I bore a hole
My heart is wounded
I'm alone, My life denied
staring at the world with frozen eyes
Wondering why?
I have to prove I'm alive
With a pre-throught
Or a Dime
I don't want to prove that I'm alive
I just want to live.
I walk the sky
embrace it's void
lay my head on the clouds
and dream of them
I chase the birds
and caress them
grow wings to be like them
for I've never felt like a human.
Art lives in us all
dwells in the soul
always wanting to come out
to play it's tune for the world
a fit of music,perhaps a word
an image, with colors absurd
take a pen,a paintbrush,a string
fashion a masterpiece worth believing in.
Four Walls
I am in between
Exits are neglected
Suffocating eve
Fifth wall is the ceiling
the cap on the box
the sky is invisible
suffocating locks
Sixth wall
the floor
where I stand I die
I bury myself in fur
but agony survives.
Alas I've been deserted
abandoned here to die
I feel I've been forgotten
I try in vain to cry
Without a voice to hear me
without a soul in sight
I lay in the night
and give up on life.
Eternity,Waking upon it's wings
I call a name
To see if I am heard
Perched upon the spire
Black expanse beyond
I sit and wait for answer
Great wide world outside
Looming high above
The spine of Stone
The Wings of Gold
I spread my wings
And Into Eternity
Gargoyles Hear My cry.
I wish I had a haven, I wish I was alone
I wish my tears, flowed into the fray
Interwoven with the flame.
Burning brightly for all eternity.
Oh How thyne flames have spread,flowing to endlessness
riding a dream, I take thee to thyne ashes this day
And walk in your tears, Damp is the ground
Dry is the air, I take thee to thyne Ashes
To show you I care, As the flames spread
As Eternity burns, Let us walk into nothing
Into Thyne Ashes, to the worms.
We walk Eternal,Walking Corpses without vanity
Shall we look at the mirror now?
What is the body without a soul,Walking mindlessly To the depths of our graves.
Vanity becomes the undoing, The Soul trapped within Mindless Drones Concerned with Vanity, Rot in Fear.
I tend gardens,Wilted gardens
petals strewn about the ground
like they were never there
should it help to care?
for stems so dry and corrosed
or the venom of the bloom
should they be swept up with a broom?
for my heart is a wilted rose
decaying without a cause
my kinship with the dead is much too strong
so I tend wilted gardens.
We live in vain,pointless lives filled with pain
Filling our blood with hatred and rending,
tasting the coldness left inside, Without a place left to hide,Beauty and Love Become Arcane, The Coldness looms and Becomes the main,Morbidity is born within the soul, defining that which makes us whole. The kindness once bevy, now seems void.
huddling in a corner in the wretches of our mind.
We've become dead inside.
And who's to blame?
Let us weep,Let our tears freeze
Let our tears become the ice
let the polar bears frolic upon our tears
let their fur wallow in the breeze
let them live in peace, away from people
away from harm, to escape the evil that is man
and to foil man's extinction plan.
Let us write a song
write it's music,write it's words
Let us Write all day long
till the song is in our ears
till we feel it in our tears
till our heart is falling.
Twice O'er The ore, The Happy Digging Boar
Twice it keeled o'er eating corn
Digging a hole this morn
It doth lie in forever.
A Creature born of malice and greed,
it's fingers touch it and implant it's seed,
the seed evil, the seed of death, a
pebble that that reduces flesh to ash,
The Destroyer of earth, the seed of man.