Insanity is moving about within my thoughts, deeply, darkly, shamelessly I devour every word with my wicked tongue.
A rose is but a rose
from a bud it has
become more than just a rose to me.
As red as the sunset or a blushing bride to be.
Aw how I love thy sent
it’s perfume brings to my vision
an arrival of beautiful bounty.
A feast upon my vision of flower and bud
that can not compare to any other
than that of summers air.
The whispering of voices long forgotten
echo through these walls.
Shadows dance on candle flame
flickering casting ambience across this tomb.
Feathers a flutter
as a raven flies into
the darkened chamber,
leaving screeches in the mind.
The full moons ray
alums above this rotted chamber,
dust fills my lungs
as my breaths become
a labor.
These are of darkened times
within my chamber,
I circum to kneeling in prayer
to my forgotten Gods
and angels of old.
This is the Devils damper
his night of laughter,
as he sets out into the shadows
into dancing,
his shadow movies
with every flicker of the flame.
Voices calling from behind my bowed head.
It causes pain to vibrating
down my spine,
as demons howl and growl
at my bent head.
I can feel their serpent tongues
licking at my soul,
leaving wounds to bleeding,
and the apple of my eyes flicker within their shadows.
As dawn approaches with a red fog,
that moves up the harrison
of the shores of my own hell.
I speak in hushed tones about a shadow of a man.
He creeps and stocks my dreams,
in shadow and is like steam.
He is a vampire to me.
Bats, and screams,
ghoulish He seems fangs,
and bangs at my window pane;
leaving his mark,
now I felt no pain.
He leaves with glowing eye’s
a ghoulish smirk and ghostly spark.
You'll find me under his might,
as his clock whips by my windows screen.
I wake to find He was not a dream,
he stood over me with a gleam in his eye.
Oh these hands of mind
torn and worn over hard times,
I work them to the bone,
until their raw and red;
bleeding out before me.
I'm a poet lost in a long forgotten time,
when ink made words,
and stained paper into books.
Like a press my fingers relaxed
stained with ink,
I sat and spelt my ink.
Such a flow of words to show,
written by hands tried
and dragging
lacking at most,
lacking in time,
as the words were never mine.
Once a rose radiant and arousing
now she's nothing but illuminated,
within my thoughts of love, and lost kiss's.
My Amanda lost but not forgotten,
for the taste of her passion still beating for my passions.
Kiss's still engraved in thoughts and memories,
of long ago.
By her name love does sebastian
and of certain lovers this heart still remains.
Though blackened and bruised this heart arouses like freshly blooming roses.
Upon her breast I do lay to rest all my passions,
as I am to her last breath my passion rises.
Ode to my Amanda a rose amongst thorns,
thy passions bled for me so long ago
as thine kiss's were swept up into the wind.
Ashes to ashes thy kiss's sweep no long do I weep, for my dear Amanda I have never lost my heart's contentment after our meeting.
Amanda meaning of such a name is Love, or to be loved.
I wrote this poem when I was about 8 years old this was my second poem I ever write.
Written when you were around EIGHT? Oookay...
Nice poem though!
There was a screenplay written about the name Amanda and so most of my poem came from an idea I had having reading the screenplay. My mom wrote it down for me at the time, plus I couldn't write but I could talk. LOL
Tis a mystery of mysteries
thy heart is eternally within my own,
Beating atpase of my own.
Aching breaking is my lovers passion,
upon thy lips of dying embers.
Yet of the sweetest tasting wine is thy lips.
I lay with thee with flowers of death
roses slowly slowly decay
turned to ash and dust with just one kiss,
from thine own blackened lips.
Death is such a departing moment a time of longing for thee,
My passions dying with the passing of thy last breath.
Tis a token a moment to be taken with ease.
As our hearts decay together!
Born of earth moon and star,
we are the kings of the universe,
from the heavens we have fallen
leaving life where we settal.
We the creators of words and speech,
Aw what wonders we beseech
With tongues of rod and sin
all falls within.
Our dead are decaying in wooden boxes
deep within the rotting earth.
We all become part of our beginnings
a rebirth within the earth.
Reborn into earth moon and star
dust are we from the start
till the end comes to consume from within,
we go back to that which we remember.
Where it all began among the stars!
Thy soul shall find itself alone
'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tombstone
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy:
Be silent in that solitude
Which is not loneliness for then
The spirits of the dead who stood
In life before thee are again
In death around thee and their will
Shall overshadow thee:be still.
The night tho' clear shall frown
And the stars shall look not down,
From their high thrones in the heaven,
With light like Hope to mortals given
But their red orbs, without beam,
To thy weariness shall seem
As a burning and a fever
Which would cling to thee for ever.
Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish
Now are visions ne'er to vanish
From thy spirit shall they pass
No more like dew-drops from the grass.
The breeze the breath of God is still
And the mist upon the hill
Shadowy shadowy yet unbroken,
Is a symbol and a token
How it hangs upon the trees,
A mystery of mysteries!
- Edgar Allan Poe
"Men have called me mad:
but the question is not yet settled, whether
madness is or is not
the loftiest intelligences."
Born of stains and dirt
spider webs within the main arteries of your heart.
Coughing up dust
as your coffin led slowly opens to the light,
hearts always go in vein.
Your last rights are said in hate.
Smudged on faces of mourners passing by the coffin,
waiting for the moment,
when your eyes open,
just to find nothing remains.
Such a beauty hangs in my night sky.
I have a love like no other;
she is of black embers, dusty, and polite,
she glows all night in her ethereal orbit.
As she smiles down at my,
I leap for joy to see her glow.
In her spotlight I will flow,
with her beams I love her glow.
I'm a ghostly presence lurking in your mind.
I stock and creep
slowly I seep
into the mud we call life.
My coffin has decayed
my crypt full of dust
my heart has cobwebs in all it's main arteries.
My mind a predatory beast
always looking for a feast.
My mouth full of fangs
like my soul it feeds off your flesh.
Yum! I love the taste.
My vampiric soul feeds off the living
sucking, sipping from it's main artery.
Life is such a vamp it sucks and sucks until nothings left.
I will never be dust for I live past this hallowed ground.
For beyond my death I have found life,
it's my tomb.
Leave me
Leave me
here in the gloom
nothing but darkness between these two hearts.
Passions rise and fall
like stars in the heavens we all must fall.
Nothing but ash.
Blood and sweet
bone and grinde
life is here to take us to our graves.
We fight it's boney hand
as life means to grab
all we fight to safe.
Death is nothing but an escape
from lives foot falls and it's decay.
I am nothing but one soul in a sea of many.
Hell is nothing but your worst nightmare coming true.
Life is but a dream within a dream.
Lets live like the dying do have no regret, let go of all your garbage and bagedge.
Recycle your lives
Love only for this day
Be happy for today
and move on to tomorrow
your future is but a step away.
As you hear the echo of your past slowly walking away.
Beating it's last breath gasping for air my heart just lays there.
It has been decades sense I felt anything.
I have made my aspirations let go of all I regret.
Now all that remains is decay and dying desperations.
this is my own personal hell where my soul lays in it's crypt.
Ashes are my fears for nothing but death lies here.
My coffin led has been opened;
I have freed myself from my own skin.
Now all that remains
are my fangs,
and the truth as set me free.
Let me be a chalice of hope,
a black winged Angel
here to be your guide.
Let me help you be free from your chains,
and the bondge of skin.
With my razor tongue
I cut and lick at your wounds.
As infliction sets in.
These thoughts cause a feeling of angst a foreboding of doom.
As death sets out upon our land consuming all who live here.
The shadows alum taking shape of all we fear.
It consumes shadow, ghosts, God, and life.
We feel it’s breath breaching, reaching out beyond the grave.
It gravitates to the living looking for a feast.
When it has consumed all, death leaves without hast.