So its been another day at my old job, well not a whole day i really couldn't be bothered to go at 10am, even tho i dont have set hours and could literally turn up any time, i thought around 11:30 this morning would be good enough.
Got caught up playing Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, lol yeah im a gaming nerd go figure. Uploaded a video saying ill be away for a while on my youtube channel, as i am having some financial issues currently.
Day went pretty much like any other, hard tho work with your ex lol, kinda just small chit chat with each other avoiding any lengthy conversations as not show that you care too much lol.
Used the company internet to download a movie, and Warehouse 13 Season 1 and 2, just watched the first 3 episodes before coming on to write this.
Did some work today on re mapping some links and script work on 491 products from the website the guy, fucked up before me. Fixing it isnt going to be the quickest thing ive done in a while, and most likely will take most of Monday to do.
Oh yeah the claim of medical negligence against my mother and the doctors that worked on here during here last week alive, is going through it looks like, they did fuck up because they took to long to notice the infection and may have been able to save her or at least treat it a week before they did.
So i can be looking at anywhere from £5,000 to £250,000 pounds that's nearly half a million for you U.S.A folks, so who knows i could be rolling in the money in the next few months lol, we will have to see i have a meeting with solicitor on Wednesday to discuss the matter further.
So guys that's all for today , as for the rest of my night probably gonna watch some more warehouse 13 lol :D
Its no suprise that i dont write alot here, i myself find it hard to keep to one place unless something draws me to it constantly but unfortuantly that doesnt always stop me from roamng the dark forrests of the internet.
Eventually i always find that i had a good thing and let it go, and come crawling back on hand and knees begging it accept me back.
Works differently when it comes to sites like these, in harsh reality i find the comfort that i need on a daily basis in sites such as this, not for the fact i can chat to people but i get to read stories, poems peoples lost thoughts and simple lives, that makes me realize that the world doesnt hate me personally. It genrally hates every one :).
So yeah back for good... who knows things seem so miniscule in the madness that is life.
So on to what i wanted to talk about, people that changed my life in a bad or a good way.
So if your here then thanks for making a difference in one way or another.
Rosemary Anne Morgan - Mother
Tho it does not feel like a year has passed since you died, i have felt every single momment your not here, to advise my on my decsions, to help me in ways only a mother could. But this isnt about transgressing into the sadness, but to thank you for teaching me how to be the kind hearted, gentle man that i am today, for the adivice you gave me to the laughs we had. You changed me for the better.
Ronald Bryan Morgan - Father
In ways i hate you still, for destroying my view of life, from when i believe everything was perfect and nothing could be wrong in this world. That day i saw you cheating on mom, was if you had dragged me from the clouds of my imagination of the world to the hard ground of what life was really like. Thou things you did change for me, were you worked all your life for us to have things that you wanted us to have, that you devoted your time to making us well off in a sense. That you taught me, no matter how bad life gets protect your self and others and do not be bullied in thinking you are weak. Stand up for what you believe in and never hit a women (:D).
Diana Martin - Ex Girlfriend
Tho people would wonder how somone can fall in love 1000's of miles away and that it wouldnt work and be fake. I didnt care what anyone thought everything in my heart i felt was completely real. You are my lost love and inspiriation on my life, to be spontainous to take every day as if its your last and make your mark on the world. Times lost and re found. As heart breaking as it is your the perfect Women that could have ever been made for me, nothing i have had since you has come close to the happiness i had when i was with you. Seems fate like to take away the things we love the most and when you try and get it back its like tugging at an inmovable wall. Thank You
Sam Sault
Thanks for making me believe that some people on this fucking planet are there for you only for them to turn there back on you and forget everything youve ever shared, all your hopes and dreams of becomming something together thrown into the rubbish, beacuse you cant handle the shit ive gone through and find me too needy for your likes. I only hope the time comes when youve felt the pain ive felt and want somone to be there for you only for them to turn there back on your and leave you alone, maybe then youll relise what you did to me. Oh btw FUCK U BITCH!
Matthew Morgan
My brother, hmm cant say hes taught me much more, the fact ive learnt how to be there for family in there time of need, and how to make the best out of a fucked up situation, no matter how bad things god me and you charged in head first to fight it together, tho now we dont speak much or see each other much, i can atleast say when i need help i know youll be there for me, as will i, brothers to the end!
Thats about it, there are small people that have made a difference in my life, but only small difference the people above have made me who i am today.
From not knowing and hiding in my imaginations, to knowing real love, and betrayl. For all the good and the bad, im here this is me.
Jonathan J Morgan
I'm glad to hear that you're back for good, man. About friggin' time lol.
Awesome read here by the way. Very moving. Very powerful. It's odd how so much stuff leads the the 'next chapter' in our lives, huh?
*big giant hugs*
23:36 Sep 17 2011
I hope they pay out the ass to you!