This was written by my friend, Baron Wulfstan Egweald of the Kingdom of Atlantia (Society for Creative Anachronism)...When he recited it around a medieval bonfire, he spoke it from his soul. I felt at that moment, that I had been transported across centuries.
A Vampire's Lament
by Baron Wulfstan Egweald
I'm in command of all I survey
The Darkness is my domain
Enshrouded by fog I make my way
Among the crypts and corpses slain
On wing of night and wispy fog
The cobblestones, with blood, run red
Foolish Mortal, you'll die like a dog!
Dare you to stand against the Undead?
A thousand years upon this Earth,
cursed from the morning of my birth
O' the stories I could tell
Living an existence of blackest Hell
Shades and shadows my only friends
A thousand years of tortured dreams
The wounds of ages...only time mends
And nothing is ever the way it seems
I've seen the Invasion of Pevennsey
By Duke William of Normandy
And I've seen King Henry, stout and pure...
Defeat the French at Agincourt
And I've seen... Swords, lances, spears and shields
Give great steel beasts upon the fields
And in this folly that man calls War,
I've seen the destruction of a billion score
Man is stupid...foul of deed,
But blood is blood, and I must feed
Now I am weary, I seek my final end
And my eternal foe, the Sun, has now friend