On this tombstone I sit, watching life move ever so slowly. By day I slumber beneath this headstone but by night the world belongs to me and my kin. Every shadow, every dark alley, every sound that sends a chill down your spine, this is our gift to you. Tonight like many nights i spend the first hour or so seeking answers to my past. The darkness holds my soul now, unlike before. Before my embrace I was a gentle person. A do gooder. I worked a dead end job as a dishwasher at a run down dump on Wilshire Road. Every day was the same. I woke up, did my laundry, Ate something, then went to work for 9 hours listening to other people's problems and dealing with the stress of little help. I was always the last to go, for I always helped who ever happened to be closing. Never did I get a thank you, Never did I get what I deserved. Then one night all that changed. A beautiful lady walked in. It was raining and she wore a long trench coat. Nothing out of the ordinary on such a night. But beneath the trench coat she wore a provocative leather suit. Complete with Stylish leather boots. She got a table by herself in one of the corners. Then three burly guys came in after her. They got a table near her and ordered their food. They were loud and complained about the food. It wasn't cooked right, it looked horrible, it smelled funny. Then when it came down to them paying they pulled out guns. The biggest of the lot started making demands. But I couldn't make out what was being said. I tried to get a closer look when I heard gun shots. I felt a stinging sensation in my chest. I blacked out for a second. When I opened my eyes there was the beautiful vixen sitting over me. She was smiling. She whispered into my ears, "If you want to live I can save you but in return you will obey me without question. Do you wish to live?" I nodded my head in compliance, how could I not want to live? That was the only thought that came from my mind before she bite into my neck. At first there was tremendous pain then there was nothing but bliss. Absolute tranquillity in that kiss of death. I died that night. The following night and every night thereafter I've been following my Mistress. But I begin every night on this tombstone.