I sit in a seat on the train
with my back to the drivers
cab, as is my wont; and, I’ve
found myself sitting opposite
an inquisitive Thai child of
two and a half all in pink,
who has a penchant for nasal
inhalers, shoving first one,
then another, where the things
go, including her mother’s,
who sits in the window seat,
this sunny Sunday afternoon
in June.
Every one …
Watching the young blue-tits fledge from the nest is a testament to motherhood: as she waits and persists and cajoles, each chick from the nest. And, she’ll do this as the best has left, encouraging the others one by one, including the small one that had fallen, not flown. And later, entering the lounge, I see the folks standing there, staring out, at a young fluffy Tit, looking from the verge toward it’s Mother, still on the wire above; calling out to it as it goes hops from bush to bush; and as it goes from a spindly tree to the pavement outside, my heart stops a moment. But, Mother Nature cannot abide the intervention of Man, I remind Dad, as he wants to intervene. And then, it is gone. Into the bushes next door perhaps? We can only hope, as we do for the one last chick that she seems to think is there, will also make it, like it’s brothers and sisters. And now, as our day progresses, we pass through from the lounge to the kitchen, hovering by the doors between the two. And, for a moment my Father and I share, news of what we have seen: me? The last chick that’s left, which had popped it head up just a little earlier and him, the three or four he saw fly much earlier that morning, an hour or so after the dawning. Then as my Father sat to eat his lunch and listen to the news, he indicated the Mother who was on the fat ball, which it rarely does, not bothering about the nesting box. And, that seems to indicate, he says, that either that last one has flown, or it’s there dead at the bottom of the nest. And, such is their fight for survival and flight.
Mum looks at the side
of the cupboard, where
she has turned a page
on the calendar and now
three small, yellow
ducklings on the wall
all fluffy an all, stare to
their left and my right
and something well out
of sight, with the words
of Confucius below it:
‘Look for the small things
in life to bring joy.’