People are still having problems loading profiles? I find that odd but I guess some have really old computers. I consider mine old since I have had it now for about six years and I don't run Vista or Windows 7 (I own Vista but took it out of this computer and put in XP Home Edition) and have no intention to do so. Microsoft said they wouldn't support XP for awhile now yet I still keep getting updates. I am on basic cable internet...Time Warner and I am not directly connected to my computer. None in my house are. For some reason the drivers were not loaded I guess. I really don't care. I have a Medialink Router which is absolutely fabulous and a G which is geared for any Operating System and the internet adapter. Unlike many ISPs, Time Warner does not build a router into their Modem and when you get it, it is your responsibility to set it up. What I like about Medialink is that it is actually made in the USA and even though it is a small company they help you set everything up if you just call them and they did for me. I haven't dropped from the net even once. BUT I have had to reset the modem a couple of times and they had a problem once on their end. It was all a Time Warner problem and not anything to do with the net itself.
I live in an apartment and so there are a lot of people sharing the cable line but I maintain 135 mbps. In this day and age some can only afford dial-up but in most cases it will be difficult to function on the net now with that type of connection. It's not my fault if someone has a slow connection.
I do rate people for the work they put in and it doesn't have to be long and drawn out exactly but if I rated everyone by my likes as I have stated, most would get much lower scores than I usually give out. So many things affect what we like here. There are so many ages and tastes. Also so many different types of connections and computers being used. In my house alone we have the PC although I don't have the old style monitor anymore and a MAC which is the type where the monitor and computer are one. Then the other one is a laptop. I connect better than they do for some reason and I am remote as well. What I pay is not that expensive really and it is the basic connection as I previously stated. I never have any problems loading anything here at all ever except my background disappears when Cancer puts up his full page advertisements. Don't know why that happens but it returns. Most of my problems have always been with programs and not connections.
When people are mean spirited they usually these days vent on a social site about the inequities of everyone else. Then you have to listen to a diatribe of silliness about what is wrong with everyone else. I think everyone knows what good manners are but they just don't practice them much anymore. The internet is a good haven for people to get away from the real world and for others it is a place to work. Not everyone is lying about who they are or putting up deceiving pictures. All pics of me have been taken in the 21st Century but I decided awhile back I wasn't going to keep taking them for the benefit of others. I have never been much of a picture taker but I do have pics of my family and not all of them are on my profile. I really don't want to make a portfolio even though it's not a big deal but I decided not to after I deleted it two years ago because everyone is soooo judgmental here.
So what if some want to use photobucket pictures to enhance their ports and I know I had to work at collecting pics because I don't have a scanner and like I stated I don't like to take pictures. I never think about it much even though I do have pictures I have taken. I don't know I don't see all the fuss. I have this guy on my FB and many people who say they are vampyric look younger but then many don't. I think that is just in the genes quite frankly and is not related but I honestly think this man's photos are pics of when he was younger. The one I have up is an icky webcam picture I took for the net. You can't see me clearly really in it but I kinda like the pose. My hair is a little darker blond now and it's much longer than it was there but I'm not skinny but I look like it in the pic...go figure. I'm not fat either in the picture but I was no size 7, lol. Forget about the anorexic model sizes. You can see me when I turn sideways. I'm not here to fulfill others ideas or impress anyone or anything else. It may seem like I am showing a lot of stuff but three of the people on my slideshow are dead and the rest you wouldn't find with what little I have given and the pics are freely given on FB, it's no big deal. My life is very complex and not on my profile. That is rather superficial really.
People come here and set themselves up for people to do things on here. If you are giving a lot of nasty rates, and blocking people all the time don't expect a pleasant time when it gets around. It's just not going to happen. For some reason it is mostly (not all) males who do this. I don't know if its a power thing or they think they are so special they are above everyone else or what. I don't rate people by the standards of what I like because that wouldn't be fair. I rate them by the amount of work they have done and if somewhere there is a profile in it...something about themselves. That's it and most don't get 10s from me now because people aren't making nice profiles anymore...well the majority. I don't know why. BUT I don't want to read those that are going off about how superior they are and how everyone else is so decadent ... it's nauseating after awhile. Get a life folks. If you want to go off in your journal that is what it is for. Do it to your hearts content but please do yourself a favor and make a decent profile with no threats or anything that personal like sexual orientation...come on this isn't a dating place and how you are not going to put up with this or that. Again you have a journal...spare me the negativity. Sometimes it is plainly overwhelming and I wonder if everyone is back in High School. We all get mad from time to time because we are for the most part friendly strangers...well most of us anyway. We have to rate to level up so keep the profiles civil and I will be a happier person when I have to wade through them.
Nice to be rated on "work" but I don't want to be spending my time loading a profile- that takes forever to load because someone has so much crap on it. Besides the internet is not the real world-ironicly it's a place for peeps to lie & others to write blogs on the truth such as this one.Either way nothing "really" gets done.
Well,I happen to like ya no matter what.
If you are having a problem loading any profiles then you might think about upgrading your computer. Mine is about six years old and I have no trouble loading any of them at all. You can put what you want to your heart's content and it won't affect me. Perhaps your provider or where you live is actually the problem. This is a game and unfortunately we are competing for scores. This profile has much more than my other one but it suits me. I am not concerned about others. If I was a Sire perhaps I might get lazy and not put but a brief amount of information because the scores, most of them would have no impact from a newbie. I have an up to date scanner and my speed on line is actually very good.