On this day, I get to be afraid. I get to be selfish, and I get to think beyond tomorrow.
On this day I have woken up, stepped outside my door, and went through my actions.
On this day I inhaled and exhaled regularly, showed my mask, and played the actress.
On this day I was... as ever other day I have been.
Twenty Four hours of routine scheduling, of making other believe I am okay
But soon it shall not be as such.
Soon my world will crumble, and I will forget how to walk
I will forget how to breath, to sleep, and my mask will break.
On that day... I will no longer exist.
Everything I do brings me closer to a single day.
Where everything I know and cherish will be taken away.
And There is nothing I can do about it.
On that day, salvation will be lost and Karma will rear its ugly head.
But where will I be?
Time is an un-hindering force from which our lives are built around
yet I will be freed from its loop, I will no longer be bound by the hours.
I will be free...
Within me I beg for freedom to stay away, and yet every action I take moves me towards it
I do not want this
I do not want any of this
I want you to stay...
Selfish greed pulses within and yet it is tamed by duty and love
Please do not leave... but I will help you to go.
Forever trapped within this nightmarish conflict
My heart will beat for naught but you.
I will not fail you
On this day... I will fight for you
On this day... I will help you through
And on that day... I will pour my soul along your ashes
And continue on until my last breath.
18:44 Apr 16 2011
truly beautiful display of thoughts and feelings
06:37 Apr 24 2011
Thank you truly :-)