im learning hebrew i chose hebrew because its not really a dead language but its is the oldest language that is still used today ive learned how to sing a few songs my fav being deliver us from the prince of egypt ofra heza has a beautiful voice.
Yaldi hatov veharach
Al tira ve’al tifchad
Yaldi zot mineni tekabel
Rak sikuy lehinatzel
La’el shuv etpalel
Ho eli
Hoshi’a na
my good and tender son
do not be discouraged and do not fear
my son you will get this from me
(english version of song say I have nothing to give)
only a chance to be saved
ill pray to the lord again
oh my lord deliver us
I still wont be on as much as i was wih school being back and all soon but hey its all good... as for t update i started july 8th...i took my second shot on the 22 ill take the third on august 5th after that its every week as for changes my skin as declared war on my face (great complexion love you to) and alot of people have claimed that my voice has dropped a littel i dunno i cant quite hear it to well anyway more later