Life seems to be getting better now. Things are falling in place for me getting rid of old rubbish in my life that was pulling me down.
Seems that path is clearing and im seeing what i can be for the first time with clear eyes. I dont care what others think anymore what ever anyone says they have problems too its just the way they deal with them.
This girl makes me happy just hope this last beacuse i really dont want to go through getting hurt again seems that the only feeling ive had these past months is pain and im ready for something new :)
So you see my mom died and this has allowed me to see who are my actual real friends who actually cares and the ones that just pretend to care.
Call me a melodramatic i really couldn't give a shit to be honest, but people really need to get there own shit together before they start messing with other peoples lives.
Over the past few weeks, people say they are going to be there for you, they love you that they care about about you, only for you to know they dont, its just meaningless words that come out of there mouth like an auto pilot. Then when you get close because of these words they realize they dont mean them and then you get hit down with an almighty kick in the fucking balls.
And you feel not only betrayed and hated, worthless and pathetic... more in the words of HATRED and the feeling of everyone who has ever hurt you needs to feel the pain you've felt over and over until there minds collapse under the guilt.
This isn't about anyone on here, this is my life this is what im going through and dont fucking bother replying with "it gets better in time" "you'll be OK" take them words spin them around and shove them right up your ass because there a load of shit.
Luv you all