1. Pain in your head.
Pain in your head, like headaches and migraines, can be triggered by the stresses of day to day life. Be sure to take time out of every day to relax. Do something that eases the tension.
2. Pain in your neck.
Feeling a pain in your neck? You must have kids! Just kidding. Pain in your neck is an indication that you may be having trouble with forgiveness of others, or even yourself. If you’re feeling neck pain, consider the things you love about yourself and others. Consciously work toward forgiveness.
3. Pain in your shoulders.
Pain in your shoulders may indicate that you’re carrying a real emotional burden. That’s where the saying “shouldering a problem” comes from. Focus in on some proactive problem solving and distributing some of that burden to other people in your life.
4. Pain in your upper back.
If you’re feeling pain in your upper back, you’re probably coping with a lack of emotional support. You might be feeling unloved or you could even be holding your love back. If you’re single, it might be time to go for a date.
5. Pain in your lower back.
Lower back pain might mean you’re worrying too much about money or you’re lacking in emotional support. It may be a good time to ask for an overdue raise or consider a financial planner to help you utilize money a little bit better.
6. Pain in your elbows.
Pain in your elbows has a lot to do with resisting changes in your life. If your arms are feeling stiff, it may mean that you’re too stiff in your life. It may be time to think about making compromises and shaking things up a little bit. At the very least, go with the flow.
7. Pain in your hands.
With your hands, you reach out to others and connect. If you’re feeling hand pain, it may mean that you’re not reaching out enough. Try making new friends. Have lunch with an associate. Make a connection.
8. Pain in your hips.
If you’ve been afraid of moving, that may manifest as a pain in the hips. Sore hips could be a sign that you’re too resistant to changes and moves. It may also show a caution toward making decisions. If you’re thinking on some big ideas, it’s time to make a decision.
9. Pain in the knees.
Knee pain can be a lot of different things, but it can be a sign of a big ego. You might think that you’re a little bit too awesome. Humble yourself. Spend some time volunteering. Make sure you remember that you’re mortal. You’re just human.
10. Pain in your calves.
Calf pain is likely triggered by emotional tension of some kind. Stress may also be the culprit. Jealousy may be causing your sore calves too. It might be time to let go of something big.
11. Pain in the ankles.
Pain in your ankles may be a sign that you’re depriving yourself of pleasure. It may mean it’s time to indulge a little bit more. Spice up your romantic life a bit.
12. Pain in your feet.
When you’re depressed, you might feel some foot pain. Too much negativity can manifest in your feet not feeling so good. Look for the little joys in life. Find a new pet or a new hobby. Look for joy.
I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from.
Captain America