Nov 23 2007
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Email to Self
hello baby nice to meet u. am Daniel am 22 a nigeria am a student into law am cool and gentle which has give me good identification with all my friends out there. baby am single on ther right time of life to got married, i saw ur pic and profile they look good to me and i admire it so u must be like a garden angle u sat on the lords side . baby i want to to be a close friend of my so i need u most around me and everything am doing here so baby i wish u look into my heart and see the amount of love i have 4 u.the sea of the water can not be equated to it nor the sand of the earth. so baby consider me and feel me am a cool gentle young guy as i have early said to u i want al my love to u to be proved. to u all i have will be and one love 4 ourself.
baby girl all word re not love but all love re word as they say in a popular maxim. i met what i say and do want i think from my heart. f love is taxed i could have been the heighest tax payer just to have and obtain ur love permission in my heart and to secure a place in ur heart 4 me as a resting place.
so baby u re everything u mean the world to me. u 4 ever
from Daniel Blacky Robert
thanks am here 4 u.
Please be advised that I do own the copyright to all of the pictures.
The only people that are authorized to
copy / paste any of these pictures are Jason and Khayman for reasons that they already know.
On a lighter note, these will eventually get themselves into my portfolio. However, I put them in my journal because I feel they have a slightly better clarity here.
I hope you like!
I'm redoing them to make them bigger. I didn't like the small sizes.
This is the link to all of my engagement pictures. If you would like to see them, you will have to register on the site. It's free and you can probably unregister afterwards.
There are quite a few pictures of Alex in there as well. He is so cute!!!!!!!
My photographer put 2 more pictures in her blog. They prompted me to send the following to my family and a few friends:
I know you all tell me how beautiful I am....but you all also know that I'm such an insecure shit. LOL
Julia has such an incredible talent.....And to see myself portrayed in this way shows me what you all see in me. I can not tell you how beautiful I felt that day. It was one of the best days of my life and the pictures show it.
I hope you like them. More to come as I get them.
I love you all.
I added 3 pictures to my portfolio. There is an explanation there.
Please let me know what you think. Thanks!
At this time, in 7 days, I will be in my suite, getting ready for my walk down the aisle. How crazy is that?
For years, literally, I thought I would never get married. I really believed I would spend the rest of my life alone. And at that point, I was almost ok with that. You figure, after being hurt, cheated on, and emotionally abused by various people through the years, it is so much easier to be alone than to put your trust and faith in someone again.
And then HE came along. Boy has it been a bumpy road filled with potholes, twists and turns, and alot of hills and valleys. So many tunnels that I couldn't see the light at the end.
And yet we made it.
There have been many times where I thought we wouldn't make it. Hell, there have been quite a few times where I "KNEW" we wouldn't.
But those things we want the most, are the hardest to get because nothing worthwhile in this life is easy. You have to work for it. You have to compromise. And you have to stick it out through the good and the bad.
Isn't that what marriage is all about though? The sticking it out? Even when you want to punch them? Or maybe especially when you want to punch them. LOL
And yet........
I can't wait.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. It's a beautiful sun shiney day, with rainbows, butterflies, birds singing, and a happy life ahead.