i feel faboulous now sorry i havnt been on in a long ass time been kinda busy with school back we had to do this whole contraversy thing cause i took my first shot at 10 am and because of that every week i have to take it at 10 meaning that sometimes it will fall during my school days but we got it straightened out they tried to say that i couldnt do it but the rules states that as long as i have a prescription they have to let me. Ive had my social worker come by a few times i think they all suspicious about this but oh well i doubt they will move me since im so close the legal age and most likely they wont find anyone else to take me. as for physical stuff its been good havent been sick to much still fighting the war of acne, but other than that pretty smooth pretty smooth
I took my third shot on Aug 5th, i take my 4th tomorrow actually i get to start takeing every week now so yay it will go faster...eh ive been really sick recently i cznt keep much food down but this was expected its my body trying to fight back all i have to do it win the fight...when im sick all diets are off because its like i need nutrition so ill eat anything i can keep down (soup and cheese sandwichs mostly) ive started back at school just thought ill type this out first see you laters