The cat knocked over and broke our Christmas tree last night. She was obsessed over that tree.....gnawed it and climbed all over in it. Surprisingly, none of the ornaments broke. Thank God. I bought a new tree today but won't put it up until I get to Petsmart to buy a spray that can keep her away from it.
Well, I have a new job. I'm working in the Sporting Goods section of Walmart. I actually enjoy it. It's so awesome being out of the house and contributing monitarily to the household again.
07:18 Dec 22 2008
Oooo cat!
12:00 Dec 24 2008
Teehee, animals are funny things when it comes to Christmas trees. I remember my dog lifting his leg and peeing on our tree one Christmas! lol, I never again put up a "real" tree!! Happy Christmas Angel :) xx