I've really tried to put this off, but it seems that it kinda needs to be said. I'm a member of many other communities, online groups and a creator of a few networks myself. I've NEVER seen one as bad as the Dark Network however for the bitchiness, the drama and the gossiping that goes on here. Friends being added, friends removing you, once you've added them. People who have nothing better to do than to create CONSTANT drama. Gossip and rumors that fly faster than a jumbo jet. After 2 years on VR, I've kept my mouth shut until now.
Sure, I USED to be one that USED to do that stuff too, and I USED to be the one that got pulled in, but I guess everyone has at one time or another, but those days are way over because I've come to realise that most here are fake friends, are just mere wannabees, and most of all, to me... Just names on the net! But I also have to mention here, that I have had the privilege of meeting some in real-life too from VR. Those people, and you know who you are, are very exceptional individuals. While there's also others that I've never met, but share a true comradeship with. Again, you know who you are.
In Cancer's introduction to VR, he states..
"Vampire Rave is the social networking website for vampires and goths. We are a home for real vampires across the globe. If you're looking for a darker gothic or vampire social network, you've found it.
Vampire Rave was designed as an online resource for the vampire community. Our goal is to catalog everything there is to be cataloged about vampires. This is an immense task and we have a long way to go. With your help we will become the largest vampire database, resource, and community on the Internet."
So without taking away from it's context, if we're here for a common purpose, goal or interest, then why is there so much drama? We've all been members of one or two of the other branches of the Dark Network, be it VR, Blood Feather, Power Punks, Sci-Fi and what not. So, why is there so much bitchiness going on? Sure, some individuals can and are territorial, but hell, I believe VR is big enough for us to stay in our own little corners and reduce the amount of drama. But that's just my thoughts.
I asked a friend about the history of VR as I wanted to include some interesting facts about WHY VR was created. Other than the Introduction on the Welcome page that everyone sees. This was taken from the The History of Vampire Rave hosted by The House of Umbrae Octo. It has some very interesting facts, if anyone cares to read them.
In lieu of this historic part of VR, I never once saw anything being mentioned about territory, drama, gossip, rumors or harrassment. If you don't know someone, don't just presume what they're like by way of assinine rumors and idle gossip - take the time out and get to know that person for YOURSELF... After all, that's the ONLY way YOU'RE really going to find out!
While the Dark Network is a 'home away from home' for many of its members, I'm still amused to see that childish behaviour such as, people creating multiple profiles, and regulars at that, to go to specific people's profiles to rate them a 1, block them and then self-delete before they're caught and suspended. What's the point of that really? To show people how inane you really are? To show that you are a very venegeful person that has really nothing else better to do with your life? C'mon people, wake up, get a grip and ENJOY the services that Cancer has created for us here, and stop being so fucking petty.
YES! You give voice to what the rest of us are afraid to say! I have to agree with you. After ALMOST 5 (yes 5) years here on the Rave, I have seen the drama escalate, and it has not been subdued because other people want to keep the drama going....
I have met people off the Rave as well, and some of them are great, and others It was a one time thing. People need to actually talk to get to know one another.....I mean fuck....
*applauds very loudly*
I have felt the same way over the last few months. I even self deleted and was away for four days straight. But yet, I come back just to torture myself a little more. I ask myself a million times, "Why?" I would like to think we live in a perfect world where everyone got along and there was no violence or racial/gender/religious intolerance. But that's not the case.
There is always those few fucktards (you know who you are) that have to go and ruin it for everyone else.
Comes with the territory I suppose. As an ACM in De'Morte I dealt with scrutiny from all ends, and of course those who though a 1 rating had more power than it actually did. This didn't shake me, it idn't piss me off- it made me laugh instead. What can these people do exactly more than play games on a website? Nothing, that's what.
Very well-said.
I add by commenting here that I am guilty of such and attempting to change as it be.
If you do not mind, I would like to direct my Journal Readers to this Entry.
MisFitChick423 - That's so true. It's even escalated since I first joined too. It's truly sad to see as the more seasoned members of VR SHOULD see themselves as an example to the newer generation of VR'ers. It's a pity they MISS that aspect though. *SIGHS*
VenusFire - Yeah hon, I've been tempted to do the same thing too, but then with the love and support of TRUE friends that I have here, they've always helped me to see the BIGGER picture. To those, I thank dearly. But, why let the children win, when we can surpass their games?
BlackenedxWings - I know what you mean. As a previous member of FD yourself, you know how things have changed. You're so right, 1 rates and blocks really don't make all that much difference when you've worked so hard to reach where we all are today. What they don't realise is that their childish games, ONLY MAKES US STRONGER... *GRINS*
xxKontradictionxx - Yeah hon, I won't say that I'm totally innocent either, because I'm not. In the PAST, I have to confess that yeah, I used to get so caught up in it all, but as stated above, those days are long gone - contrary to popular belief. I've learnt from my indiscretions and I even matured somewhat in most aspects, LOL... Oh! And thanks for the courtesy of asking via email first. Go ahead hon. I don't mind at all, in fact that would be great. Thank you hon, I wish more people had your courtesies.
You are most welcome my friend (and I have always considered you such). It's the caring and love of true friends that I came back. Glad you are still here as well. I don't think VR would be the same without you hun. I mean that in a great way.
VenusFire - I've always regarded you as the same, for in my eyes, you're a good friend, a great coven member, a hard worker and one of the rare people on VR that are TRUE to both yourself and to your friends... Thanks hon for being one of mine.
Makes sense to me...I often wonder why some people here are such shit disturbers.
Luckily - with one exception - I have yet to encounter any real drama here.
you are right of course... let the pretenders feel your might and smooth sailing... the price we pay to be what we are will never be understood by the shallow. Let them founder... I hunt bigger game than them.
very well said. I agree with you 100%
i couldnt agree more, this site was desighned for people who felt like outcasts and for others to be part of somthing also. but i think its very ungratful to treat a service such as vr as a childish playground! people need to realise that most of us are here for a certain understanding of ourselves...aswel as to make new friendships and memories. maybe people need to realise the harm they are creating and be abit less self centered. because at the end of the day alot of us here only have each other.
Thank you for your kind Words, Aracon, you flatter me.
I am making the effort to learn and grow.
Sometimes I slip up, but I admit it even in my Journal.
Day by Day, and it's getting easier and better.
It's easy to get drug in, easy to get bogged down, some will never look beyond their own selfishness and stubbornness to look in that rhetorical Mirror for once...
Me and my husband have been talking to each other quite a lot about the drama, gossip and bullshit. We joined two years ago because it looked like a fun place to interact with people who had similar interests to ours and above all else there was no judgement of so-called odd behaviors. He left the site for about a year and came back around Thanksgiving to pettiness, vindictiveness and back stabbing. Gossip and rumors run rampant and people are no longer free to speak their minds without being lynched(cyber), you get the point.
I don't really know what else to add, I guess I just wanted to chime in and add my cent and a half. I don't know where it stops. I am tired of seeing the game playing and the endless "new" profiles that so obviously aren't.
Thank you for the informative journal entry.
See, you have the key. You aren't part of the problem because of personal maturity. You will surround yourself with people who are like-minded. I gotta say, over in my little corner of VR, it's pretty drama-free. Why? Because when you walk through a field, it's a good idea to look down every now and again to see if there are lumpy brown spots to avoid. If so, a quick course-correction keeps your walk happy and poop-free :)
so true...the drama here on some peoples part is just ridiculous..some people come online here and let authority they have here goto their head...some abuse the power that others earned and try to do right with...and once youve made sire, there are no apparent rules or consequences (such as purgatory)...i have another profile that is a sire, and i have been here 5yrs also..ive had drama from people i dont know, never talked to, been blocked for asking simple questions,.... for biting or stamping....things that are PAID priviledges..if ppl dont like the little things they should go back to myspace and leave this site for people who have a true interest in alternative lifestyles...were not for the fad driven, body glitter wearing twillighters..
very well-said; I'm laying to my own Field that is relatively (with some exceptions still as I stumble and grow) poop-free.
*walks thru the daisies smiling(
VR was def a "home" for me for almost 4 years before I got fed up with many of this issues you talked about. But now after a rather long time away I'm hoping to get back here and have a peaceful online life with all the folks I've come to care about on here and with my responsibilities.
Always glad to see how other members went from taking part in the drama to rising above and making VR a better place.
Well said Aracon :)
as you probably know hon, I am a woman of few words, I choose wisely and stay as far away from drama as I possibly can! well said hon.
This a good journal Aracon!
I am loving it.. Balls to the wall
No hold as the truth be told.
*Sniffs... Ohh Yeah!*
I can smell it now ..... My dinner.
Make it nice or make it twice.
Burn my steak and pay the price.
Joli was riight .. and wrong..
..how can you watch out for **it, when the [people around you are still dropping it?
{{I too think this place has changed radically, in the last year, or so.}} been here 5 years.