
Times Read: 508

Leveling takes a lot longer than what I remember it taking.
I am aware that it becomes much more difficult as you progress.
Just a thought, Cancer should create a coven, that some how would acquire the favor that would/should be produced by the activity of users that are not yet at the level of induction, or of Sires that are active but not in a society. I know that in order to earn favor you must be in a society, but think about it, the activity that these users are putting in would technically generate favor if they were in a society, so I'm sure the boss could make it so that the activity produces favor and goes to a coven of his own, like a bank vault of sorts...or maybe just to make houses that much more special, he could have it go towards them some how?
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