I eat little meat now, and my gut is better for it: veggie scotch eggs, generic veggie sausages [found some i like]
I have recently learnt to love cheese n onion spread
[mayonnaise based, never knew i liked mayonnaise].
I have it, or coleslaw with every meal - good for the gut.
I also like eggs and fish, of almost any kind.
Saurkraut and pickled onions and beetroot, also work for me.
I spent three days eating my homemade soup made to similar to the pea and ham my builder made and brought round for us both and did some sterling work for me an all,
There had been an egg butty first time he called... first time, for anything at 'lunchtime'... But, it was... an egg sarnie... with white bread an all... So, Richie's got me into egg sarnies.
tho the shop one's are not as nice as his
I've only recently found out some of my family still quietly favour Ian. He's in Australia, tho he got a friend to goto the countess hospital, then goto Brimstage, then where he is now, just to check on him, for Ian.
Tony likes me calling round with him, to see his mum. She has dementia, but nowhere near as bad as dad. i said, we'll call round for half an hour, okay? he had acceded.
Coz i like her company, aleit she rambles as much as me,
I saw Dad on Friday. Tony had been feeling rough, but he'd still taken me.
The girls had got my Dad to the quiet room, where we had sat for nearly an hour, me sitting before him in a wheelchair, semi-lotus.
The black lady in the room opposite had been ranting in khosa, which I had recognised, from working with a South African theatre group.
Turns out her name had been Khofa and she was manic, but went quiet and was great with Dad, after she realised he was my dad, using the word famille a few times.
Dad was distant, much of the time, yet she had got a smile off Dad, as did I just before I'd left.
I had stroked his hand and told him I'd see him next week, or so and, got a smile, from the Father that I remember.
As I left the carehome, the staff had listened to me, when I'd suggested a med Dad used to take, in preference to the once that he had been issued with.
25th Decemer I was woken by my stalker. The phone rang till i rose, then it went dead...
Richie had called round and been a pleasant surprise, as I opened the front door standing in my blue and slightly tired looking robe, He had been off to his family christmas, tho had stopped off to drop off a card to me, which I'd appreciated.
Thankfully I found my false teeth, which I thought I'd lost...
I'd made a meatball casserole for dinner, then while writing had decided upon an ostrich burger... simply because I like them and the casserole can wait a day.
After two morning of legal problems relating to Dad, I went to the doctors to request needed meds and then went shopping, as I felt hungry for a change.
On my return I had checked the phone, to see if anyone had phoned. One number had stood out as one I should know, so I'd rung back.Initially I's spoken to Laua, a carer looking after Dad, then abruptly found myself talking to the care home mangager, who was sonerous as she had spoken.
“You do have a do “no resuss order of Brian, don't you?” I'd been asked.
“Uh uh,” I'd conceded, prior to unpacking my groceries, unaware of what to do next.
I took a cheese n onion pie - a Co Op cheapie, from the freezer.
I did not like the one i had bought earlier, 'damn gingsters'.
The coleslaw does its job and I'm going to the toilet most mornings.
{I still recall the phonecall to the carehome as i listen to the end of a story, when i'd spoken of dad with laura, prior to the manager taking over the call, to tell me dad is no eating or drinking. He won't live long. I hated being told
the obvious}.
After hearing of my dad I decided to see him, as richie had worked away, just going to say 'hello' to my dad.
Tony had been willing to hold my hand, which I was quite thankful for. He'd not been eating or drinking, I'd been told.
Pouring down on Saturday, so richie did not call, to do some work for me. So,
after doing quite a lot the day before. I sat and wrote...
Early Sunday July 6th dad fucked the lawyers up by dying early, the will now takes precedence, i think almost like he wanted to eff em over!
I felt totally devastated. He died with a pretty hca holding his hand as I had on the prior Friday...
He had known me, reached out for me... and, that had made my day that day, even when he had lightly smiled and said to me, 'Ni ni'.
The next week, Friday had been a good news, bad news sort of day.
ah... wrong order.
Tony was a no-show and I had spent the day on the phone trying access dad's death certificate.
I had been exhausted at the end of it and slept well, much of the day. I had found an email off ian [he's awake] and quite probably screaming blue murder, after reading the one I had sent to him, previously.
Mine had been about his was about the will, i had noted prior to it's deletion.
All he effin wants is the money...
I am so darnn pleased right now dad changed his will it's unreal.
Shine... I had acxtually thought better of him, well shine, that'll give cousin Karen something to talk about.
From the little I had read, his interests had been quite apparent, money.
I got sent a package it arrived, but not here I live on Brookhurst Road not Brookhurst Road a social website put a call out and a taxi-driver responded saying he knew me.
I went shopping, calling there on the way and picked it up.
I feel more overwhelmed as I realise how much have to do. I have homework for sunday off her and the code on saturday. Then monday i ring levers and try and contact the dole. funday Monday...