I'm worried about my son and his family. He lives in an area that has tornados frequently. I haven't seen his state mentioned but he is very near all of it. I haven't heard from him for awhile. I will probably try calling tomorrow because I read the headlines tonight and got a little scared about it. I know when I lived in GA we got tornado warnings all the time. So many lived in mobile homes where I was and I thought it odd in a place where there are storms of varying types and those tornados.
Other than that I loved GA. We are starting to have small tornados in California. I think people believe there can't be earthquakes in other areas but their are faults all over the US. It could happen anywhere really. I have just noticed that it seems to be escalating and weather is sort of freaky now. At least we gave a generator to my son so if the electrical goes out they at least have that.
Here is a pic of my youngest grandson, Isaiah. He is my son's child and one of the reasons I worry so much. He isn't even a year old yet.
I am so tired of people posting on their profiles and journals how to rate others. Quite frankly I will rate a little lower but not a lot for profiles that aren't creative. I want to see writing, graphics and possibly musical tastes and videos. BUT they don't have to have any of that if they put it creatively together. I cannot sit and read a bunch of writing and especially if it is all about don't do this and don't do that or I will do this, ect. ad naseum. I wish people would just rate how they want to and beyond that say nothing more because no one is right and no one deserves a pat on the back for anything. It is just a game. There is no right or wrong. I mean everyone espouses that all the numbers are there to use and as soon as someone decides to rate a 1, all hell breaks loose, lol. Maybe that person doesn't like the profile, color, what is said, etc. Generally though, that isn't the case. Someone tries to be cool or get even with something they think has been done to them. I personally don't like antiseptic profiles but I won't give really low scores because of it. I just figure they are lazy or don't know much about coding like me. People who go around trying to tell everyone what is right annoys me. I say, rate how you wish within the rules but if you embellish upon it then it's on you. This is the one thing that bothers me the most about VR, things that aren't really about VR but the people who want to control it. Geesh. I could care less about all that hoopla. Do your best within your own tastes and if people don't like it, at least you tried and you took the time to show a little piece of yourself with graphics, no graphics, quizzes, no quizzes or whatever your little heart thinks represents your personality. Sometimes I feel like I am back in High School.
I watch a lot of movies and sometimes it gets boring after awhile. I had watched some of a movie called Secretary from 2002 with James Spader and Maggie G (not going to try to spell it, lol). James Spader has been my favorite actor for years. She is not one of my favs but she does an excellent job in this movie. It is sort of controversial and deals with S&M in a way but I am not involved in that at all so don't have any inside ideas about relationships of that nature.
Maggie's part is of a mentally disturbed person who comes out of the institution, trains to be a secretary and gets a job in a Law Firm owned by a Mr. Grey which is played by Spader. It is not so much a sexual movie as much as it is painful. It is intense and how a relationship evolves between two people who come together in an odd way by most people's standards. Some of it in my opinion was very touching and some was very sad. The movie won for best picture of the year at the Sundance Film Festival in 2002. I knew James Spader was a little eccentric in general, lol.
Of course I don't know Spader but have been reading about his little quirks for years. I know he has an extreme vision problem. I don't know if they technology wise, found a way for him to wear contacts. I know I read that if he wasn't wearing glasses he couldn't see the other actors more than like shadows and at that time at least couldn't wear contacts. Many times the scenes he would do didn't have anyone else in them anyway, lol. Especially the movies with children and he has done quite a few I guess from what I recently read.
Anyway back to Secretary. The scenes I found to be the most sensual were when he scoops her up from his office and takes her home and puts her in a bathtub in the latter part of the movie and began washing her hair. I kept thinking, lol...why isn't that me, lol. What can I say :).
I have yet to watch the whole movie from beginning to end, so I am waiting until it comes on again so I can see it start to finish. It is the most unique movie I have ever watched and if it hadn't starred James Spader I probably would have passed it by because its a difficult subject matter for me to even relate to. There is a love story there but it is done in a very dark way.
I am so impressed by the other Coven in our Alliance. I never saw so many great profiles in one coven that was over a few members. It's great to see and they are sorely underrated. I was surprised their over all scores were so low in comparison to the work done on the profiles. Quite frankly, the average person on this forum does not have a profile as technical as some of these people, including me. I don't have a clue how they did some things. I can only think that some didn't like the themes or colors or something because as far as hard work, it was there. It surprised me a little because I have been in other covens. Really cool to find and quite interesting.
Well...I got the book that was written by a geologist on his views of where Atlantis really was located. It's entitled: Atlantis, From a Geographer's Perspective. Mapping the Fairy Land. Author: Ulf Urlingsson, PhD (www.lindorm.com) Anyway, he believes the location of Atlantis is Ireland.
It's a hardcover book and is small, only 100 pages long. Don't go to Amazon because there it is near 50 dollars and you can get it for the normal price at the publisher or I think it is who I ordered from. It was the regular retail of the book at the place the author stated. Now what I have to do is see how he arrived at his theory. I found him while reserching Hy-Brasil.
I go through periods where I watch HGTV all day long. I'm retired so I don't have to rush around trying to do something. Kids are grown, no job to worry about and I am pretty reclusive in all actuality.
There is so much disparity in the US by area in regard to price of houses. You can get a house about 20 miles from here that is two story with as many as five bedrooms, one downstairs, a loft room, a built in office area, at least three bathrooms and vaulted ceilings. They are only about six years old. The average price for one is $180,000.
I saw this one couple looking for a place in another state that he would fit into. He was 6ft 10 in. The prices were outrageous and not once did I see them show a house with cathedral or vaulted ceilings. Los Angeles is crazy even in a sub area of LA. An old house cost in the million dollar range. It is so unethical for them to be priced that much. Especially when there are so many foreclosures. Even in the town I left my Dad's old house built in 1955, which was remodeled, had an asking price of $279.000. (they have dropped the price a little) I am only 50 miles away and more south and the houses around the area are so much lower and you can still work in San Diego because the mileage isn't that bad. What is bad going anywhere is gas prices that average 4 dollars a gallon. It is ludicrous.
I like House Hunters International because it gives me a chance to see other countries and the homes there. Each time I am thankful I actually live in the US. Don't like the politic thing here (government...shhh didn't say that) but we are definitely spoiled in comparison. We don't have buildings centuries old or castles really although there are some sprinkled around that eccentric people have built and other unusual places. We generally tear down the really old buildings at least in California due to earthquake safety.
Anyway they went to Southern Spain and I saw an area where many live in caves. Yes, that's what I said, caves. They have been turned into homes and many are really creative and very livable. They also went to Bulgaria and that was where I saw a big difference but what I did see is a very picturesque and beautiful country, so it was a trade off but the apartments comparatively in what they were in American money were really expensive. Now they are in Miami...high cost again. So I wonder why many go to Florida to live? Yikes. I lived in southern GA and would never live in Florida because of the hurricanes. Nope, not this lady. It is a place I would definitely visit but not live there. Waiting to see where they go next, lol. Geesh and they are looking in South Beach right near the water. I am hurricane phobic, lol.
I like to see them fix up the outdated places but I personally like retro, lol. Doesn't bother me. I would take the house. My only concern would be plumbing, wiring, termites and mold, that's it. Everything else could be upgraded eventually if the price was right. Oh, and I forgot one, asbestos, that would worry me. It would have to go. Generally they have to tell you and of course lead paint but that can be handled. Besides, I don't think I would want to buy a home made prior to the 80s anyway. That's providing I wanted to buy a house which I don't.
Closed one of my posts because it actually was counter productive. I didn't read any comments because well, I didn't want to do so. I was just blowing off steam. It is easy to do, just hit edit and make a change and voila, they are gone.
I get stomach knotting when I log on because I can feel the undercurrent here. It is behind the scenes and really I am not apart of any of it. I just know it is there...awww, lol the conspiracy theories that go through my head. I feel sort of stressed and have a hard time rating because I know I am going to see those profiles that are full of animosity and it makes me feel ill. So I guess the best thing is to rate the database for awhile, but then I get behind and I am already behind in pages and rating anyway. It is the same for the journals, hard for me to read and I feel like its cheating if I just sort of breeze by to gain page counts so I try to read some of it and some is very interesting because there are a lot of interesting people here but I wonder if one can really get to know anyone very well. I see some get caught up in online dating and have things like they are looking for a certain type of person...good luck.
I guess it doesn't help that I worry about who will die next. There was another death, not in my family but my best friends cousin. It seems every few months someone dies and I worry about my brother who isn't in good health. It is apart of life but I liked the part where I was attending weddings and baby showers, now that I am older it is funerals if I am free to get to it. Sad that when you get older so does everyone else and not all of them survive as long. Sometimes I feel like an orphan with both of my parents gone and then my husband even though we were estranged but still...
At least I haven't lost any of my children yet. I don't want that to happen. I should be first.
Going into the journals and reading is a brave thing I think, sometimes humbling. I never know if some are grandstanding or being truthful. The know-it-alls are in there and I feel sorry for them. It sometimes unnerves me and why I don't like to read journals like that.
These people talk about mainly how superior they are. They don't say it outright but what they do is put down what other people do on the site and I can feel the contempt in what they write. Sometimes it just makes me feel ill and why I don't like to read their posts. I get curious though, like anyone else, unfortunately.
Now we come to the profiles. I am not even sure why this place was made a game with all the people rating in such a way that no one can really be themselves. There are people who like to be friendly and it shows on the profiles. Will that sway me one way or the other? Not really but it is a whole lot better than a whole page of cranky complaining and telling you what they are going to do if you do this or that on your profile. I have to say there are some really award winners here on that level. If they are caustic which seems to be the rule with the many will that sway me, no. I just don't want to know the type of people who are constantly criticising everyone and acting superior because oh my god someone made a typo or they used chat lingo. Many don't put their country of origin on the profiles, therefore English isn't a first language. Then there are those from other countries who do better than English speaking natives, lol. My pet peeve is all the people who misuse "then" and it is rampant here everywhere. Look up the difference between then and than. There are some really intelligent people who post all the time here using the wrong word and it isn't a typo because it is put up repeatedly. I am not a grammar guru but I do notice things like this.
There is a hodge-podge of people all ages and there are those that think they are the ruling class here. I find it rather amusing and have gotten to the point that nothing surprises me anymore. I have been here almost four years and the same people are the same slimey people. Rationalization of others making one look like they have taste, education that they apply well and anything short of being very unsavory people, wears on the nerves at times.
I saw a profile that was made up of a lot of small writing I had a hard time reading and most of it was about their rating but not all. It was extensive but not with a lot of graphics. Was it better than those with graphics, no. Was it brief, no. I don't care if it is brief or long, it represents that person's personality. What it did say was this person was someone hard to get along with and was using this forum to state figuratively, "don't mess with me." Look at me and watch out. I told them they scared me and they do. Not for the rating I might receive because I am use to dropping and getting 1s from time to time. It isn't that but that such people will go to such lengths to try to prove they are superior. How sad. It is all about personal power. If people write and you don't like what they say, ignore them. If you rate them arbitrarily because you don't like themes, certain color schemes, graphics and the list goes on be prepared for people who have worked hours on their profiles to get upset whether people think it is childish or not. I feel both individuals are just as bad but unfortunately my sympathy goes to the person who was creative rather than the idiot who tries to tear that down.
People, don't write to others and beg for re-rates. Most don't want to re-rate period and they take it as a challenge. Don't lower yourself to do that. All it will do is get you into a verbal boxing match in many cases. Some of these people don't care. Others will help you but most of the time you will get made fun of so just don't do it and move on. Keep calm and don't take it seriously, you don't know these people so it isn't personal. Let them make fools of themselves by what they write in their journal entries, caustic, mean spirited comments about other people they, for the most part, don't even know.
I will continue to make my profiles fit my personality. That means not really brief. It means I will use the graphics I like whether others like them or not or like them in profiles at all. My profile is just that...mine. This is why I rate on effort usually but like everyone keeps stating there are rating numbers from 1 to 10 and because there are it doesn't mean I have to use them all and it doesn't mean I can't use only one of them. Like so many state, Cancer gave a lot of leeway on that so it is my choice how I will rate, no threats, no criticizing or spending all my free time trying to analyze and put down most of the people on the site. It is over-rated and not worth my time but yet...I just did that very thing, lol. Let's face it, people are contrary including me.
Sometimes I just can't sleep at night, well most of the time. I snooze off and on because I have to. I have to get up early to help with family.
The thing is I turn on the TV because I hate silence. It doesn't mean that some noises don't bother me but total silence makes me uneasy. Inevitably there will be one of those Time Life music compilation advertisements. Each one is slightly different and hosts change. This one was the Woodstock era or something like that.
I didn't attend Woodstock because I lived out west and there was no way I could have gotten back east. It was an interesting time. We had so many types of music then as well. More varied by sound really than now I think. We had surf music, pscychodelic, the English sound, rock, folk rock and others.
I couldn't believe when my daughter said who is Linda Ronstadt when I mentioned her. It was fun watching all the old groups. I had forgotten about Donovan whom I really liked so I had to see what he was doing and he lives in Ireland I guess now. I was curious about Scott McKenzie too. Now if you don't know him he sang the song San Francisco in the 60s. He toured and sang with the second incarnation of the Mamas and Papas and is a song writer as well. He was one of the writers of the song Kokomo that the Beach Boys sang and wrote music for others. I realized I really loved the Byrds back then. I liked the Turtles and the Zombies and of course many of the English groups but not so much the Beatles. Don't ask me why. I was a Rolling Stones fan. Saw them in concert twice early on, the original group.
Then there was the Monkees, lol. Well that was a contrived group and they recorded and had a tv show that at the time I watched like everyone else my age, lol. I met Mickey Dolenz in Buena Park. I use to go to a private club there that was in the hotel directly behind Knotts Berry Farm. It was called, "City Lights." A lot of the acts would stay in this particular hotel. We had a friend with a membership to this club and she was allowed guests and she took us there often but then my roommate at the time got a job in the hotel awhile afterward. She was a food and beverage manager in the restaurant on an upper floor. They had more of a cafe on the bottom floor. Anyway to make a long story short, boy was I surprised to find out that Mickey was a rude jerk and not that tall. Not like he appeared on the tv but then next to Davey Jones he was a giant. The others didn't come into the club. The rest were all married and asleep in their respective rooms.
I saw other people there from time to time and after awhile they opened the club up to everyone and opened another place downstairs for bands to play as well. I don't know why we stopped going there but we did after a couple of years. It was fun at the time though. I think it was because I was getting up at six AM to ride a bus to Laguna Beach for work. I worked for a production company that was short lived.
We put on a fair in Huntington Beach called Fest Awe Faire over Labor Day weekend of that same year. I was too busy to worry about nightclubs. I was interviewing singing acts and such although one of them I didn't interview. They were just starting out when punk rock started in NYC. Yeah, you got it, the Ramones. A very obnoxious group of young men who could barely play their instruments but even then they had a sort of following. I guess the object wasn't to be a good musician really, lol. My brother was doing mixing along with Mr. Rissi who at that time was the creator of Risson sound equipment that many bands used. He works in the computer field now. I don't bring up the topic of the Ramones to my brother because it was a bad experience. He almost got into a fight with one of them.
There were other groups there that became notable but I don't remember now. He mentioned it not too long ago but forgot already, lol. Many I interviewed were into folk rock because it was pretty popular at the time. All I remember now because it was a long time ago but fun until this dummy I started to date who was a trainer of an act we had, parked his dang bear that was in an open barred only cage in front of my house near there. I come home and he was waiting but the police had come there because parents complained. You could hardly blame them. This particular bear was declawed, etc. for close contact with people. He did it that once but dang it if he didn't do it a second time, lol...stubborn. When everything was over he went to Texas (He asked me to go but I declined) and the owner of the bear (one of the bears for the series Gentle Ben) went back to Hollywood where his owner lived who was a psychiatrist there. Don't remember his name now either.
A lot happened to me in the 70s that would make a book or at least so some tell me like when I met mob people. There use to be many in Orange county at that time but I don't know now. I know they are in La Costa too. That was another experience for another time. I was doing the metaphysical thing as well so I guess I was pretty busy in all actuality.
I wonder what it feels like to be disliked by a large segment of people on this site? I read comments and journals and I know who they are. It's kind of sad but I guess it can be chalked off to internet intrigue.
I have been in many organizations on and off the net of all different kinds and there are always those "nice" people who everyone sort of dislikes. Yes, essentially they are nice people but when put in positions of power, they are bollox.
I wonder why some think being older would preclude an interest in some of the same things others at least 40 years younger find interesting and wanting to participate? People will talk to me off and on because I don't put my age up usually but I don't hide it and have had the year up off and on. I am so different from my age really except in what I will talk about publically. Mainly sexual matters including orientation and especially on a site that has children. Some people have very bad taste when it comes to that. Saw one person put a fully nude pic of themselves on this site with xxs and stars over stategic spots, small ones too boot. Well it doesn't break the rules but it breaks societal rules I think and this is where I differ usually from most. I don't think things like that are appropriate on a site with children. My opinion, end of story. I am talking about member pictures of this type of themselves.
(Not talking about actual graphics that are artwork and I am not meaning the numerous photos one can find on certain sites that are sexy but actual artwork that have tasteful semi nudes)
Then, there are those that assume if you state you are apart of the vampire community that you are delusional and unintelligent. I beg to differ but what people in this category are is basically, opinionated, drama oriented and elitist. They are and they make me mad many times because the things they dwell upon are things that are really not important most of the time. Therefore, by their own efforts factions and bad feelings are developed when it could be averted. I don't think this will change because unfortunately the bulk of the community like to be recognized as something; active, prominent, a writer with the know, maker of terms that everyone picks up on and quite frankly their own take and rewrite of metaphysics which makes me amused.
I don't drool and I am not a dullard and I am as opinionated as the best of them. I have earned that badge with years of experience. All of this on any level or belief is just the human experience. Most people in their own way are bullies. Some are subtle about it but it is my way or the highway. If one is to say something someone else disbelieves, the usual reaction is to be met with disdain. The thing is a large segment of society, actually most of society, believe in things that have never been proven and are to put it bluntly very fantastic and base it on maybe a limited amount of writing from hundreds of years ago.
There are lots of writings and some older than others but people pick and choose what they wish to believe and it doesn't matter if there is no proof, if enough people believe it then it is accepted and not considered a delusional set of ideas. I find this so funny that society is this way but they are this way and it carries over into little forums like this as well. It is interesting to read where some are coming from but opinions are just that and mean nothing other than to the person expressing them. If others agree it gives the feeling of acceptance. Outside that box it is a mine field.
I am seeing these profiles being made for no other reason than to call people out for raiding parties and other things I don't know anything about. I don't think I want to know about it considering it seems to be a handful of people in a sea of thousands. I wonder why this is going on and why there are so many bad feelings? I have been hit here or there but it seems to come with the territory. I don't know who does it really or what their motives are. Perhaps it is to see who will get upset and who won't. It really does no good to get upset because it won't change anything and it will get you called immature even though the act was enough to give someone pablum.
I really don't want to be any part of this side of VR. I think of this as a place where one can be creative with their profiles. It tends to be difficult because so many are very judgmental about what they should say or be, length, color, backgrounds and the list goes on. It is no wonder it starts people bickering and now it seems to be power struggles. I will sit back in an armchair with my popcorn and watch tv because I have tried to come here to de-stress and not add another stresser to my life that is supposed to be friendly, social and a fun game...geesh.
I agree with you. The best response is no response. Not worth it.
common sense...i love it. :)
VR drama, that's what is happening again!
I don't rate a profile on how it has been made, I rate on the words used in a profile. The profile may be a very pretty profile, but if it hasn't got a basic structure of words in it then it's going to get a low rate from me.
For those interested in autism. My personal viewpoint is this place is a good one to get information.
The Autism Research Institute is located in San Diego CA and was started by Dr. Rimland.
He is the person that started the Autsim Society of America. He was involved with a lot of research dealing with autism. He is now passed. I was fortunate to have met him since I lived in San Diego for a long time. Through this place you should be able to find information and places to donate including his organization. Most of all read and be informed. I know there are many places online and some advertise but they are generally run by lay people who have a child with the disorder which Dr. Rimland had but he was more than that and his organization was recognized to be ground breaking with information. I believe he was a research psychologist. Unfortunately I don't pay much attention to titles really, lol. He was very dedicated.
Here is the URL:
He worked often with the chemist who started the Great Plains Laboratory which is a very sophisticated laboratory for testing. They specialize in autism but they do much more than that.
I have heard the chemist (William Shaw, PHd.) lecture and I know he use to work for the CDC and I don't believe the lab has intention to defraud. The problem I know of is very often some of the remedies suggested when the test finally comes in and not by them but the doctors who get the results don't involve medications but more alternative remedies. This has caused some doctors to lose their licenses, especially some recommending the Dan protocol. I am sure that there are new things now I don't know about because I no longer work in the field and it has been a few years.
There are differences in viewpoints and those that differ have the power to get licenses pulled.
Support groups are fine but where donations should go is to research. IMHO
Read both sites and read the quackery site but I have to say it is the mainstream doctors that are killing people with medications and have a bad track record for diagnosis and get kick backs from the pharmaceutical companies. Sooo, whatever. I have been with families doing chelation with their children and it has helped but what I have seen is that not any one thing ever seems to help everyone...research, research needs to be done. Following is an article from about.com
What Is the DAN! Protocol, and What are DAN! Doctors?
Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) is a project of the Autism Research Institute, founded in the 1960s by Dr. Bernard Rimland. DAN! doctors are trained in the "DAN! Protocol," an approach to autism treatment which starts with the idea that autism is a biomedical disorder. Specifically, DAN! doctors feel that autism is a disorder caused by a combination of lowered immune response, external toxins from vaccines and other sources, and problems caused by certain foods.
What Do DAN! Doctors Prescribe?
In an article called "Advice to Parents of Children with Autism," authors associated with the Autism Research Institute say:
Many physicians do not conduct extensive medical testing for autism, because they believe, incorrectly, that the only useful medical treatments are psychiatric medications to reduce seizures and behavioral problems.
Some of the major interventions suggested by DAN! practitioners include:
•Nutritional supplements, including certain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids
•Special diets totally free of gluten (from wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats) and free of dairy (milk, ice cream, yogurt, etc.)
•Testing for hidden food allergies, and avoidance of allergenic foods
•Treatment of intestinal bacterial/yeast overgrowth (with pro-biotics, supplements and other non-pharmaceutical medications)
•Detoxification of heavy metals through chelation (a potentially hazardous medical procedure)
How Are DAN! Doctors Trained?
DAN! doctors are credentialed medical doctors who choose to attend a one-day DAN! training. There is no further credentialing, testing, or follow up. According to a spokesperson for the Autism Research Institute:
We make every attempt to provide a comprehensive seminar for practitioners teaching them techniques for assessing, testing and treating children on the spectrum using the biomedical approach. We are now insisting anyone on the ARI Clinician's Registry attend at least one training or conference every two years. However, due to the overwhelming legal ramifications, we do not "certify" any practitioner.
We encourage parents to thoroughly investigate the credentials and expertise of any practitioner, but DAN! nor ARI will not police practitioners.
Our medical director, Elizabeth Mumper, M.D., and I are continually looking to improve this situation. However, at present, we do not have the perfect solution.
Why Might Parents of Children with Autism Be Interested in Seeing a DAN! Doctor?
The answer is simple: there are hundreds of parents who claim that their children were literally cured of autism as a result of the DAN! protocol. Whether their claims are absolutely true is uncertain - but there is no doubt that some children have done very well under the care of DAN! physicians and clinicians.
Where Can Parents Find DAN! Doctors?
The Autism Research Institute (ARI) has a list of doctors who have been through the one-day DAN! training. Of course, parents should be very wary, and follow the excellent advice offered by ARI spokespeople regarding selection of a local pediatrician. In addition, I recommend that parents consult with their own pediatrician regarding the safety of any DAN! treatmen and check in with parent support groups to be sure that the DAN! doctor of their choice is really what he appears to be.
I am not advocating this or am I involved with these people. I just know about this from working in the homes. I don't know if they have now gone beyond this or not. There are some who have had recovery with an autism diagnosis from AIT. This is Auditory Integration Therapy. I am a lay person and have been to lectures on this but some time ago and all I can describe it by is that with sound, tones it reprograms the brain. That is the simple explanation, lol. This has worked for some and not worked for others or some have to have several sessions and it's not cheap. I don't know if it is still considered experimental but it use to be and wasn't covered under any insurance. A book was written called "Sound of a Miracle" some years ago and the author's daughter was cured by it because hers dealt with sensory processing but it appears this isn't the case for all. It appears some have brain damage unfortunately but I don't know if it is definitive. It is just an observation on my part that many things can cause certain behaviors and all of them get the diagnosis of autism but the different approaches to the disorder don't work on all. Most have comorbid conditions anyway which makes it difficult.
So this is my 10 cents if you want to read about autism and learn about the conflicts holding it back...the usual...natural treatments vs pharmaceuticals. The latter having more clout because they can get those on the other path ousted by pulling licenses or suing them.
I get so tired of the constant rehashing in the vampire community. I no longer spell the word with a Y because of all the bickering about that as well. Now they are saying only role players use the Y. That is horse pucky. Every couple of years someone gets an idea and voila it becomes part and parcel of convos of nothing more than put down campaigns. Don't people have anything better to do? You think there is drama here...OMG you have never seen the drama of the community.
They are like all groups with wanting that proverbial "no drama zone," which I have come to hate being talked about. It stresses me out and why do I allow that? Because I hold in my anger that after more than ten years on the net they are still debating the same things but new people have come through the ranks and have stepped up to the bar wanting to do things. No one asks, but they just do it and that becomes the end all be all of everything and you see words like prominent and active pop up as if it matters how many gatherings you attend, balls or what have you. It doesn't change the situation that being vampiric is one thing and being social something else.
Now there is a new list of do's and don'ts...what next? Why do we do these things? I guess because everyone thinks the majority are feeble minded.
After awhile I get fed up with it and go off. I should just let them sink into their mire of garbage they are spitting out now and go my own way because I am in those damn "twilight years" and Scarlett, I don't give a damn anymore.
My apologies for the rant. Here is a rose, the smell is so much nicer than all the things I could have said here but I won't be one to bash individuals because they might think differently than I do. After all it is nothing more than a belief anyway and for some a modern religious movement. (not my opinion)
I am beginning to think people who are mad at the world come here. Many of those pulling pranks are not the children here. Sighs
I have been here a few years and it comes and goes in cycles. Consider it part of the game. Yes, we have profiles but because of the type of game it is, we rate those. If they are meant to be brief, then what is there to rate? How old they are, where they are from, etc? Why bother with backgrounds or pretty fonts and the like. Yes some of them are hard to read but so what. You either highlight them or change your computer above 100 percent for that particular profile and why? BECAUSE it is hard to make a decent profile here now. It got too high tech. (IMHO)
Some people are private and others let it all hang out yet they get rated on the basis of the personality of the one doing the rating and their judgments rather than the effort the person put into it. If they know no coding at all, it is going to take more than the few minutes they have to put up their profile to figure it all out but by that time they are probably 5. something because everyone believes they didn't try hard enough. Very often they aren't expecting what they will run into when they start to make a profile. Don't say read the manual because you have to do that later because by the time you do, you have fallen like a rock. Should that matter well those who are above 100 don't think so because they don't have to worry about it really. Others who want to create something get good ratings and belong to a nice coven/house believe it matters. They think it is like a lot of sites that are social and don't realize at first there is a game afoot.
There are a lot of bullies here and people who use their levels as power plays to upset people but get surprised when they retaliate. Not everyone is over 18 and some don't put their ages up and yes, they are going to act like the children they are. Be prepared.
There is a lot of turmoil here most call drama. It seems that certain people get into fights not once but a lot because their names come up over and over. It isn't difficult to get into a situation with someone here because many provoke it. Me, I want to stay out of it all really even though I have had skirmishes, because I don't see the point in analyzing what a profile should be because it should be what each individual wants. It is about them, their tastes and what they want to reveal. If I wrote all the things I don't like seeing on the profiles, I would be writing a book and if I rated accordingly I would have to hide in a trunk to get away from all those magickally appearing 1s.
Why do some of us rate empty places because we don't have the time to go back, we aren't a 100 something level. We give the benefit of the doubt and who cares about portfolios anyway. Most don't have them. It is for the pages, the numbers and that is all it is. Maybe it is a statement they are trying to make or find out something. If they put nothing will they get rated and they probably will because it is those page counts. People will never be on an equal playing field here but that's ok...it's only a game.
Personally I get annoyed with whole profiles of warnings and I hate this and I hate that and if you do this I will do that and usually ends with a 1. To me those are the bullies of the place. Says a lot about the person really. I don't even rate down for that if I don't like it. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and if I get mad and block, it is to quiet the other person and after awhile, it is removed. Sooo what I am saying is I don't come here to get stressed out by everyone complaining about so many things but if that is what people here call fun...well here you go...complaints.
A profile consists of a mini bio and your interests, goals, desires and experiences, likes and dislikes. Some will have all and others just a few. So if they go into topical things that is because it is an interest. If they like to write they may put a poem or some other work on the profile, videos because it is a place to share with others things you like. It is similar to a resume and the one page resume is not considered to be the thing anymore especially now they can be sent over the net.
pro·file (prfl)
a. A side view of an object or structure, especially of the human head.
b. A representation of an object or structure seen from the side. See Synonyms at form.
2. An outline of an object. See Synonyms at outline.
3. Degree of exposure to public notice; visibility: preferred to keep a low profile.
4. A biographical essay presenting the subject's most noteworthy characteristics and achievements.
5. A formal summary or analysis of data, often in the form of a graph or table, representing distinctive features or characteristics: a psychological profile of a job applicant; a biochemical profile of blood.
6. Geology A vertical section of soil or rock showing the sequence of the various layers.
tr.v. pro·filed, pro·fil·ing, pro·files
1. To draw or shape a profile of.
2. To produce a profile of.
Number 4 would seem to fill the bill but expanded since this is a competition more or less. If you don't agree that is fine but that is your opinion and not mine. I don't know why I bother writing about this. Guess one of my flaws is I always have to say something, but rarely get the last word because there are so many others with the same syndrome, lol...Oh well.
There is a whole list of people on a new profile and I don't even understand why but I can tell the person who created it is upset and I am sure there is some reason and I know it has to do with rating...really gets people into a tizzy.
The bottom line is this, you cannot please everyone...period.
There's a nut in every crowd. Guess the name fits. Just for fun I guess is the name of the game, lol.
OR perhaps it is someone in disguise. Leaves a bad taste in the mouth doesn't it, lol.
Nothing to cry over...been there, done that. Just goes to show the nature of some.........
Sooo, I am going to be posting articles here and there about unusual things happening, etc.
Going to lunch today actually to celebrate my birthday which is actually Monday but hey, everyone wants to do something on the weekend and not on a weekday. It is fun but birthdays are getting old and I mean that literally. :)
From what I know this was not the Atlantis.
Have you considered Avolon. It was covered by a vail of mist and would appear every seven years or so.
Also Atlantis had many sub cultureals away from home. That was to ensure their knowledge would never be totally lost.
I really did love your write up. I could not have done better. Great job.