How can people cope when life is so hard
Many times I find myself wondering,
Do we have to be strong
or is it just something we feel we need to be
to deal with everything.
I'm strong but when it all comes down to it
what do I really have,
A job that doesnt want me
Men that see a sexual joke
Friends that could live without me
Family that doesnt understand me, but sticks by me anyway.
I'm not a negative person. Just find myself wondering everything at once sometimes.
03:14 Feb 09 2011
I sometimes wonder about those same questions too so you're not alone...
My advice is to hang in there. Find something just for you, something you don't have to share. My "thing" is roller derby. It may not be your thing, but it makes me feel needed, I get support, no judgments and I've made some really good friends from it.
Life will get better, trust me :)